[easyazon_link identifier=”B0016Y5UJA” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]Glestain knives[/easyazon_link] differ completely from other ordinary knives in looks and styles. They are in a class of their own; both beautiful and very functional. They can be promptly recognized by their patented hollow ground design, with dimples on the blades’ surface.

The unique dimples which appear on one side of the blade are square in shape and are meant to prevent any foods or ingredients especially starches from clinging to the blade and this facilitates faster, easier and more efficient dicing and chopping. The knives are well-balanced, have appropriate weight, and a handle with secure grip.

[easyazon_link identifier=”B0016Y5UJA” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]Glestain knives[/easyazon_link] are actually created from Acuto 440 steel (HRC 59), which is subjected to a sub-zero manufacturing process to guarantee a durable edge.  They come in various styles, with some featuring a stainless steel cap below the water resistant hardwood handle which can also be used to open shellfish.

[easyazon_link identifier=”B0016Y5UJA” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]Glestain knives[/easyazon_link] are said to have a long history behind them since they were first launched in 1971. The creation of each of Glestain knives process and research included a large number of engineers, craftsmen, and even professional chefs.

These knives are said to be extremely popular among veteran and skilled professional chefs.  At first, they were not well-known and popular in the market. In fact, ordinary kitchen knife distributors and retailers had no interest in stocking and selling them due to their unfamiliar design and high price range.

However, craftsmen continued to receive several important opinions in order to improve them and satisfy the demands of professional users.  After that, the knives started gaining popularity among professional users. Today, [easyazon_link identifier=”B0016Y5UJA” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]Glestain knives[/easyazon_link] are considered as some of the most popular knives not only among professional chefs but also home chefs.

How to Sharpen Glestain Knives

  1. Soak the knife or splash it with water
  2. Place the stone on wet fabric or under for stability while sharpening.
  3. Hold the knife with your index finger resting on its spine and the thumb resting on flat part of the blade, while your three remaining fingers hold the handle tightly.
  4. Starting with the knife tip, use your left hand’s two or three fingers to press the edge of the blade onto the stone.
  5. Hold the knife tightly, and keep your body relaxed and your shoulders square to the stone. Press the blade’s edge to the stone and then push it along the stone. Apply pressure while you move forward, releasing pressure as you return the blade to the position you first started.
  6. Do this procedure repeatedly, pressing the blade’s edge closely to the stone, and whetting the edge a bit at a time till the moment you feel a slight but even burr all along the whole edge.
  7. The moment you have a burr, turn the blade and starting with the tip of the blade, apply more pressure on the downward stroke ensuring that you remove the burr or establish a two-sided edge if necessary.

It is recommended that knives be sharpened right out of the box in order to produce the strongest edge. This will help give them the strongest edge. It usually takes much more time to sharpen a very dull knife.

Since stones can be delicate, over-soaking them should be avoided as this will lessen its quality, thus making sharpening more difficult. The stone should be wiped clean and allowed to air dry and preferably stored in a dry towel. This is to prevent mold growth and weakening of the stone, which can lead to cracking or separation.