It is important to note that the Constitution of the state of Mississippi, USA, both recognizes and preserves the right of all individuals to bear and keep arms. The state recognizes that each citizen has a right to bear and keep arms in defense of self, a property, a home, and if there is a civil need for the arms to be legally summoned. However, it is important to also note that while these allowances are seen, the legislature of Mississippi state may prohibit and/or regulate the carrying of any concealed arms.

MS Const. Article 3 & 12

The laws of Mississippi state regarding possession and carrying of knives can be found in Chapter 37 (weapons and explosives) of title 97 (crimes) in the state Constitution code.

According to Mississippi legislation, there are no forbidden or prohibited knives.

According to Mississippi legislation, it is a violation to bear a concealed dirk knife, butcher knife, bowie knife, and/or switchblade knife.

(1) Concealment does, however, have specific exceptions under the code in 45-9-101 that typically applies to only pistols and revolvers. According to this code, an individual who holds a concealed bowie knife, butcher knife, switchblade knife, dirk knife, blackjack, pistol, revolver, metallic knuckles, et cetera, and attempts to assault another individual with the weapon will be punished upon conviction.

(2) The aforementioned section will not be a violation for any individuals over the age of eighteen years if the weapon is concealed within a personal property, the individual’s own place of business, or on any property related to the individual’s home/business, or in a motor vehicle.

(3) The aforementioned section will not be a violation if the individual, when carrying a concealed deadly weapon, is engaged in a legal weapon-related sporting even or is about to engage in this type of event. Sporting events of this type will include hunting, target shooting, fishing, and any other activity involving the use of deadly weapons or firearms.

(4) For the purposes of this particular section, the legal definition of ‘concealed’ is to hide or obscure from observation. Concealing arms do not include any weapons listed in the subsection (1) and is not limited to loaded and unloaded pistols encased in a sheath concealed on the individual’s person. The weapon is not limited to a belt holster or shoulder holster partially or completely visible; as well as, weapons contained in scabbards that are partially or completely visible.

Miss. Code Amm. S 97-37-1

The exceptions noted in subsections (2), (3), and (4) are not unimportant and must be examined. In many states, the possession of a knife within motor vehicles will constitute carrying a concealed arm; however, in the state of Mississippi, this is not noted. It is also important to note the exception for legal weapon-related sporting activities. Finally, concealed in Mississippi legislation does not include the dirk knife, the bowie knife, the butcher knife, or the switchblade knife contained within a sheath or scabbard wholly or partially visible.

Constitutional law for the state of Mississippi also indications it is a violation to exhibit intimidating behavior using weapons as indicated under section 97-37-1.

Details of S. 97-37-1:

A minor may not possess or carry deadly arms as identified in S. 97-37-1(1). There are no exceptions to this ruling.

Arms are not permitted on educational facilities. S 97-37-17.

Statewide Preemption:
Yes to firearms as statewide preemption. No regarding knives as statewide preemption. S. 45-9-51.

Critical Dimensions:
Not applicable.

This information that is presented as a brief description of the laws and not as any kind of legal advice. aStraightArrow will not and cannot be a legal service provider. The use of the site does not create any sort of client/lawyer relationship. The knife laws are interpreted differently by prosecuting attorneys, enforcement officers, and judges. aStraightArrow suggests you consult legal counsel for further guidance.

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