Archery is such a historic discipline, although it’s persevering popularity is indicative of its satisfactory and effective benefits. Bows are a prime example of how traditional weaponry can remain relevant, and this is due, mostly, to the simplicity and innovation of its design.

Although the weaponry now used, in terms of battle and war, have evolved, bow and arrows remain items of interest. If you’re a collector of antique weapons, you might hold an interest in the various types of bows and arrows that have been used over the centuries.

As for its modern uses, archery is still a popular and efficient preference for many hunters, due to its purity. Additionally, archery can be an engaging sport, or a fulfilling hobby, suitable for all types of people. However, the equipment can be expensive, so if you’re thinking of starting out in archery, we’ve compiled this handy guide on how to find arrows in grass. Reusing arrows will allow you to significantly minimize the cost of archery, especially when you’re learning it as a new skill.

If you’re already proficient in archery and often practice in large open spaces, you might consider carrying some additional, essential equipment. Check out all the reviews of the latest and best pocket-tools, outdoor watches, and utility backpacks of 2018 at

Utility pocket-tools, like knives and pliers, can be a lifesaver in difficult situations, they can be essential everyday carry for adventurous types. The smart technology integrated into modern outdoor watches provides us with vital information concerning weather, location, and even our bodies. These gadgets can prove valuable when you’re out and about in unfamiliar surroundings, or incur unexpected conditions.

For the Hobbiest/Beginner

If you’re just starting out, the chances are you haven’t invested in a heap of equipment beyond your chosen bow, some arrows, and basic safety equipment. If so, you’re going to want to keep track of your arrows to reduce the cost of your new hobby. This is especially important for beginners since, unless you’re incredibly and naturally gifted, there’s going to be many wayward shots.

  • Lawn Maintenance

To ensure you can find your arrows after you’ve fired them, try to practice on a well maintained, short lawn. In addition, if it is possible, setting your target up in front of an incline can make it easier to find arrows you have overshot.

  • Keep Focused

As a beginner, it is the best time to develop good habits for later on in your hobby. Fire one arrow and remain focused on where it lands, write down the significant details, like how far away from your intended target it went. If you note down enough accurate detail, you should find it easier to locate your arrows afterwards. Eventually, you’ll be able to do this mentally, and at greater speed.

  • Leave Markers

If it is safe to do so, place your bow on the ground where you fired your arrows from, or use a suitable, and visible, marker. Facing the direction you were aiming, walk in a straight line until you reach the farthest distance any of your arrows could have reached. Drop another marker at this location and imagine a line between the two points. Your arrows should be lying somewhere between your two markers, thus narrowing the field in which you need to look. This technique can be helpful, but does not account for stray shots, or the influence of strong winds.

Arrows in Longer Grass

While these tips can also be utilized when locating arrows in longer grass, you might find it more difficult to spot them with the naked eye. The suggestions below might make arrows easier to identify or locate in grass, awkward locations, or in situations of poorer visibility, like hunting at dusk, in bad weather, or at night.

  • Use a Rake

A simple, yet effective, method for retrieving arrows lost in long grass is to rake for them. Obtain a sturdy rake, (some archery clubs have their own), and draw it through the grass in a perpendicular direction to the way you were shooting. As long as you rake thoroughly enough, you should eventually pull up any lost arrows.

Many people use this technique as it covers a significant surface area in a short amount of time, and can uncover arrows without you having to try and spot them. However, unless you roughly know the location that your arrows should have landed, you could be wasting your time.

  • Use a Metal Detector

More technological that using a rake, you can opt for scanning the area with a metal detector to locate arrows in grass. Using a metal detector can cover significant ground in a short period, and results in less strain on your back and arms than raking.

On the other hand, while quick and convenient for finding metal arrows, trying to locate just the arrowheads on carbon fiber or wooden arrows can be difficult. If you prefer to use lighter arrows, you might need to consider an alternative option.

While metal detectors can be expensive, there are cheaper models that are just as effective for finding larger items. Some archers use second hand metal detectors they picked up cheap at garage sales – worth considering if you’re already working with a budget.

  • Personalize Your Nocks

Our number one recommended method for ensuring you lose as few arrows as possible is to personalize your nocks. There is a number of ways you can do this effectively – brightly colored nocks are cheap, and can be easily spotted in undergrowth on bright days. Illuminated nocks should also be visible in dark undergrowth, plus have the added advantage of giving off a slight glow in dull conditions.

Perhaps the best nock to use is a modern nock integrated with a small LED light. These can come in a variety of colors, plus they’ll remain visible in daylight, poor weather conditions, and at night.LED nocks can be bought cheap, and will help ensure that you always have a good chance of locating most of your wayward arrows.

Just remember, as with anything, these suggestions are not foolproof or suitable in every situation. Damage, poor conditions, or certain circumstances, may prevent the use of any of these methods, and the loss of some arrows is inevitable. Don’t allow it to discourage you from what can be a fun, rewarding, and interesting hobby.