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BB gun rifles are the classic style that you think of. Just like in the old-time and classic movie, A Christmas Story. That is what I think of every time I hear BB gun rifle. These rifles are constantly changing and adapting to new times, and they are making them with more power and improved accuracy. Their very realistic look and feel make them a popular gun for sport and can be used for plinking, target practice, and even small game hunting.

BB gun rifles can have scopes mounted on them to improve shot accuracy which is especially important when hunting small game. Unlike real guns, air guns do not require as much space to shoot, and they are easier to handle. There are so many different varieties of these guns available today, and they are all designed to fit your particular needs.

Another advantage to a BB gun rifle is the reduced noise level compared to a real gun. These guns are significantly quieter and will not disturb neighbors or other people around you. Due to the reduced levels of noise, you also do not have to worry about suffering any hearing damage.

Finally, look at the cost and versatility of BB gun rifles. The gun itself is more affordable than a real firearm, and the ammunition is cheaper. It does not cost much for pellets or BBs and, usually, a tin of at least 500 can cost as little as $20. They are also versatile and can be used for a variety of different things like smaller game hunting or, if you are starting out with BB gun rifles as a new hobby, they are ideal for target practice, accuracy training, and learning gun safety techniques.

1. [easyazon_link identifier=”B00AU6EICA” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]Benjamin Marauder Synthetic Stock Air Rifle[/easyazon_link]

benjamin marauder synthetic stock air rifle

The Benjamin Marauder gun is a little more expensive than your standard air rifle, so I wouldn’t suggest it to be the first gun you go for if you are just starting out in this sport. This gun features a multi-shot design with an auto-indexing clip. It is ambidextrous and made of all-weather stock. It has a raised aluminum breech with a heavy duty pull bolt. The Benjamin Marauder is ideal for small game hunting but keep in mind that it can be very heavy. The advantages include a reduced noise level and increased accuracy.

Key Features:

  • Custom choked barrel
  • Multi-shot design
  • Ambidextrous
  • Operates at fill pressure between 2000 and 3000 psi
  • Bolt action
  • PCP power source
  • Two stage adjustable metal match trigger
  • Reversible bolt
PriceWeightCaliberVelocityPowerplantIdeal Use
Under $500.008.2 lb0.177 cal1100 fpsPrecharged pneumaticSmall game hunting and plinking

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2. [easyazon_link identifier=”B004V959NO” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]Crosman Nitro Venom Break Barrel Air Rifle[/easyazon_link]

crosman nitro venom break barrel air rifle

The Crosman Nitro Venom Air Rifle features a fluted muzzle brake and wide forearm that improves shooting accuracy by using the Artillery Hold shooting position. The stock of this gun is ambidextrous and made of hardwood with a rifled steel barrel. It comes with a center point precision scope. The scope has a magnification level of 3-9×32 mm. This rifle works well in cooler weather and allows for different uses, but it cannot shoot accurately over long distances, and it does not feature iron sights. If you remove the scope, then your level of accuracy is further reduced.

Key Features:

  • Fluted Muzzle brake
  • Single shot
  • Gas piston
  • Manual safety
  • Weaver rail
  • Ambidextrous stock
  • 70 percent quieter than other break barrels
  • Includes center point scope
PriceWeightCaliberVelocityPowerplantIdeal Use
Under $150.007.4 lb0.177 cal1200 fpsGas-pistonSmall game hunting and plinking

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3. [easyazon_link identifier=”B017AVYHRS” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]Bear River Sportsman 900 Air Rifle Multi-Pump[/easyazon_link]

bear river sportsman 900 air rifle multi pump

The Bear River Sportsman is a great rifle if you are looking to hit your targets consistently. This gun is easy to use and handle and employs multi-pump power with areal working bolt action. You can load up to 55 BBs at a time or even use it as a single shot pellet gun. The Sportsman includes a 4×15 scope and a top dovetail rail. Due to the multi-lever pump action, this gun has no shortage of power.

