Uncategorized Archives - A Straight Arrow Everything on Archery, Hunting, Outdoors Tue, 03 Oct 2023 06:13:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://astraightarrow.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/cropped-favicon-arrow-jpeg-32x32.jpg Uncategorized Archives - A Straight Arrow 32 32 Back to Basics: The Art of Preparedness and Safe Weapon Handling https://astraightarrow.net/back-to-basics-the-art-of-preparedness-and-safe-weapon-handling/ Tue, 03 Oct 2023 06:13:14 +0000 https://nqo.psw.mybluehost.me/?p=79692 Imagine a scenario where the only link between survival and the jaws of annihilation is your preparedness–a seemingly outlandish premise plucked from dystopian fiction that can turn into palpable reality. For those versed in the school of thought known as ‘prepping; consistency is key. Far beyond stockpiling canned beans and bottled water, the prepper’s lifestyle […]

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Imagine a scenario where the only link between survival and the jaws of annihilation is your preparedness–a seemingly outlandish premise plucked from dystopian fiction that can turn into palpable reality. For those versed in the school of thought known as ‘prepping; consistency is key. Far beyond stockpiling canned beans and bottled water, the prepper’s lifestyle incorporates an essential, albeit controversial, component – the acquainted handle of firearms and weapons.
Prepping is more than a hobby: it’s a philosophy. Its adherents mold their lives around a simple principle: “Better to have, and not need, than to need, and not have”. Boiling this down, it means being prepped for a whole spectrum of possible scenarios, from natural calamities to social upheaval. Within this bundle of preparation, firearms and weapons play a pivotal role. Self-defense and hunting being the primary reasons, but remember the adage, “with great power, comes great responsibility,” especially when that power has the potential to end lives.
Firearms and Weapons Selection: Don’t Bring a Knife to a Gunfight
The world of weapons is as vast and varied as the reasons to include them in a prepper’s repertoire. From grandma’s old hunting rifle to the efficient bow and arrow, each tool has its purpose. The choice of weapon is not a one-size-fits-all scenario; it hinges on individual needs, legal restrictions, and skill level. While some might view having an AR-15 as useful, others may believe that a trusted Glock 19 is more tenable.
According to a report by the Small Arms Survey, there are approximately one billion firearms in the world, 85% of which are in civilian hands. Consequently, important regulations safeguard the lines of civility and responsible ownership. Being aware of your local and federal laws is a crucial plank in the foundation of responsible prepping.
Safety Basics: Let’s Not Play Fast and Loose
The Four Fundamental Rules of Firearm Safety are not mere guidelines–oh, far from it. They are the robust, cemented bulwarks that underpin the fortress of security. Stray from just one of these principles, and the once impregnable fortress could crumble like a sandcastle in the face of an unyielding wave. Embedded into the core of weapon safety, these rules aren’t just guidelines to follow; think of them like the essential genetic code that dictates the system’s integral safety structure. It’s almost as though every trigger pulled, every bullet fired, serves as an affirmation of these rules. Prepping, after all, isn’t merely about clinging onto the thread of life; it represents the preservation of the quality, not merely the quantity, of life.
Contrary to popular opinion, owing a firearm doesn’t automatically crown you a gunslinger, not any more than owning a guitar would secure you a spot in the Rolling Stones. Mastery does not come by mere possession; it comes by practice, by repetition, by understanding the very spirit of the discipline you embrace. It’s like trying to learn a new language–you wouldn’t expect to be fluent just by buying a dictionary, would you? The same applies here. This isn’t just important- no- this is crucial to lay stress on the innateness of training and practice in the domain of weapon handling. Ensuring proper training doesn’t just enable you to shoot accurately, it also teaches you when not to shoot, fostering the understanding of responsible ownership. After all, behind every safely handled firearm, stands a trained user.
Training and Skill Development: Practice Makes Perfect
Identifying reputable firearms training programs is akin to finding a needle in a haystack. It takes time, painstaking research, and a discerning eye. Yet, the effort pays off, as proper training can be the difference between life and death.
Regular practice routines are the backbone of skill enhancement. Just like the marathon runner must constantly train to maintain their stamina, weapon handlers need practice to stay sharp. Creating real-world scenarios and drills amplifies our neuron-firing speed, making us more adept and confident in managing real-world situations when they arise.
Safe Handling and Operation: Considering The Nuts and Bolts
A firearm is a powerful tool—a mechanical wonder comprised of numerous moving parts, each playing a pivotal role. Understanding these components, along with their functions, is essential in ensuring safe operations. Knowing how to handle a firearm safely—loading, unloading, clearing malfunctions—are practices that need to be second nature. Perfecting these skills lowers the risk of accidents, and heightens the control you have over the weapon.
Ammunition: More Than Just Bullets
Last in the cycle—but by no means the least—is ammunition. The potency of a weapon is profoundly tied to the entropy of the ammo used. With an array of varieties available, the right type of ammunition can make a world of difference! The storage of ammunition is another dimension that requires attention. Doing it the right way prevents accidents and ensures longevity. Proper loading and unloading not only conserve ammunition but could also be consequential in life-threatening situations.
Hazards of Not So Cool Firearm Storage
When you don’t store your firearms right, there can be some serious issues. Like, someone who isn’t supposed to can get to them, and that can end up in really bad situations like accidental injuries or even worse, fatalities. Now think about this, if your little brother or sister finds it and doesn’t know what they’re handling, that makes an already bad situation even worse. We’re talking about scenarios leading right to accidental injuries and suicide, and even stuff like school shootings. A bunch of parents just assume that their kids don’t know where the guns are, but a whole lot of studies show that kids are way more clued in than their parents think. Ttwo out of five parents wrongly believed their child didn’t know where the firearm was stashed, and one out of five didn’t think that their kid had ever messed with the firearm without them knowing.
The Right Way to Store Guns
Even with all these risks when firearms are just casually lying around, fewer than half of all gun owners across the country, and only about a third in California, store their guns in the safest way possible. Some number-crunching shows that we could prevent around 150 deaths from accidental injuries and suicides each year if just 30% more families stored their guns the right way. So it’s super important that doctors and other health professionals know about all the different safe storage options they can recommend to their patients. And it’s been shown that parents are more likely to store their guns properly if they’re given a storage device at the doctor’s office.
Zeroing in on States with High Gun Ownership: Spotlight Arizona
When you scan through the list of states sporting high gun ownership, one that pretty much hits you right in the face is Arizona. Known for its wild west personality and rugged individualism, the Grand Canyon State has a rich history intertwined with gun culture. Whether it’s for self-defense, sport, or simply part of the cultural milieu, firearms are embedded in Arizonan society.
However, with the right of gun ownership comes hefty responsibility. Owning a firearm doesn’t just mean keeping it in the back of your closet and forgetting about it — there’s a whole realm of safety rules and responsibilities that are as serious as a heart attack. That’s where understanding Arizona’s Gun Negligence Laws come into play.
So, why is knowing about Arizona Gun Negligence Laws so crucial? In a nutshell, these laws provide a clear framework of what constitutes negligent firearm usage, helping to prevent unnecessary accidents and hold people accountable. These laws stipulate that, if a firearm owner acts with negligence — for example, if they leave their firearm in plain sight or in an unsafe location — they can be found legally responsible for any damage or harm that ensues.
Failure to comply with these laws doesn’t just translate to a slap on the wrist. Oh no, it can result in severe penalties including hefty fines, incarceration, or even the revocation of one’s right to own a firearm. Understanding the implications of not complying with these laws could be a valuable life saver. It’s an awareness that could help your friends, your family and yourself steer clear of some serious trouble.
So, while Arizona might be a hot spot for gun ownership, it’s important to remember the immense responsibility that comes with bearing arms. And part of that lies in arming yourself with knowledge about Arizona’s Gun Negligence Laws and practicing safe, responsible ownership. Because trust me, the last thing you want is a moment of negligence leading to a lifetime of regret.
Safe weapon usage and storage are more than just necessary add-ons in prepping. These are indispensable skills that every prepper should strive to master, not just for their paramilitary attributes but also as a means of maintaining personal safety in a world that is increasingly unpredictable. The road to preparedness is indeed a long one, winding and complex, but as all seasoned preppers say — it’s better safe than sorry.

