Top Pocket Knives by Spyderco

Spyderco is a company that is well known for their unique knives. They have done everything that they can in order to make pocket knives that are unique and that can stand up to pretty much anything you need it to stand up to.

The company was started with humble roots – they weren’t looking for money or fame, they just wanted to be able to develop knives that worked well and that would stand up to the elements. Their knives are definitely strange looking, but if you’re looking for something that is comfortable in your hand and that will slice through pretty much whatever you want it to, you need to take a look at the different Spyderco Pocket Knives that are out there on the market today. Some people have asked the creators of Spyderco if they developed their knives in the dark because of how unique their designs are when compared to some of the others that are out on the market right now.

reviews of the top knives by spydercoIn this brief article, we’re going to give you a look at some of the most popular types of Spyderco knives that are out there. Since the company started, they have developed over 80 different types of knives, and they’re always adding more to the collection. These four are head and shoulders above the rest, and if you need a knife that is going to be flexible and durable, you will definitely want to see what we have to say about the best Spyderco knives.

PictureModelPriceBlade Length (inch) Weight (Oz)Blade MaterialOur Rating (out of 5.0)
[easyazon_image align="right" height="160" identifier="B00190Z118" locale="US" src="" tag="astraightar0d-20" width="250"][easyazon_link identifier="B00190Z118" locale="US" tag="astraightar0d-20"]Spyderco Bug SS Slip Joint Plain Edge Knife[/easyazon_link]$1.300.43Cr134.7
[easyazon_image align="right" height="220" identifier="B00K3AO6S4" locale="US" src="" tag="astraightar0d-20" width="220"][easyazon_link identifier="B00K3AO6S4" locale="US" tag="astraightar0d-20"]Spyderco C101PDBL2 Manix Pocket Knife[/easyazon_link]$$$$3.372.9CPM S110V4.5
[easyazon_image align="right" height="69" identifier="B001RAX6VC" locale="US" src="" tag="astraightar0d-20" width="230"][easyazon_link identifier="B001RAX6VC" locale="US" tag="astraightar0d-20"]Spyderco Ladybug 3 Plain Edge Knife[/easyazon_link]$$1.9386VG-104.5
[easyazon_image align="right" height="75" identifier="B005DMFJCE" locale="US" src="" tag="astraightar0d-20" width="250"][easyazon_link identifier="B005DMFJCE" locale="US" tag="astraightar0d-20"]Spyderco Des Horn Smooth-G-10 Plain Edge Knife[/easyazon_link]$$$3.112CPM-S30V4.4
[easyazon_image align="right" height="250" identifier="B00O55B98I" locale="US" src="" tag="astraightar0d-20" width="250"][easyazon_link identifier="B00O55B98I" locale="US" tag="astraightar0d-20"]Spyderco C186TIP SLYSZ Bowie Folding Knife[/easyazon_link]$$$$$3.424.3CTS XHP5.0

Top 5 Spyderco Pocket Knives Reviewed

[easyazon_link identifier=”B00190Z118″ locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]Spyderco Bug SS Slip Joint Plain Edge Knife[/easyazon_link]

[easyazon_image align=”right” height=”160″ identifier=”B00190Z118″ locale=”US” src=”” tag=”astraightar0d-20″ width=”250″]#1The smallest knife in Spyderco’s line of knives is the Bug. The Bug is a unique little slip knife that fits into a folder but don’t let that fool you. The blade is stainless steel and razor sharp, so it’s as versatile as it is small. The edge rarely needs to be sharpened, but you can do so easily. Because the Bug is such a small knife, Spyderco has included a hole where you can fit it onto a keychain or some other mechanism. The joint edge is the star of the show, however, because it holds the knife in place without a locking mechanism.

[easyazon_link identifier=”B00190Z118″ locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]>>Check price and more reviews<<[/easyazon_link]

[easyazon_link identifier=”B00K3AO6S4″ locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]Spyderco C101PDBL2 Manix Pocket Knife[/easyazon_link]

[easyazon_image align=”right” height=”220″ identifier=”B00K3AO6S4″ locale=”US” src=”” tag=”astraightar0d-20″ width=”220″]#2The Spyderco Manix Pocket knife is known for its leaf-shaped blade. This blade is flat and it is great for those camping trips that you go on where you end up needing a knife that can work with any situation. It flicks open fast with a switch of your wrist, and they’re incredibly light, so you don’t have to worry about it weighing you down or stressing you out while you’re using it. The Manix is a great tool for whatever you may need to take care of, so you definitely want to check it out and see how it can benefit you.

[easyazon_link identifier=”B00K3AO6S4″ locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]>>Check price and more reviews<<[/easyazon_link]

[easyazon_link identifier=”B001RAX6VC” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]Spyderco Ladybug 3 Plain Edge Knife[/easyazon_link]

[easyazon_image align=”right” height=”69″ identifier=”B001RAX6VC” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”astraightar0d-20″ width=”230″]#3The Ladybug is a very useful little tool, and it was named for the little bug which is very useful to people as well. The tool is quite small, so you can put it on a keychain or somewhere else that it is easily accessible. No matter what sort of cutting chores that you may have, you’ll be able to pop it open with the round hole function, and you can open it in whatever direction that you need it to be in. The small size doesn’t stop it from being versatile, so it’s definitely worth taking a look at if you’re in the market for a new knife.

[easyazon_link identifier=”B001RAX6VC” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]>>Check price and more reviews<<[/easyazon_link]

[easyazon_link identifier=”B005DMFJCE” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]Spyderco Des Horn Smooth-G-10 Plain Edge Knife[/easyazon_link]

[easyazon_image align=”right” height=”75″ identifier=”B005DMFJCE” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”astraightar0d-20″ width=”250″]#4The Des Horn Folder is an incredibly sleek little item that has a variety of different techniques and tweaks to it that makes it really simple for you to use it for any purpose. The top of the blade is incredibly sharp, which makes it simple to you to take care of whatever problem that you may have. The handle is comfortable in your hand, and the locks that hold it in place when it’s open can be adjusted and worked with if you need it to do something different that requires it to be in a different position.

[easyazon_link identifier=”B005DMFJCE” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]>>Check price and more reviews<<[/easyazon_link]

[easyazon_link identifier=”B00O55B98I” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]Spyderco C186TIP SLYSZ Bowie Folding Knife[/easyazon_link]

[easyazon_image align=”right” height=”250″ identifier=”B00O55B98I” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”astraightar0d-20″ width=”250″]#5The Spyderco Bowie Folding Knife is a knife that is meant to be taken out of your pocket, whipped open, and used as soon as you possibly can. The handle sits in your hand comfortably and the curve feels almost natural, which is something that Spyderco is well known for. It comes with a pocket clip and it has a low profile, so you don’t feel like you’re carrying a heavy knife and other people won’t be startled that it’s there in your pocket. Check it out and see for yourself how great it is for you to try out for your own needs.

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