Key Features:

  • 20-inch steel barrel
  • Includes 4×15 scope
  • Adjustable fiber optic sights
  • Multi-pump lever action
  • Top dovetail rail
  • Load up to 50 BBs at a time
PriceWeightCaliberVelocityPowerplantIdeal Use
Under $70.00Under 6 lb0.177 cal800 fpsMulti-pumpTarget practice

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4. [easyazon_link identifier=”B007FFWX3A” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]Winchester M14 CO2 Air Rifle[/easyazon_link]

winchester m14 co2 air rifle

The Winchester M14 is a CO2 semi-automatic action rifle that is made of a rugged and durable composite stock. You have the option of shooting either BBs or pellets, and it uses two CO2 cartridges to function. Winchester guns are known for their accuracy, power, and reliability. Just load two 12 gram CO2 cylinders into the clip and then insert them into the gun. The clip also can hold two 8-round magazines so that you can get a total of 16 shots without having to stop and reload. It is an affordable gun, but you should keep in mind the added expense of the CO2 cartridges as well as the ammunition.

Key Features:

  • CO2 semi-automatic action
  • Rifled barrel
  • Adjustable rear sight
  • Repeater function
  • Fixed front sight
  • Manual safety
  • Sling swivels
  • Synthetic stock
PriceWeightCaliberVelocityPowerplantIdeal Use
Under $90.004.4 lb0.177 cal700 fpsCO2Plinking, fun, target practice

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5. [easyazon_link identifier=”B00TEAC6SQ” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]Sheridan Cowboy BB Gun[/easyazon_link]

sheridan cowboy bb gun

The Sheridan Cowboy BB Gun features a stamped, all-metal receiver with a hardwood stock and forearm. It has a BB reservoir that can hold up to 700 BBs at a time and is a lever action rifle. This gun has been sized for younger shooters and has protection against lever snapback. It is a lightweight and dependable gun and gives the nostalgia of an old west classic cowboy. While it may be designed for younger shooters, it is the ideal entry level rifle for any age and still helps teach accuracy and gun training.

Key Features:

  • Lever-action spring gun
  • 700 round BB reservoir
  • Adjustable rear sight
  • Blade and ramp front sight
  • Lightweight
  • Low to medium noise level
  • Manual safety
  • Smooth bore barrel
PriceWeightCaliberVelocityPowerplantIdeal Use
Under $50.002.75 lb0.177 cal325 fpsSpring-pistonPlinking and target practice

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Best .308 Rifle for Less than $1,000 – Reviews and Guide https://astraightarrow.net/best-308-rifle-less-1000-reviews-guide/ Mon, 07 Nov 2016 09:02:39 +0000 https://nqo.psw.mybluehost.me/?p=2336 Inarguably one of the most popular hunting calibers in recent history is the .308. It is a versatile, utility, and comfortable caliber to shoot with a dedicated group of devotees confident in its proven track record. However, finding the best .308 rifle for less than $1,000 is no easy task and choosing between the variety […]

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Inarguably one of the most popular hunting calibers in recent history is the .308. It is a versatile, utility, and comfortable caliber to shoot with a dedicated group of devotees confident in its proven track record. However, finding the best .308 rifle for less than $1,000 is no easy task and choosing between the variety of rifles available can be difficult.

Summary: Top 5 Highest-Rated .308 Rifles

ImageNameProsConsOur Rating
tikka-t3-forest-centerfire-rifle-reviewTikka T3-Ergonomics
-Scope Accommodation
-Low Cartridge Capacity4.9
ruger-american-rifle-reviewRuger American Rifle-Low cost
-22-inch barrel
-More recoil from light stock
savage-10-110-trophy-hunter-reviewSavage 10/110 Trophy Hunter-3-Position Safety
-Adjustable Trigger
-Scope Included
remington-model-700-sps-stainless-centerfire-rifle-reviewRemington 700 SPS-Comfort
-Longer barrel
-Proven Remington action
-Possibly too heavy5.0
dpms-panther-arms-308-oracle-centerfire-rifle-reviewDPMS Panther Arms .308 Oracle-Large capacity magazine
-Semi-Auto action
-Tactical Barrel
-Non-Traditional Hunting Rifle
-Long Distance Accuracy