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7 Tips to Start Kayak Fishing (2023) – Catch the BIG One! https://astraightarrow.net/7-tips-to-start-kayak-fishing-2023-catch-the-big-one/ Sun, 26 Mar 2023 01:59:25 +0000 https://nqo.psw.mybluehost.me/?p=79668 Want to start kayak fishing and catch the big one on your first day? Truth be told – it isn’t that hard. In this article, we’ll tell you all about how to start kayak fishing – including a few boring safety tips. I know, I know… nobody wants to hear those… Still, I have to […]

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Want to start kayak fishing and catch the big one on your first day?

Truth be told – it isn’t that hard.

In this article, we’ll tell you all about how to start kayak fishing – including a few boring safety tips. I know, I know… nobody wants to hear those… Still, I have to mention them.

I’ll also give special recommendations on kayaks for big guys.

Let’s get started!

Tips to Start Kayak Fishing

1. Get the Right Gear

Of course, if you want to fish, you’ll need the right gear. And that includes fishing and kayaking gear.

First, you need to get a kayak specifically designed for fishing. This type of kayak is built to be stable and has a lot of storage space to hold fishing gear. Want our recommendation? Check these most stable fishing kayaks.

Second, you’ll need a paddle to navigate through the water, and it’s important to choose one that is comfortable for you. You may want to go to a store for that or go to any shop that lets you demo paddles.

Third (and quite obviously) you’ll need to bring fishing equipment such as rods, reels, and bait. As you probably know, it’s vital to pick the right type of fishing equipment based on the type of fish you want to catch and the conditions you’ll be fishing in. Finally, don’t forget the all-important waterproof bags! You probably don’t want your phone or other valuables to take in water, do you?

2. Start Small

It’s best to start small when you’re new to kayak fishing. Begin with calm waters and shorter trips to get used to the kayak and fishing.

This will help you build your confidence and gain experience. Once you feel more comfortable, you can go for longer trips and venture out to bigger bodies of water.

And if you decide to do things your way… don’t say I didn’t warn you!

