Finding yourself a hobby is a great way to get a break from a day-to-day routine. Luckily, there’s a huge variety of options when it comes to escaping the pressure of your chores. 

We all have a certain way of relaxing. Some are really common and popular among many. Others don’t get the attention they deserve. Let’s address the latter.

For some, fishing is a boring and obscure activity. For others, it’s a meditative and soothing downtime. It is true that good old fishing is losing its appeal in the eyes of the new generation. 

But don’t you worry, it is far from forgotten. In fact, it’s doing fairly well, all things considered. 

If you want to socialize with fellow fishermen and prove yourself to the best in the business – here are some of the biggest events in the US you should visit.

SAF 2020 High School National Championships

If you have to pick one event to attend this year, it has to be the student angler federation national championship. Pack your gear, get a bunch of friends together, deal with your study load. 

This event will not leave you disappointed. Outsource pending papers to an online service like EssayService Company and make sure everything is neat and cleaned up before you go.

There will be over 70 SAF events with a collectively expected attendance of over 30000. State championships among students will culminate in the national competitions. 

Prizes are up for grabs for the best anglers. It’s a perfect opportunity to spend some quality time outdoors doing something you like with a bunch of like-minded people.

2020 Carhartt Bassmaster College Series

Another organization that is hosting major fishing annual tournaments is the Junior B.A.S.S. Nation. These guys unite a multitude of junior clubs under their banner. 

A variety of categories will not leave anyone dissatisfied. Whether you come alone or with a team, you will always find something to do.

  • Classic
  • College
  • High School
  • Kayak

And more categories are waiting for you to sign up.

And of course, don’t forget about the price pool. A modest entry fee makes sure the best of the best get properly rewarded. If you just don’t like competitive fishing, now is the time to start liking it passionately. 

Get your gear and prepare to climb all the way to the first place. Anyone can take the prize home. But be warned, your competitors will put up a worthy fight.

Phoenix Bass Fishing League – 2020 – Lake Lanier

If you’re seriously thinking about making it to the big league, PBF is just the right option for you. An insane prize pool is just the icing on the cake. 

The real prize is a $5,000 scholarship to a school of your choice. An unusual way to get yourself an education, but if it works, it works. Be sure to put your game face on. The tournament is going to be serious.

Be sure to read the rules twice. It goes for any fishing tournament, but this one especially. It would be a real shame to be disqualified for breaking some rules. 

Especially if you were sure, you were going to win. Otherwise, just queue your training montage. And don’t forget to take care of your studying. Your mind has to be on the prize, not on some assignment you forgot to turn in in time.

Wrapping Up

Fishing as a way to relieve some stress is alive and well. A variety of big and small organizations are taking good care of this activity and related competitions. 

Regardless of what you want – to spend a quiet day alone or compete on a world level – the opportunity is there waiting for you. Relaxing outdoors is a great and healthy way to dilute the office routine that is so prevalent nowadays.

It’s a way to have some quality time regardless of whether you prefer fishing alone or with a group of friends. The process itself is pleasant enough, but it can also become a medium to build bonds and relationships. 

Just remember to pay attention to your local fishing laws. Getting in some legal trouble is definitely not the kind of adventure you would want for yourself.

So don’t hesitate to invite your friends and family to join. Whether they are new to fishing or experienced veterans, whether you caught anything or not – you’ll be able to spend some time together. And this is priceless.

Regardless of whether you want to compete or just have a good time in a company of friends or family, fishing is a great hobby. It’s not for everyone. But if you haven’t tried it yet, it’s definitely worth to have a go. 

Worst case scenario, you’ll waste a weekend. Otherwise, you’ll get hooked (no pun intended) instantly. Good luck!