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How To Start Bowhunting On A Budget

Many outdoor activities like hunting, particularly bowhunting, can be very expensive. There are so many things you feel you have to have to get started. This can be true but it doesn’t have to be.

Unfortunately, many aspiring bowhunters get frightened off when they do their calculations and think they can’t afford it so they give up on the idea. Too bad they didn’t realize that there are ways to go about getting started that don’t have to cost a fortune. 

There are a lot of ways to save money when you are just getting into bowhunting. And even if you aren’t on a budget it is a good idea to save where you can in case you try it and realize that it isn’t for you after all. 

In this article, I will go over several ways that you can find a bargain and start bowhunting on a budget.

1 – Buy second hand

One of the best ways to save money is to buy second-hand. Instead of going for a new item that is cheap and inexpensive, go for the kind that would normally be top of the line but used so you can spend less and get high quality.

You do have to do your due diligence, though, and understand if something like a crossbow is in good shape or is actually going to be dangerous to use. Take along a person that knows what they are looking at. You may just need to replace a few parts to get it back to being a top-notch crossbow again.

When it comes to other gear, you can also look for things that are used and simply need to be upgraded. For instance, a quiver may just need a metal strap to upgrade the strength if things are a bit worn or the hardware is not the highest quality. In other words, you can make some adjustments to upgrade it and make it an even better and stronger version than it was originally for just a few dollars more.

2 – Borrow from friends

If you are just getting started, you may end up realizing that you don’t actually like it as much as you had hoped. The best way to see if you actually enjoy bowhunting is to go out with your friends and have them lend you some equipment.

You’ll also get a better idea of the things that you actually need and those that you can do without when you get started. This will save you money when you go out and buy the basics you need to get started because you can avoid overbuying and overspending.

3 – Do your research

Look for sales going on at your local outfitter and then look up reviews of those items. Sometimes these low prices can be too good to be true. Reading reviews or asking around in hunting forums will give you an idea if those sale items are actually a good buy or not.

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