Using bows is an ancient hunting method that is still in use in the modern world. Recurve bows are designed so that the limbs curve in a different direction with the archer upon unstringing. A recurve bow gives more energy and speed to the arrow as its shape allows it to store more energy, unlike in the straight-limbed bow. 

The recurves produce some noise upon shooting as they input more stress on the bows. However, if they are extremely curved, they make the bow unstable when strung. Recurves will allow shorter bows than those from the straight-limb bow, as this is how the archers liked it since longer weapons did not work effectively. 

The best recurve bow for deer hunting should have minimal noise. They should also have scent elimination, and are easy to transport. Here is how to hunt effectively with a recurve bow.


  • Recurve Bow Weight


When hunting, it is important to consider the weight of the recurve bow you are using. If you can comfortably shoot with a heavier recurve, the chances of missing your target are minimal. You only need to be accurate with the shots you make. 

If you use lighter recurve bows, you might still hit your target, but you will lack the proper penetration power if the arrow hits a bone or hard muscle. Heavy muscles and bone can easily deflect an arrow as they lack the shocking power. Try as much as possible to target the heart-lung area as there is a huge blood vessel concentration.


  • The Distance


Accuracy is the key thing that will enable you to hit your target. Bow hunters should keep the range of their shots. It should be within a six-inch circle. For instance, when shooting a whitetail deer, the approximate shot will range from 15 to 17 yards. 

The distance of shooting with a recurve bow will depend on the bow hunter’s skill, knowledge, and experience. Some may shoot from 15 yards while others can go up to 30 yards. You need to improve the distance you can shoot from now and then. 

This will be made perfect by continued practice. All you need is to set up a shooting site to enable you up to your shooting game. Anytime you reduce the distance, you increase the probability of placing your shot properly.


  • Hunting Arrows for Recurve Bows


Your hunting arrows should match your draw weight as well as your draw length. This is in terms of weight and stiffness in their spine. It brings consistency to your hunting. The arrows to use for hunting should be cut longer to give enough clearance to the broad head. Long arrows do not contact either the bow or the bow hand when drawn back. 

Heavy arrows will not be as swift as the light ones but will have good shots. Making your arrows heavy will increase the penetration power, producing deeper wounds to the prey and weakening it.


  • Broadhead Selection


Be keen on the type and design of the tips of your arrows. Preferably, choose those with a pyramid style, bone-busting style, and cut-on contact over the cone-shaped tips. This is because the broad-headed tips allow the blade in through the entry holes, increasing the penetration power. 

Arrows have different aerodynamic characteristics making the broad heads, and the field tips fly differently. Hemorrhage is what makes an arrow to kill the prey.  The more the hemorrhage, the more the animal will get wounded, an implication that the shot made is humane. 

Ensure all the time that your broad head is sharp to enhance proper penetration. If the blade heads are replaceable, always ensure you install new blades before going for fieldwork.


  • Pick A Spot


You should be specific on the place you want to focus on shooting when using a recurve bow. Let the spot always be around the chest cavity. You may find out that the animal is dangerously wounded and leave no trails of blood, an implication of having a nice shot. 

This, however, does not mean that if there are traces of blood that the animal is not hurt. Animals may go for longer distances if they are not hit on some important organs, and as a hunter, you will have to trace on the possible location of the animal. This is why the chest cavity is the best place to keep your focus. You need to learn the recovery art for a wounded animal.


  • Know How to Choose a Bow


Hunting will be interesting only if you choose the best bow. The recurve bows have are fast-moving, and this means that the chances of missing the target are minimal. They are also easy to carry along and assemble upon reaching your hunting site. The shot placement of the bow is what you should look for before you purchase one. When shooting at yardages, the speed is not of much importance.


  • Learn The Art


You may have all the other requirements needed for hunting, but you will be doomed if you lack the art itself. You need to know what the best time is to hunt for the game. Learn their sleeping points, too, as they will always be away from them when searching for food. This will be the best time to get the best location you will use as an ambush point. 

Be careful where you set up your tree stand as the animals usually have a strong sense of things and danger. Do not use the same trail as the game you want to hunt as it will reveal your human scent, making the animal leave or attack you.


Recurve bows get their strength from the drawstring and the bow. Bow hunting is an interesting way to hunt and an outdoor activity that keeps you out of boredom. 

Therefore, as a hunter, you need to have the right arrows, good broad heads, and proper attire. Go through recurve bow review to choose the right recurve bow for you. Your hunting knowledge is also vital as you will be required to use it skillfully to get a catch.