Historic Use of .308 Guns

Historically speaking the .308 reaches back to the time period directly following the Second World War. Militaries around the world had been dealing with 30 caliber rifles for decades but were unhappy with the overall characteristics of the cartridges they were using. One popular 30-caliber cartridge the US military used extensively in WWII was the 30-06. Although the 30-06 was a great round in terms of performance and hitting power, it had a few disadvantages military leaders wanted dealt with.

For starters, the 30-06 arrived on target with plenty of penetrating power, but the excessive recoil made it difficult to fire with automatic or even semi-automatic firing rates. Secondly, 30-06 rounds are big and their size caused problems. The large rounds meant a man could carry less firepower with him. It also meant less could be loaded in a rifle, in a box, in a truck, in a semi, and in a plane. When you start analyzing the logistics when moving billions of cartridges around the world you begin to see how this inefficacy would cause some serious problems.

After some experimentation following the war, the US military eventually settled on the 7.62×51 NATO cartridge, otherwise known as the .308 Winchester in common nomenclature. Using the .308 addressed the beef military leaders had with the 30-06 including transportation and efficiency. Not only that but the new round still hit hard upon arrival and with less recoil than aforementioned 30-06.

Go Straight To The Best .308 Rifles

Military Use Today

Today the .308 is widely used by both military and public police force personnel. It has proven to be one of the most reliable calibers for distance shooting, especially at distances of less than 800 yards. This track record has made the .308 the go-to round for snipers of both foreign and domestic servicemen. In fact perhaps the most famous sniper of recent time, or any time for that matter, Chris Kyle was a big fan of the .308. His favorite rifle after his time in the service was a .308 he had custom made. Another reason it is so widely acclaimed in sharpshooting circles is the versatility it offers in terms of ammunition selection. You can find ammunition for a .308 rifle in a wide variety of grain options.

Hunting Uses

While the .308 may have gotten its start as a military cartridge, it didn’t take sportsmen long to realize the benefits it offered as a hunting rifle. Due to the versatility of the ammunition available, some consider it to be a one size fits all caliber for nearly every big game animal you can hunt. Year in and year out hunters around North America successfully harvest animals from light skinned whitetail deer to heavier skinned game such as elk, and an even dangerous game like a grizzly bear. As long as a hunter competently pairs their ammunition selection with the game they are pursuing there is no reason a .308 can’t get the job on any critter you will hunt in North America.

Things to Consider Before Purchasing

If you are considering purchasing a .308 rifle for hunting or sports shooting, there are a few things you may want to consider before pulling the trigger. For starters are you looking for an exclusively big game hunting rifle or do you need a rifle for predator hunting as well? Although a .308 rifle is a superb rifle for hunting big game, it is a bit overkill for predators such as coyotes, fox, and bobcat. Sure you can kill them, but anyone shooting a furbearer like these may as well kiss their fur check goodbye. You’ll end up punching holes through these critters so big it will look like a cannon wound. If you are the type who hunts mostly deer and furbearers for cash you may be better off looking into a .243 or .270 caliber rifle.

Secondly, you’ll want to determine how far you would like your maximum effective range to be. As mentioned earlier most sharpshooting experts agree on the maximum effective range of a .308 lies somewhere in the 800-yard range. If your competition, hunting, or personal shooting requires shots past the 800-yard range you’d be better off looking into a .338 or 300 Win Mag. These calibers are more proven at really long range shooting. Although this will apply to a small number of talented shooters out there it is worth noting the majority of people will never outshoot their rifle at these ranges.

Last but not least you probably have budget concerns in mind when purchasing your new rifle. As with most things these days, new rifles aren’t getting any cheaper and plopping down the hard earned cash for one can put a lump in your throat. Like most folks, I personally can’t afford a private arsenal in my basement full of specialty rifles. Due to that fact, choosing a good rifle at a fair price is important to me. There are a number of .308 rifles currently on the market you can get into for less than $1000 that should last a lifetime.