3. Prioritize Safety

Now for the boring part I told you about…

Safety should always come first when kayak fishing. Always wear a life jacket, inform someone about your fishing plans, and be aware of the weather conditions.

It’s also important to carry a first aid kit, sunscreen, and enough water and food for the duration of your trip. Familiarize yourself with the waterways you’ll be fishing in, learn about the currents, tides, and any hazards that may be present.

Knowing the area will help you make informed decisions and avoid dangerous situations.

4. Learn the Basics

Take some time to learn the basics of fishing before heading out on your kayak fishing trip. Research different fishing techniques, such as casting and reeling, and how to tie knots. Practice these techniques on land before attempting them on the water.

Additionally, it’s essential to learn about the different types of fish that you may encounter in the area you’ll be fishing in. Understanding their behavior and habits can help you choose the right bait and fishing technique.

5. Choose the Right Location

Choosing the right location to fish is critical to your success. Look for areas with good fishing potential, such as near underwater structures or drop-offs.

Also, consider access points to launch your kayak. It’s important to have a safe and convenient place to launch and retrieve your kayak.

6. Be Patient

Just like regular fishing, kayak fishing requires patience… so don’t get discouraged if you don’t catch anything right away.

Enjoy the scenery and the peacefulness of being on the water. Remember that the experience of being on the water is just as important as the catch.

7. Join a Community

Kayak fishing is a growing community, and there are many local groups and online forums where you can connect with other kayak anglers. They can offer tips and advice on technique, gear, and locations, as well as provide a sense of community and camaraderie.

In addition to joining a community, consider taking a kayak fishing class or hiring a guide for your first few trips. This will give you a chance to learn from an experienced angler and get a feel for the sport before you venture out on your own.

How to Start Kayak Fishing – Final Words

As you can see, kayak fishing is quite easy once you know what to do.

Just remember to bring the right gear and be prepared – nobody wants to think about potential dangers, but they are very real.

Stay safe and have fun!

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What Is the Number One Survival Tool? https://astraightarrow.net/what-is-the-number-one-survival-tool/ Fri, 18 Feb 2022 04:13:07 +0000 https://nqo.psw.mybluehost.me/?p=79332 There are so many possible scenarios and emergencies that require a tool. Whether one is out hiking for leisure, about to render first aid, or in need of self-defense on the path going home, one tool comes to mind: the survival knife. Allow us to detail why it is the number one survival tool. That […]

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There are so many possible scenarios and emergencies that require a tool. Whether one is out hiking for leisure, about to render first aid, or in need of self-defense on the path going home, one tool comes to mind: the survival knife.

Allow us to detail why it is the number one survival tool. That aside, it is just as equally important to find and know your options, such as these survival knives from Japan.

Why the Knife Is the Number One Survival Tool

With its many uses for survival, the knife is undeniably the number one survival tool. It works as a solution for almost every unpredictable situation and can be just the thing you need in a life-and-death scenario.

Its flexibility allows for several vital functions, detailed below.

An All-Around Emergency Tool

In the context of households, knives work as a great emergency tool for almost any kind of task, such as to turn screws, modify clothes, and open boxes and cans.

In terms of other emergencies such as first-aid, it also works best because it can remove any external object that might have entered a wound, for instance. The knife can also be used to tear apart dressings and to make a bandage to cover injuries.

Even if one is not well-versed in medical emergencies, the knife can be used for improvised bandages, too, given that its tip can be sterilized, especially to drain blisters.

On another note, when trails are not easy to travel by and you need to get across safely, a knife can also do a decent job clearing a path for you.

Used To Build Shelter

Another reason that makes a knife the number one survival tool is how it lends itself well to building shelter.

The work of cutting wood, gathering materials from the surroundings, shaping branches, and collecting other bedding materials can be all done with the help of a knife.

To add, part of building a shelter is making a rope, made possible through a knife to cut strips of bark from any tree. Then, weaving smaller stripes to form a rope and tie anything will also need its use.

Digging, another crucial task (and not just for building shelters), can also be done with a knife. In other scenarios like being in the wild, one can build a survival debris hut with a knife, as a makeshift shelter.

Gives Physical and Psychological Boost

The knife also functions as a weapon, so it is excellent for physical defense and psychological boost. For one, any hostile situation that requires rescue can turn out better for you if you have a knife.

You can use your knife to scare the enemy away and defend yourself from animals. With it by your side, it can also give you a psychological edge by giving you more determination and confidence.

The readiness and mental ease a good survival knife gives make it the number one survival tool. After all, it was primarily invented to be a weapon.

That said, if it comes to a point when one needs to skin a prey, the knife does it best. Using the knife as a signaling device can also increase your chances of finding hope and confidence to be rescued by a search team.

Helps in Any Outdoor Activity and Situation

Knives greatly help in hunting food, starting fires, clearing paths, and making tools一all of which are likely outdoor activities or needed for outdoor emergencies.

With a knife, you can multiply the number of weapons you have by making other tools like fish hooks and snares. Quick modifications in any tool are also possible with its use.

When hunting and preparing food, the snares and traps you’ll use to catch prey are done with the knife. It can also function as a spear to help catch fruit from tall spots.

Of course, starting a fire can be done with the help of a knife. Gathering dried leaves, branches, and twigs and striking the knife against a stone will help achieve this feat.

