Chapter 53 of title 21 in the Oklahoma statutory law books lays out the rules on possessing knives in the state of Oklahoma. Chapter 53 covers not only carrying knives but also wearing and selling weapons along with manufacturing. There are certain knife styles that can neither be concealed or openly carried. That information can be found at 21-1272 (The first day of November 2015 removal of the switchblade knife from the list of prohibited weapons became effective):

Unless otherwise allowed pursuant to this section A, the following list of weapons is unlawful to carry within close proximity or directly on your person no matter if the weapon is unconcealed or concealed. This statute applies to any offensive weapon including, metal knuckles, Billy, Sword Kane, bowie knife, rifle, revolver, shotgun or pistol regardless if they are loaded or unloaded, hand chain, loaded Kane, Dirk knife, and any dagger.

There is no actual guide to clarify or define the differences in certain types of weapons that may actually have a style that may be legal in some way or another. Possessing any of the weapon styles mentioned above on the grounds of schools is deemed felonious and punishable by law. 21-1280.1 Exceptions may apply elsewhere in the statutes so it would be wise to explore further before possessing any of these weapons.

No critical dimensions have been noted.

No concealment issues are presented.

The first day of November 2015 the statutes that are applicable to these Oklahoma knife laws and are effective statewide.

Information that has been presented is simply a summarization and not as a definitive legal advice. Providing legal services is not the intent for our brief synopsis here. None of the information presented creates any type of legal relationship whatsoever.

This information that is presented as a brief description of the laws and not as any kind of legal advice. will not and cannot be a legal service provider. The use of the site does not create any sort of client/lawyer relationship. The knife laws are interpreted differently by prosecuting attorneys, enforcement officers, and judges. suggests you consult legal counsel for further guidance.

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