Top 5 Best .308 Rifles Reviewed

If a .308 sounds like a caliber that would meet your needs and would get you out to the distance you need, you may be able to find one within your price range. That being said, here are the best .308 rifles for less than $1,000 in ascending price.

Editor’s Choice: Tikka T3

tikka-t3-forest-centerfire-rifle-reviewThe first rifle on this list of best .308 rifles for less than $1,000 is the Tikka T3 Hunter. It boasts some features you will definitely appreciate. The folks at Tikka promote this rifle as a comfortable shooter with ergonomics in mind. Good ergonomics not only make a rifle easier to a shooter but also help to improve accuracy as well. Additionally, this rifle has been designed to accommodate larger variable power scopes. Shooters interested in testing the .308’s long distance shooting abilities may appreciate this feature as well.

At an 6.1 pounds the Tikka T3 falls into a comfortable weight range with a walnut stock to absorb excess recoil. One strike against the Tikka T3 Hunter is its cartridge capacity. It is 3 + 1 capacity gun which limits the insurance ammunition you pack with you. Despite the cartridge capacity drawback, we consider this to be the best rifle for the money.

  • Pros: Ergonomics, Scope Accommodation, Weight, Appearance
  • Cons: Low Cartridge Capacity
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Ruger American Rifle

ruger-american-rifle-reviewThe Ruger American rifle might be the top choice for someone on a budget looking for a .308. Not only does it come with the respected Ruger reputation, but it also has many features shooters find appealing. For one the trigger on the American is adjustable from three to five pounds allowing for customization. Ruger also touts the new Positive Bedding system as another feature to really improve your accuracy with this rifle. This rifle does have a shorter 22-inch barrel which some shooters may find a bit too short. Finally, weighing in at just over six pounds the Ruger American is easy to tote around on an all day hunt, however, lighter guns tend to transfer more recoil energy to the shooter.

  • Pros: Low cost, Adjustability, Accurate.
  • Cons: 22-inch barrel, More recoil from light stock.

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Savage 10/110 Trophy Hunter

savage-10-110-trophy-hunter-reviewThe folks at Savage also make a reputable .308 rifle in their Trophy Hunter series. The Savage 10/110 .308 rifle is another bolt-action rifle worth looking at to take to the hunting woods or on the shooting range. Similar to the Ruger American rifle, this Savage rifle has a 22-inch barrel and an adjustable trigger system. It also has a 3-position thumb controlled safety mechanism. Personally, I find safety systems like this very easy to operate and the most fail proof. Another benefit for the price conscious hunter is the fact the XP package comes with a Nikon 3-9x 40 mm scope already attached.  One strike against this rifle for a hunter on the move is the weight of the gun. At 8.3 pounds it is the heaviest gun on this particular list.

  • Pros: 3-Position Safety, Adjustable Trigger, Scope Included,
  • Cons: Weight

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Remington 700 SPS Tactical

remington-model-700-sps-stainless-centerfire-rifle-reviewAnother .308 rifle retailing for less than $1,000 is the Remington 700 SPS. This specific rifle comes standard with Remington’s  popular three rings of steel action. The three rings of steel address the construction of the action of this rifle having three points of contact on the cartridge. It has been touted as the safest action on the market and many out there seem happy with its design . The barrel measures 24 inches giving you a bit more speed downrange as the pressure within the barrel has more time to build up.  Remington also included a SuperCell Recoil Pad on this rifle that makes this gun more comfortable to shoot. Although personally, I find the size of this rifle attractive, it does have the longer barrel and some may find it a bit too heavy for an all day rifle.