The Bottom Line

There are more reasons why the knife is the top survival tool because you can use it for so many other things beyond those we mentioned above. Still, on top of this information, it pays to know you should consider other factors when buying a survival knife.

Consider having one with a plain edge if it is supposed to be for primary survival. However, a serrated edge can work best for urban environments, especially if one needs to cut synthetic materials. It is best to avoid buying knives with relatively narrow or thin blades, too. These can break easily and might not be good to ensure survival. Find ones with a drop point blade or a decent curved edge.

In terms of handle and size, look for a knife that’s comfortable enough and is made of sturdy material. A good thickness ranges between 3mm and 4 mm and a length ranging from 100mm to 125mm.

Next time you pack your survival kit, the first one you should place is your knife. You will thank yourself for it!












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A Beginner’s Guide To Handgun Hunting https://astraightarrow.net/beginners-guide-to-handgun-hunting/ Tue, 11 May 2021 08:54:59 +0000 https://nqo.psw.mybluehost.me/?p=78920 Would anyone commit to bringing a handgun for a hunt in the wild? Despite all the rage of long-range hunting, the answer is a yes. Why handgun hunting? Well, it demands more of the hunter, so it’s a bit more challenging. Hunting using a handgun offers a thrill of its own. It’s perfect for anyone […]

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Would anyone commit to bringing a handgun for a hunt in the wild? Despite all the rage of long-range hunting, the answer is a yes.

Why handgun hunting? Well, it demands more of the hunter, so it’s a bit more challenging. Hunting using a handgun offers a thrill of its own. It’s perfect for anyone willing to exert more time and effort in practicing with their firearm. Unlike rifles and muzzleloaders, handguns don’t offer the best accuracy at greater distances, so you have to close the gap between you and the game.

There are several things you need to prepare to start your handgun hunting journey. This article can help you get started the right way with the beginner’s guide below.

  • Choosing Your Handgun 

The first step is to choose your handgun if you still don’t have one. Make sure you’re rational about selecting a firearm. Look for something that’ll give you a straightforward introduction to the world of guns.  

The good news is that there are various handgun configurations available to suit different needs. Your options for handguns only include semi-automatics, bolt-actions, single-shots, and revolvers because they’re the ones suitable for hunting. Note that each of them comes with pros and cons based on their design.  

Bolt-action handguns provide users with access to additional ammo rounds.

Then, you have single-shot handguns that provide you with access to only one round. With that said, it’s the type of handgun with which you wouldn’t want to miss a shot.

Next are the semi-automatic handguns. Although they’re versatile, it’s hard to add optics to this type of firearm. However, even without a rest or stand, semi-automatics are easy to shoot. Common examples of semi-automatic handguns are 380s and 9-mms. It’s best to check a review of the best 380 pistols if you’re going for this option. 

Lastly, you have revolvers. They come in two configurations: single- and double-action. Double-action revolvers are fire and cocked with the help of a trigger, while single-actions require manual cocking with a hammer.

  • Type Of Ammunition 

The next step is to choose the best ammunition type to use. Do this after you’ve already selected a hunting handgun.  

Note that different hunting zones and states have hunting regulations that cover minimum caliber and muzzle energy. Before choosing your ammo, it’s best to check those out. You wouldn’t want to purchase ammunition you won’t be allowed to use in the field. 

There’s a suitable caliber for the type of game you’ll be hunting. For example, deer hunting will have .357 Magnum as its minimum requirement. Of course, more effective and larger calibers are ideal for hunting bigger game. However, experienced hunters are mostly the ones who use them, such as the .41 Rem. Mag.

  • Selecting Optics 

It’s time to choose the best optics to use now that you have your handgun and ammunition ready. You need the best optics for sighting and targeting your game.  

Depending on the game and range, several choices for optics are available. Most of the hunting you’ll do is mid-range since you’re using a handgun. Therefore, you need a quality handgun red dot. An illuminated red dot on your target will be formed by this non-magnifying reflector. It will provide you with a point of aim.

Becoming A Better Handgun Hunter: Tips To Ponder 

If it’s your first time to hunt or you’re new to using a handgun for hunting, then you’ll benefit from the following tips on how to improve your performance. 

  • Practice Your Trigger Control 

You may encounter trigger control problems because of the handgun’s shorter barrel. Work on your trigger squeeze to achieve a nice, clean break. Make sure that your sights will stay on target by spending plenty of time dry firing.

  • Avoid Gripping Too Tight 

Accuracy reduction results from gripping the gun too tightly as doing so causes the muzzle to shake. Instead of that, establish a firm grip in a way that your arm and hand muscles won’t feel strained.  

  • Use A Steady Rest 

A steady rest will result in more accurate handgun shooting in the field. With that said, take advantage of natural rests or take a tripod or bipod with you during the hunt.  

  • Lower The Power Of Your Magnification 

If possible, leave the magnification of the optic at its lowest. That’s because finding your target fast will be difficult with high magnification.

Final Thoughts 

It’s never easy to prepare for a first-ever handgun hunting trip. However, the incomparable experience that hunting brings makes everything worth it. Before going for a hunt, see to it that you understand all the firearm safety rules and regulations in your area. Don’t forget that ensuring your and other people’s safety is crucial to achieving a successful hunt.

