squirrels Archives - A Straight Arrow Everything on Archery, Hunting, Outdoors Wed, 30 Oct 2019 11:45:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://astraightarrow.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/cropped-favicon-arrow-jpeg-32x32.jpg squirrels Archives - A Straight Arrow 32 32 Best BB Gun for Squirrels https://astraightarrow.net/best-bb-gun-for-squirrels/ Tue, 21 Feb 2017 06:16:34 +0000 https://nqo.psw.mybluehost.me/?p=3452 When it comes to BB guns, there are several different types of caliber. They can range from 0.177, .20, .22, to .25 caliber with 0.177 being the most common. If you are looking for the best bb gun for squirrels, however, the 0.177 caliber may not be enough. A 0.177 caliber may be sufficient enough […]

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When it comes to BB guns, there are several different types of caliber. They can range from 0.177, .20, .22, to .25 caliber with 0.177 being the most common. If you are looking for the best bb gun for squirrels, however, the 0.177 caliber may not be enough. A 0.177 caliber may be sufficient enough for birds, but when you are going after squirrels, then a little more power may be needed for it to be effective.

When hunting for squirrels, you may also want to consider getting a scope. If you are using a spring piston gun, the vibrations can damage your scope. A rifle powered by CO2, a pre-charged pneumatic, or a pump-up pneumatic gun does not have to worry so much about the vibration affecting the scope you are using.

An air gun, or BB gun, is a good option when it comes to hunting small game or getting rid of annoying pests on your property. Before buying your gun though consider the following:

  • How accurate and powerful is it?
  • Is the ammo affordable and readily available?
  • Is the gun made from high-quality materials?
  • What kind of caliber are you looking for?
  • Can you add a scope if it doesn’t already have one?
  • How loud is it going to be when you shoot?
  • How much trigger time will you have?

1. [easyazon_link identifier=”B00QXW3876″ locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]Benjamin Trail NP2 Air Rifle[/easyazon_link]

benjamin trail np2 air rifle

The Benjamin Trail NP2 Rifle is made of wood stock and includes a 3-9×32 scope and mount with rings and Benjamin sling. It has a nitro piston, or gas piston, which allows for smoother cocking and shooting, no spring torque, no spring fatigue, lasts longer in colder weather and lasts a lot longer than a metal spring. It has a light trigger pull and a lot less noise than other nitro powered rifles.

Key Features:

  • Nitro piston
  • Single-shot
  • Manual safety
  • Ambidextrous synthetic black hole stock
  • Recoil pad
  • 10-pound reduction in cocking effort
  • 15% faster and double the effectiveness in the shooting range
PriceWeightMax VelocityLoudnessPowerplantCaliber
Under $250.008.3 lb1400 fps2-low-mediumGas piston

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2. [easyazon_link identifier=”B004WMFX22″ locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]Gamo Big Cat 1250[/easyazon_link]

gamo big cat 1250

The Gamo Big Cat 1250 is a 0.177 caliber single-shot air rifle with four times the magnification and 32-millimeter objective riflescope. It has a single cocking system with non-slip checkering on the grip and forearm. It has enough power for small game hunting and has the all-weather synthetic stock to the bull barrel. It allows for more precise shooting and better accuracy. It is perfect for shooters who are either left or right handed.

Key Features:

  • Two stage adjustable trigger
  • Manual safety
  • Single-shot
  • 30-pound cocking effort
  • Includes scope and mount
PriceWeightMax VelocityLoudnessPowerplantCaliber
Under $150.006.1 lb1250 fps4-medium-highSpring-piston0.177 cal

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3. [easyazon_link identifier=”B004V958U8″ locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]Crosman Nitro Venom Dusk Air Rifle[/easyazon_link]

crosman nitro venom dusk air rifle

The Crosman Nitro Venom is made using high-quality components that are performance and quality tested. This rifle includes a 4×32 mm scope from the center point and is ideal for small game hunting and pest control. It is nitro powered with no spring torque or fatigue. The 0.177 caliber should be enough to hunt squirrels, but anything bigger than that may require a .22 caliber. Gas pistons provide you with consistent power every time and never fails to deliver.

