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Hurricane Preparedness: How to Prepare for Hurricane Season

Hurricane preparation is essential for all people who live in the danger zone of a potential hurricane. The hurricane season in the Atlantic, Caribbean, and Gulf of Mexico runs from June 1 to November 30. 

Are you willing to take the steps necessary to survive a hurricane? The best way to prepare for hurricane season is to be self-sufficient and plan. 

How to Prepare for a Hurricane Before hurricane season

  1. Consider moving

Moving doesn’t mean you have to leave the area. Just consider your home’s physical characteristics to see if you can find a better location in the community. For example, if you live on the first or second floor of a high-rise building, you’ll have to move between floors three and ten before the water rises. 

If you live above the tenth floor, you must consider relocating to levels 3 through 10. Mobile home occupants should also move extremely urgently before evacuation is required. If you live in a floodplain, an inland waterway, or along a river, you should think about moving. 

  1. Get your gear in order

The Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1 to November 30 but peaks from August to October. You don’t want to be caught scavenging for gear and supplies. You already have one. If you have a kit, you’ll need to replace expired food and may need fresh water. 

  1. Have a communications plan.

Staying connected in such a situation is a must. If any emergency or critical situation happens, having a satellite phone is the best practice in these situations.

You might be wondering why you cannot plan to use your cell phone during hurricane emergencies. Unfortunately, a common occurrence during a hurricane is compromised internet and phone service. You can rent or buy a satellite phone from here.

Also, make sure you know locations and contact details of an urgent care center nearest to you. You don’t want to have to look for this information when a grave need arises.

  1. Assign a safe place for a meet-up.

Have a plan for family members to meet if your home is not nearby. It could be the elementary school your children attend, your church, or the local library rather than an emergency shelter. 

  1. Know what to do about utilities.

Learn how to turn off electricity, gas, and water in your home. Inform all family members of the procedures.

How to Prepare During Hurricane 

A ‘hurricane watch is issued, which means a hurricane is possible within 36 hours, and you need to prepare for a wild ride. Strong winds and flooding are hallmarks of a hurricane, no matter what category the storm belongs to! Take a hurricane watch seriously. If a hurricane is fast approaching (and you’re not prepared), do these things now: 

  1. Refuel

Preparers never leave their gas tanks less than half full, and when hurricane season hits, this rule is more imperative than ever, especially from August to October. Though inconvenient, make it a routine to have your vehicles ready and ready for evacuation with a full gas tank.

  1. Assemble a seven-day supply of food and water.

In addition to fresh groceries, gather a supply of non-perishable, ready-to-eat packaged and canned foods and a gallon of water per person per day from your pantry and keep them in your safe space. 

You need 28 gallons of water for a seven-day water supply for a family of four. It’s always handy to have a bucket of Mountain House or freeze-dried food on hand. Peanut Butter Pilot Cookies are another excellent stocking stuffer. You may not be able to cook, so pack food bars and ration bars. 

  1. Store bottled water away from chemicals.

Ensure you have stored bottled water away from gasoline, paint thinner, and solvents in places where hurricane floodwater might flow to avoid contamination. Make sure you take water to a safe area of your home. 

  1. Prepare your emergency bags.

You should be fueled up and ready to stow emergency kits in the car or by the door during a hurricane watch. Make one final

check to ensure you have sturdy shoes and the necessary clothing to weather the storm, significantly when the seasons change. 

  1. Decide if you will weather the storm

You may have some time to go during a hurricane, but don’t wait for a hurricane warning to make that decision. Be aware and convey expert help on the news. 

  1. Get a tetanus shot.

Please make an appointment for tetanus shot to ensure you’re ready to go. Many people from Hurricane Harvey were found without hiking boots and around the flood. Medical help after an injury from a rusty or infected object is difficult to obtain. 

What to do AFTER the hurricane 

  1. Start Searching and Recovering Immediately after impact, and if it is safe to do so, it’s time to listen for the whistles of missing persons who may be buried under the rubble.
  2. Prepare for flash floods.

Prepare for flash floods. It’s too late for flood insurance now! If flood water stays around the building, do not return home. 

  1. Beware of electrical hazards.

If you lose power, leave the circuit breakers off while preparing for a flood. Look for frayed wires and call the utility company. If you smell gas, leave the house immediately. Loose Power Lines 

  1. Do not drive through water deeper than 4 inches.
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