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Why You Should Branch Out Into New Sports https://astraightarrow.net/why-you-should-branch-out-into-new-sports/ Fri, 02 Oct 2020 05:21:45 +0000 https://nqo.psw.mybluehost.me/?p=78573 If the repertoire of the sports you like is pretty thin, there are ways to branch out. We all have our favorite sports which we attach memories to, and those will always be nearest and dearest to our hearts. But that doesn’t have to stop us from stepping out of your comfort zone and getting […]

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If the repertoire of the sports you like is pretty thin, there are ways to branch out. We all have our favorite sports which we attach memories to, and those will always be nearest and dearest to our hearts. But that doesn’t have to stop us from stepping out of your comfort zone and getting to know new sports as an adult. Trying new things is important for our development as human beings, even once we stop being kids and are faced with the real world. Here are some reasons why you should branch into new sports. 

Getting Outdoors

If you have been stuck in due to COVID-19 restrictions, you aren’t alone. Around the world, people have been quarantined in their homes for months, trying to figure out how to move their vibrant lives into their four walls. New sports will help you get outdoors more, getting fresh air into your lungs and creating a sense of peace and accomplishment at the end of your day. If you feel hemmed in in your life, change it today by trying a new outdoor sport which peaks your interest and gets air into your lungs. 

If your area is still on lockdown due to COVID-19, there are sports you can try in your yard. You could take up skipping, trampolining, yoga, pilates or any other sport which doesn’t require a proper field, pitch or court. 

Meeting New People

As a kid, with sports clubs and school, plus an extra dollop of childlike confidence, making friends was a piece of cake. As an adult, it is very very hard to meet new people outside of work. Starting a new sport will help you make friends who have similar interests and help you get the socialization you need to stay happy. Plus, you’ll be learning something new while making friends – the perfect combination!

If COVID-19 affects these plans, try fantasy sports. Fantasy sports can help you connect with others online over sports you enjoy. Get the Best Daily fantasy sports picks DFS and have fun with new people today.

Staying Fit

Different sports work different muscle groups. So just because you are great at one sport you’ve been practising forever, it doesn’t mean you won’t get fitter playing a different one too. New sports help diversify your exercise routine and challenge your body in new ways, helping you to keep healthy, fit and strong. 

Have you ever noticed that when you are learning something new, you don’t notice how tiring it is? Well, try this tested theory by trying a new sport today. Your mind will be focusing on technique and won’t notice those buns burning as much!

Final Thoughts

Not enough adults try new things. Fact. It is easy to become stuck in your routine of doing the same old things, never innovating or shaking things up. Using this helpful guide, you can find the motivation to try a new sport, make new friends and get more of the outdoor time you crave. 

The post Why You Should Branch Out Into New Sports appeared first on A Straight Arrow.

Effective Exam Dumps and Other Best Resources to Prepare for Microsoft 70-778 Exam https://astraightarrow.net/effective-exam-dumps-and-other-best-resources-to-prepare-for-microsoft-70-778-exam/ Fri, 18 Jan 2019 05:57:59 +0000 https://nqo.psw.mybluehost.me/?p=78218 What certification is the Microsoft 70-778 exam for? What will I learn? How can I ace it? What resources should I use? Why should I pursue it? Are any of these questions running through your mind? Then get ready to have all those questions answered for you in this article. What certification is 70-778 exam […]

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What certification is the Microsoft 70-778 exam for? What will I learn? How can I ace it? What resources should I use? Why should I pursue it? Are any of these questions running through your mind? Then get ready to have all those questions answered for you in this article.

What certification is 70-778 exam for?

Handling data is a task that requires a lot of care and patience. And handling data in a firm that deals with bulk data is even a more strenuous task. To make the process of data handling more efficient, more and more techniques and services have been introduced into the field of IT. BI Reporting is the technique of collecting data using different software and tools to gain important insights into it. And Power BI and Excel are services produced by Microsoft to aid BI Reporting. To verify person’s skills using these tools to collect and analyze data, Microsoft certification offers to get the MCSA BI Reporting certification. You need to pass two exams, to gain it. They include 70-778 (Analyzing and Visualizing Data with Power BI) test along with 70-779 (Analyzing and Visualizing Data with Microsoft Excel).

This article covers all you need to know about 70-778 test.

About Microsoft 70-778 Exam 

To pass 70-778 exam you’ll need to possess special skills, to be more precise, this exam will test how capable you are to:

  • Work with data using Microsoft Excel 
    • Connecting to data sources
    • Performing transformations
    • Cleansing data
  • Model and Visualize data
    • Creating and optimizing data models
    • Creating calculated columns, calculated tables, and measures
    • Creating hierarchies
    • Managing with PivotTables as well as PivotCharts
    • Work with Power BI

Best resources to prepare for 70-778 exam

There are many resources available for you to help you prepare for 70-778 exam. Some of the most widely used ones are:

  • Microsoft official website

Microsoft should be your first choice because the options provided by the vendor are the most actual ones. Such options have been created to cover all exam objectives and equip you with the most relevant skills and knowledge to pass your test. 

