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SURVIVAL KIT LIST: The List  Of Life Saving Items

equipment to get by in any adventure

Remember the time tested saying: IT’S BETTER TO HAVE IT AND NOT NEED IT, THAN TO NEED IT AND NOT HAVE IT !!! For more info check out BestSurvival.

  1. Leave a written “PLAN”of your hunt/trip information with friends and family, in the event of an emergency. Provide dates, locations, (hunt units), including departure and arrival. If the “EXPECTED” happens, then someone will be looking for you and they will know where to look.
  2. Clothing / durable pants / gear for the conditions you are inDesert region:long sleeve shirt, wide brim hat, plenty water, ice, and ice chest. Winter Conditions:warm clothing (wool, fleece, thinsulate, gore-tex), gloves, blankets, etc.
  3. 2 Flashlights, portable GPS (map capable), lots of extra batteries, compass, maps. Cell phone with portable outdoor charger (charge 2 go), vehicle charger. If you are on a wilderness hunt and you are 10+ miles into the woods, the possibility of getting lost or injured is significant, look into buying or renting a satellite phone/accessories (means of charging), your call will go through.
  4. Every hiker and hunter should know the importance of having wire cutters in your toolbox, that will help you to cut any wire.
  5. Alternatively, consider getting a compact citizens band (CB) radio. In case of accidents, medical issues, and other emergencies, the police still scan Channel 9 on the CB radio to check for emergency communications. CB radios operate even without mobile reception, so they’re an excellent option for survival communication.
  6. Also, a VERY IMPORTANT piece of equipment; a PLBor “personal locator beacon”. This device will allow SEARCH AND RESCUE TO LOCATE YOU. Go to The PLB info page.
  7. Fire Starter Kit:Flammable Tinder: (cotton balls soaked with real petroleum jelly stuffed in film canister), char, chaga tinder, Fire-Piston, 2 butane lighters, stick matches, 4+ qty. 5 inch candles, magnesium/flint ,‘blast-match’, road flares, small magnifying glass.
  8. First Aid Kit, 2 space blankets, knives/sharpener, leatherman type multi-tool, rope, parachute cord (50 ft. each), small saw, small folding shovel, metal cup (cooking), lightweight rain poncho, large plastic tarp, 3ft. siphon tube. 3 sm. snares, 2 lg. snares, portable fishing kit.
  1. Water Treatment:survival drinking straw, portable water filter, SteriPEN water purifier, Kataydyn “Vario” Water Filter, water purifying pills, gallon ziplock bags (waterproofing), toilet paper, soapy wet-naps (dozen).
  2. 3’X 3’ Blaze Orange signal cloth, signal mirror, orange smoke canister, road flares, whistle, sunglasses, writing materials, pen/pencils, mini notebook on survival tips( use of snares, traps, food gathering, water procurement, shelter building, etc).
  3. Money:$20-$50 stored into your car kit or back-pack. If you were stranded or have to walk out of the bush and you need something to eat and drink, you have the means to buy.
  4. Food: Not only your day lunch, but what you pack in case you’re out overnight, or several nights; granola bars, candy bars, jerky, bouillon cubes, etc.
  5. Water:pack in more than enough water; carry more than enough water during day trips, know where water sources are in your hunting area, mark them in your GPS.
  6. Remember,in a hunting situation, you will have your hunting clothes on, your weapon with you. Keep all of your gear with you, don’t start shedding and throwing away gear in an emergency situation. Your hunting backpack will weigh 15-25 pounds. GET IN SHAPE AND EXERCISE BEFORE YOU HUNT.
  7. COMMON SENSE:If it looks like a storm – don’t go. If it looks too dangerous – stay back. If it’s getting dark – go back to camp. By KNOWING YOUR LIMITATIONS and AVOIDING POTENTIAL HAZARDS,you increase your odds of your outing being just that, a good day out.
  8. Hazard suit: If you work at or reside near a nuclear or chemical plant, or if you’re a trained rescuer, you might need this as mishaps involving biohazards are not impossible. When it comes to preparation, it’s crucial to invest in a durable hazard suit because a single unexpected puncture to an entry-level suit could compromise health and safety. You’ll never know when you need a hazard suit, so it’s best to keep one handy.

Survival And Disaster Preparedness Is A Must 

Whether you’re creating a survival list for a camping trip, your home, or even your commercial establishment, careful planning is crucial. Aside from the survival items listed above, there are many other things you need to prepare to ensure safety and survival when disasters like fire, vehicle crash, natural calamities, and even acts of terrorism occur. You also need to hone your survival skills whenever possible.

Apart from skills, you need knowledge of your environment. Whether indoor or outdoor, you must know every inch of the location like you have a map printed in your head. Unfamiliarity can make survival so much more difficult. 

During disasters, the first order of business is to keep yourself safe. Only then will you be able to help those around you who need help, if any, with the help of your life-saving items.

These survival kit items will fit into a back-pack for hunting or small carry-on type suit case for the car. When traveling far, throw the survival kit into the car, buy groceries, store in an ice-chest, with a couple of cases of water. When you get to destination, and back home; bring in the water and groceries for home use, nothing goes to waste. Better yet, Keep a survival kit in your car permanently. Just rotate (and use) out the food and water.


Additional info: click here or here Sparkrock

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