Key Features:

  • Gas piston
  • Weaver rail, no open sights
  • Single-shot
  • Muzzle brake
  • Ambidextrous synthetic stock
  • Dual raised cheek pieces
  • Includes scope and mount
PriceWeightMax VelocityLoudnessPowerplantCaliber
Under $160.007.4 lb1200 fps3-mediumGas-piston0.177 cal

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4. [easyazon_link identifier=”B0024XEXQS” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]Gamo Whisper Silent Cat Air Rifle[/easyazon_link]

gamo whisper silent cat air rifle

The Gamo Whisper Silent Cat Air Rifle comes with a 4×32 air rifle scope with rings which helps to make hunting and to improve your shooting accuracy a lot easier. It also has a non removable noise dampener that reduces noise by up to 52%. It is high-powered and is ideal for small game hunting and pest control. It is made of a durable all-weather black synthetic stock which makes it durable and tough and can withstand even colder weather.

Key Features:

  • 30-pound cocking effort
  • Fiber-optic front and rear sights
  • Two stage adjustable trigger
  • Break-barrel action
  • Manual safety
  • Increased accuracy
  • Reduced noise
PriceWeightMax VelocityLoudnessPowerplantCaliber
Under $150.005.28 lb950 fps3-mediumSpring-piston0.22 cal

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5. [easyazon_link identifier=”B000YAXRJC” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]880 Powerline Air Rifle Kit by Daisy[/easyazon_link]

880 powerline air rifle kit by daisy

The 880 Powerline Air Rifle Kit by Daisy comes with a scope and is a multi-pump pneumatic air rifle. It is made of a molded, wood grained Monte Carlo stock and forearm. It can use 0.177 caliber BBs for semi-automatic firing or the same caliber pellets for single shots. It has a 50 BB shot capacity. The Daisy Powerline also comes with a receiver made from engineered resin and features a dovetail mount for a scope.

Key Features:

  • Multi-pump, pneumatic action
  • Single-shot pellet or 50 shot BB
  • Crossbolt trigger
  • Rifled steel barrel
  • TruGLo fiber optic front sight
  • Adjustable rear sight
PriceWeightMax VelocityLoudnessPowerplantCaliber
Under $60.003.7 lb750 fps with BBs, 665 fps with pellets3-mediumMulti-pump pneumatic0.177 cal

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6. [easyazon_link identifier=”B007H8FNSM” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]Ruger Air Magnum Combo Air Rifle[/easyazon_link]

ruger air magnum combo air rifle

The Ruger Air Magnum Combo Air Rifle comes with a 4×32 scope and mount and is made of an all-weather synthetic stock with Monte Carlo stock rubber recoil pad. It is a spring piston that is perfect for hunting small game, especially with the included scope to help improve accuracy while shooting. This rifle can take down any small-sized game with a single shot.

Key Features:

  • Break barrel
  • Rubber recoil pad
  • 2-stage adjustable trigger
  • Fiber optic sights
  • Adjustable rear sight
  • Weaver scope rail
  • 42-pound cocking effort
  • Ambi Monte Carlo stock
PriceWeightMax VelocityLoudnessPowerplantCaliber
Under $200.009.5 lb1400 fps3-mediumSpring-piston0.177 cal

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Large caliber guns shoot at a higher velocity which makes it a more humane way to hunt squirrels that may be in your area. You will get a further distance and better accuracy when it comes to hunting with a scope as well. When finding the right gun for hunting small game, always keep in mind the noise level that the gun will have as well. If it is too loud and requires a lot of reloading, then you will most likely scare off your target before you can get in your shot.

More Guides: Best BB Guns for Kids

The post Best BB Gun for Squirrels appeared first on A Straight Arrow.