For 70-778 exam, Microsoft offers Instructor-led training as well as online training. The instructor-led training has two options to choose from, namely on-demand training and classroom training. The first one is for self-paced learning, while the second one is for those candidates who have time to attend classes and clear out difficulties with a certified instructor. 

  • Books

Books can give you more comprehensive and in-depth knowledge. They are the first tools to see the exam topics and your best helpers to create a study plan to cover each concept tested. Usually they can be found in the Microsoft Press Store and on Amazon website. Some books that can give you the knowledge and expertise related to the concepts you need to master for 70-778 exam are:

    • Analyzing and Visualizing Data by Using Microsoft Power BI (for 70-778 exam), written by Daniil Maslyuk 

This book is recommended by Microsoft itself, therefore, it is one of the first books you must get your hands on.

    • Quick Start Guide for Microsoft Power BI: Build dashboards and visualizations to make your data come to life. This great book was written by such authors as Devin and Brian Knight.

By referring to this book you will gain a solid understanding of the fundamentals of Power BI and become capable of using it more productively.

    • Microsoft Power BI Dashboards Step by Step by Errin O’Connor

This book addresses every single step in Power BI from designing and implementing Power BI in your organization to producing the most insightful reports.  

    • Master your skills in working with Microsoft Power BI by using the book about Expert techniques for effective data analytics and business intelligence (Author – B. Powell).

This book not only talks about the concepts in Power BI but also discusses using real-world examples to give you a better understanding.

  • YouTube

Books are not for everyone. For each person, their most effective mode of study may vary. And for some it is videos. The best source for videos that provide knowledge related to all IT concepts is YouTube. You can find several videos that explain the same concepts, which means that if you don’t understand the theory taught in one way, you will be able to find another video that teaches in a way that better suits you. Apart from tutorial videos, you can also find videos shared by candidates who faced 70-778 exam talking about their experience, the mistakes they made and tips to avoid them.

  • Exam dumps

Exam dumps are ragingly popular when it comes to IT certification exams. What are exam dumps? Exam dumps are files that contain real exam questions. Many people call them a fraud but that is only due to the higher percentage of sites that give out fake material. A reliable site where you can find exam dumps is ExamSnap.com. Their files are the most updated as they are uploaded by the recent test takers. Thus, you can know what to expect at the exam. You can also purchase a paid dump for your exam that is verified file by IT experts. All files presented at ExamSnap are in the vce format and can be opened using the VCE Exam Simulator. For 70-778 test it also offers a premium file consisting of 133 questions and answers, a training course of 141 lectures, and a study guide at a reasonable price. Using this package, you’ll be well-prepared for the test. Exam dumps are the best way to practice questions. By using them you will be able to figure out the question patterns and how to best approach them. It also saves you a lot of time to complete various question types within the allocated time. 


Passing 70-778 exam is an essential step for you to become MCSA certified in BI Reporting. To nail the test and grow in your career, use the prep materials covered in this article. Start from checking the Microsoft official website, then visit Amazon, use exam dumps from ExamSnap and be confident in your skills and knowledge on exam day. If you do so, acing your exam will be a walk in the park.

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Struggling With Something To Do In Your Spare Time? Here Are Our Suggestions https://astraightarrow.net/struggling-with-something-to-do-in-your-spare-time-here-are-our-suggestions/ Wed, 12 Sep 2018 17:30:47 +0000 https://nqo.psw.mybluehost.me/?p=6257 Many of us will find ourselves at a loss at some point in our lives. It might be the evenings, when you have finished work. It could be at the weekends or you may be lucky enough to have time off during the week or only work a set amount of hours. Having a hobby […]

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Many of us will find ourselves at a loss at some point in our lives. It might be the evenings, when you have finished work. It could be at the weekends or you may be lucky enough to have time off during the week or only work a set amount of hours. Having a hobby or filling up that spare time with things we enjoy doing or gain something from can be great for your mindset. We can’t function on empty, so giving ourselves something that we enjoy and feel passionate about can actually help us to feel happier and content in other aspects of our lives. So if you are struggling for some ideas then don’t despair, here are our suggestions to inspire you.

Get a pet

One of the first things you could consider would be a pet. They can be great for you in terms of mental health and wellbeing as well as giving you something to enjoy during your spare time. It could be anything. The obvious might be a dog. Where you can walk them each day and spend time training them. Cats are also great companions but more recently people are enjoying other pets like koi carp. Where you can concentrate on breeding them and take enjoyment out of watching them swim around in their pond. A lot of people enjoy having pets, and it can be the easiest way to fill up your spare time doing something you love and enjoy.

Start a blog

Many people are considering digital hobbies as a way to use up their free time and one of the things to try might be a blog. A few years ago, no one would have known what you were talking about, but these days more people have blogs than ever before. You could use it as a creative outlet, sharing your experiences on particular subjects or perhaps wanting to share with people your tips and hacks. You could blog about anything, just make sure it is something that interests you and that you are passionate about as this will be portrayed in the content that you share. If you are not sure how to start, there are many companies that offer help in getting started. Some may even do all the technical work for you. 

Take up exercise

Some people like to use the time to do something for themselves and so you may want to use your spare time to exercise. You don’t need to do this in a boring way anymore, you could actually try new things or join a local gym. There may even be classes that you can do locally that do different types of exercises. From dancing, aerobics, even things like hiking to yoga and Pilates. Exercise is something that is really good for you, so it is the ideal thing to do if your dog have some spare time to kill.

