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Prepare Yourself For Mountain Climbing With These Tips

There are so many places to explore in this world, and some of those places aren’t just in the next country over – they’re on top of the world. Literally. Mountains offer you views for miles around, and getting to the top of that mountain is one of the biggest physical challenges you could ever put your body through. Those who make it to the top of mountains are people with stamina, determination and focus. It’s not just mental stamina, either. It takes a toll on a body to climb a mountain, to brace those heights and to breathe thinner air – all for accomplishing something amazing.

From learning to build your front delt muscles so you have enough upper body strength to pull yourself up one of the biggest things in the world, to knowing how to pack, mountain climbing isn’t something that you just decide to do. You need to train for this so that you can get it right! Below, we’ve got some excellent tips to help you to prepare for your mountain climbing adventure. 

Get Training

Most people assume they can pull on some walking boots and go when it comes to going up a mountain. You’re wrong: you’ve got some work ahead of you! You need to train and you need to train hard. A mountain has different terrains, you may need better upper body strength (hence the delts!) and you need to consider that you will be doing this for hours on end. Training in the gym with treadmills and stairmasters will help to strengthen your legs and weight will help to get your heart rate up and get your blood pumping.

Walk More

Pull on your boots and get walking and do it EVERYWHERE. Leave the car at home and walk the mileage to work and add in an extra walk every evening, too. It’ll be a strain on your body, sure, but it’s going to build your stamina right up. 

Pack Correctly

You’ll be carrying a rucksack up the side of the mountain and it’ll have everything that you need to survive up there. You can get carried away, but you shouldn’t. Bring layers, as you can get too hot, too cold and too wet all in the same trip. You also need to make sure that your boots aren’t brand new – you need to break them in! Pack extra socks, water, sunscreen and a torch with spare batteries. Bring a thermal water bottle with you, too.

Spend Time Preparing Mentally

Positivity is key when you climb a mountain. This needs to be something that you don’t do entirely alone – just in case – but you should be prepared properly. Put together a playlist and pack a powerbank for your phone so you don’t lose any charge.  This is a mountain, not a hill, so get yourself prepared!

Enjoy Yourself

Reaching the summit is the goal, but it’s not all about the goal. As cheesy as this sound, the journey up a mountain is as important as getting to the top!

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