Read a book

Not everyone enjoys reading, but that might be because you feel you just don’t have the time to dedicate to it. If you do have some spare time then why not create a mini reading list t get you going. You can then work your way through titles and genuinely remain interested in what your next book is going to be. Reading is a very relaxing thing to do but you can also learn a great deal in terms of language as well as knowledge, so you are gaining something from it as well as the enjoyment.

Learn a language

Maybe you could use your spare time for good and learn a language. It may sound crazy but actually another language could help you in other aspects of your life. Of course, obviously it may help you communicate on your next holiday adventure. But it could also open up opportunities for new workplace ventures, or promotions where a second language is needed. It could open a lot of doors for you.

Gain new qualifications for work or a change of career

On the subject of work it might be that you are able to gain new qualifications in your spare time, which could lead on to a change of career or progression in your current job. Sometimes you need the push to go for the ambitions and goals you have set, and using your time wisely could help you achieve that.

Consider things like creative writing or photography

Maybe you are a creative person, so why not let that part of you shine by using your spare time to work on creative writing or your photography skills. You could also combine this with other hobbies like blogs or creating social media accounts where you can share the things that you create. Videos, images, articles shared on blogs and online can very much end up becoming your thing after a while.

Cook or learn to cook

Using your spare time to learn things can actually be a great thing for you, and one of the things people always say they would like to improve o, but feel they don’t have the time to do it, is cooking or baking. Getting yourself a new recipe book to feel inspired, as well as trying out different meals or bakes can reignite a passion for cooking ad have you creating culinary classics or even working on your own recipes. Cooking isa life skill that we all need to do, so improving it can only be a good thing for you.

Make money in your spare time

Finally, maybe you could use your time and put it to good use by making some extra income for you ad the family. This could be decluttering your home and selling things online on websites like eBay. It might be that you need use your spare time on your laptop or iPad and fill out online surveys, do some website testing or perform mystery shops. There are plenty of things you could do online to earn yourself some extra money, and it could be the ideal hobby ad way to spend that spare time you have.

I hope that this has given you some inspiration on what you could be doing in your spare time.

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The Meaning and History of “Don’t Tread On Me” Flag https://astraightarrow.net/meaning-history-dont-tread-flag/ Wed, 12 Oct 2016 12:56:45 +0000 http://www.brothersmith.com/?p=1474 “Don’t Tread on Me” is not an ordinary statement in the U.S. It is a phrase with actually very deep historical roots.  It was written below a rattle snake’s image and inscribed on a yellow flag.  This flag, which is included among America’s historical flags, is referred to as the Gadsden flag. It’s Meaning and […]

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“Don’t Tread on Me” is not an ordinary statement in the U.S. It is a phrase with actually very deep historical roots.  It was written below a rattle snake’s image and inscribed on a yellow flag.  This flag, which is included among America’s historical flags, is referred to as the Gadsden flag.

It’s Meaning and History

There is a deep meaning to the flag’s symbolism combined with the image.  Basically, the phrase “Don’t Tread on Me” partnered with the image of the snake set to strike is actually a warning that tells people to avoid stepping on or taking advantage of the Americans or else they will strike.

It is not by chance that the snake – or more particularly the rattlesnake – was used. As a matter of fact, the timber rattlesnake and eastern diamondback rattlesnake were quite many within the colonies. The rattlesnake had long been depicted as a symbol of resistance to British oppressive acts in Colonial America.  This is why Benjamin Franklin suggested in a humorous article that Americas should send rattlesnakes to Britain as a way of responding to their sending of convicts to the colonies.

The early flags of the young United States bore this phrase. It was actually a defiant phrase that still exists both as a political slogan as well as a military emblem.  This revolutionary War slogan accompanied a rattlesnake’s picture and this combination was attributed to Benjamin Franklin. In an article in “The Pennsylvania Journal” in 1775, he described how he saw it painted on a marine’s drum, and this inspired him to consider the snake as a suitable national symbol. The motto portends harm to whoever may seek to tread on colonial Americans, the same way Prime Minister Frederick, Lord North had actually done.

The snake has the habit of honorably warning its enemies to beware of the danger of stepping on it and this perfectly fitted what Benjamin Franklin stated. The unity of the colonies in military action was indicated in the 13 rattlesnakes and many early flags used this slogan and snake.

Development of the Gadsden Flag

The most famous one is the Gadsden Flag that was named after a Continental Congressman, Christopher Gadsden. He presented it South Carolina’s legislature for display in 1776. However, according to Gadsden, a certain type of the flag was already being used by the United States Navy. Its recorded use is traced by the United States Naval History and Heritage Command to 1777 but popular tradition, probably according to Gadsden and Franklin’s suggestions, believes that it was used before then. As a military motto, this slogan underlines its antagonistic intent.

Why It Is Important

Although at present there are a number of variations of the Gadsden flag, the message remains the same. This flag is a very significant symbol or representation of the American history.  Today, the U.S is proud about its freedom, and at times it even states that it is the world’s freest country. That is why it is an amazing representation of the country’s strength and willpower, making it the world leader it currently is. It is important for the young Americans to understand both the impact and the basic meaning of the flag to their history.

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New Hampshire State Knife Laws https://astraightarrow.net/new-hampshire-state-knife-laws/ Sat, 08 Oct 2016 11:15:22 +0000 http://www.brothersmith.com/?p=1345 New Hampshire happens to be one of the most tolerant states in the entire United States. There was a prohibition that applies to switchblade knives that got repealed back in 2010. New Hampshire does not have any general prohibitions in regards to carrying, possession or ownership of knives. There is also statewide preemption in New […]

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New Hampshire happens to be one of the most tolerant states in the entire United States. There was a prohibition that applies to switchblade knives that got repealed back in 2010. New Hampshire does not have any general prohibitions in regards to carrying, possession or ownership of knives. There is also statewide preemption in New Hampshire. There are also no local or municipal ordinances that could restrict either knife possession or ownership.

New Hampshire Rev. Stat. § 159:26

Ammunition, Firearms, and Knives: Authority Of New Hampshire

I. In regards to the extent that is consistent with federal laws, the state of New Hampshire will have authority as well as jurisdiction of the purchase, sale, use, ownership, possession licensing, transportation, taxation, permitting, or any other matter that pertains to firearms, components of firearms, ammunition, any firearms supplies or knives in the state. With the exception of being specifically provided by the statute itself, no regulation or ordinance of any political subdivision can regulate the sale, ownership, purchase, use, transportation, possession, licensing, taxation, permitting, or any other matter that pertains to the firearms, their components, the ammunition or the firearms supplies in the state. Nothing provided in this section will be construed as having an impact on a political subdivision and their right to adopt any zoning ordinances for the sole purpose of regulating knives or firearms businesses in the same manner as any other businesses or to take any further action allowed under the RSA 207:59.

II. Upon the valid date of this section, any and all municipal regulations and ordinances that are not authorized under paragraph I that is relative to the sale, ownership, purchase, use, possession, licensing, transportation, taxation, permitting or any other matter that pertains to firearms, firearm components, or the ammunition and firearms supplies or knives will be null and void.


New Hampshire does not have any laws in regards to the transfer or sales of knives to minors. However, it does prohibit the sale of bb guns and/or paintball guns to minors.

Concealed Carry:


Statewide Preemption:


This information that is presented as a brief description of the laws and not as any kind of legal advice. aStraightArrow.net will not and cannot be a legal service provider. The use of the site does not create any sort of client/lawyer relationship. The knife laws are interpreted differently by prosecuting attorneys, enforcement officers, and judges. aStraightArrow.net suggests you consult legal counsel for further guidance.

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How to Forge Brass https://astraightarrow.net/how-to-forge-brass/ Wed, 20 Jul 2016 01:55:12 +0000 http://www.brothersmith.com/?p=1434 Forging brass refers to the process through which brass is put under extreme pressure and a temperature of about 1,500 degrees F to soften it so that it can be shaped to make a single piece of brass that can be used to make different tools such as knives. They include open die forging, closed […]

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Forging brass refers to the process through which brass is put under extreme pressure and a temperature of about 1,500 degrees F to soften it so that it can be shaped to make a single piece of brass that can be used to make different tools such as knives. They include open die forging, closed die forging, seamless rolled ring forging and cold forging. The forging process results in pore free surfaces that make the brass to look more attractive.

Closed die forging

This method is also referred to as impression die forging. It makes use of two or more dies to have the die shaped in desired shapes. The process entails heating the brass until it becomes malleable. Once it attains a plastic shape, the die machine is then used to create a compression of about 2,500kg, which is then used to create forged parts. The forging process, carried out by leading manufacturers like Dyson Corp, can then be used to create parts with enhanced density, which is very strong. The process allows brass parts to be curved in more than one plane. Other methods such as brass forging and closed die can actually produce strong and durable products.

Open die forging

In this method, the heated malleable brass may not be confined in a die or a mold. Instead, it makes use of two flat die without any impression. The brass is then used to create different shapes up to about 80,000 lbs.  This method is used in lower quantity production.

Ideally, forging will be done at extremely high temperatures. However, cold brass forging may only require heat in excess of a few hundred degrees.  The method could then be used to produce coins, knives, anti-lock braking system and many other smaller parts that weigh less than 4.5 kg.  The process helps to produce parts requiring close tolerance and high strength.

Rolled ring forging

The method uses round ring parts shapes and an open die. Forced pressure is then used to pressure the axial rolls. The ring is then rotated while applying pressure on the inside part of the ring.  Pressure is then applied on the outside edge to make the ring to become flatter as it continues to rotate. This is repeated till a ring of the desired diameter is achieved.

Brass forging techniques can be applied to underwater lighting fixtures, mechanical and brass plumbing parts.  It is also possible to forge lead-free brass with less than 0.25 % lead. This helps to meet certain legal requirements.

Brass forging comes with a number of advantages compared to other manufacturing processes such as sand casting. The forging process adds physical and mechanical properties created by pressure and heat.


  • It is safe and is used to make water pipes
  • Its efficient
  • Finished surfaces have some added values
  • It results in more intricate details
  • The final products are high in strength
  • The final product has tight dimensional tolerances.


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