  • Pros: Comfort, Longer barrel, Proven Remington action
  • Cons: Possibly too heavy.
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DPMS Panther Arms .308 Oracle

dpms-panther-arms-308-oracle-centerfire-rifle-reviewOne flashy gun that may catch your eye on this list is the DPMS Panther Arms .308 Oracle. This compact rifle comes with several military carbine features shooters can appreciate. Its’ gas operated rotating bolt, semi-automatic action, and 19 round magazine would be ideal for somebody wanting to maximize their firepower. Although the Oracle would be an effective gun in some cases, it isn’t considered to be a traditional hunting rifle. With a barrel length of 16 inches, the Oracle is well suited for tactical purposes, but the short barrel length could impede long-range accuracy and bullet speed. Finally, weighing in at over eight pounds this gun would be noticeably heavier than other guns on this list.

  • Pros: Large capacity magazine, Semi-Auto action, Tactical Barrel Length
  • Cons: Heavy, Non-Traditional Hunting Rifle, Long Distance Accuracy
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At the end of the day finding a rifle that fits your needs isn’t a one size fits all equation. Deciding upon rifle caliber, let alone rifle features has far too many variables for any one person to make too many definitive arguments. From my analysis, however, the Tikka T3 appears to be a great all around rifle. Not only does it have all the attributes of every .308 rifle, Its comfortable size, 22-inch barrel, and Tikka’s reputation would make it a great addition to anyone’s gun safe.

By understanding the history of the .308, general agreements of its strengths and weaknesses, and its ability, you can browse a few specific rifles to make the best choice. If you are looking of the best .308 for less than $1,000 the five aforementioned rifles might serve as a good starting point for your search. Not only do they offer a wide variety within the caliber, but they each chamber the renowned .308 utility cartridge.

Images Source: brownells.com.

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Best Airsoft Guns – Reviews and Guide https://astraightarrow.net/best-airsoft-guns-reviews-guide/ https://astraightarrow.net/best-airsoft-guns-reviews-guide/#comments Mon, 07 Nov 2016 07:42:23 +0000 https://nqo.psw.mybluehost.me/?p=2317 Whether you’re looking to play a combat sport or hunt small game, an airsoft gun can deliver. These guns aren’t just toys anymore. There is a surprising amount of variation in quality, ranging from the toy store variety to close replicas of military grade weaponry. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the most important […]

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Whether you’re looking to play a combat sport or hunt small game, an airsoft gun can deliver. These guns aren’t just toys anymore. There is a surprising amount of variation in quality, ranging from the toy store variety to close replicas of military grade weaponry. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the most important factors to consider in purchasing an airsoft gun and look at some of the top products on the market.

Here is a quick summary of the best airsoft guns we reviewed:

ImageNamePrice (relative)Our Rating (out of 5.0)
[easyazon_image align="right" height="34" identifier="B0024XEXQS" locale="US" src="https://nqo.psw.mybluehost.me/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/21gKMPxe2B4L.SL160.jpg" tag="astraightar0d-20" width="160"][easyazon_link identifier="B0024XEXQS" locale="US" tag="astraightar0d-20"]Gamo Whisper Silent Cat Air Rifle[/easyazon_link]$$$5.0
[easyazon_image align="right" height="34" identifier="B005NH9QEG" locale="US" src="https://nqo.psw.mybluehost.me/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/21pwh2Bo9C2L.SL160.jpg" tag="astraightar0d-20" width="160"][easyazon_link identifier="B005NH9QEG" locale="US" tag="astraightar0d-20"]Benjamin Titan GP Nitro Piston Air Rifle[/easyazon_link]$$4.9
[easyazon_image align="right" height="35" identifier="B002E6RD6C" locale="US" src="https://nqo.psw.mybluehost.me/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/21gcapCSfVL.SL160.jpg" tag="astraightar0d-20" width="160"][easyazon_link identifier="B002E6RD6C" locale="US" tag="astraightar0d-20"]Umarex Diana RWS 34 Breakbarrel Rifle, T06 Trigger Air Rifle[/easyazon_link]$$$$$4.9
[easyazon_image align="right" height="120" identifier="B0096C2LV4" locale="US" src="https://nqo.psw.mybluehost.me/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/31WMTTAFM1L.SL160.jpg" tag="astraightar0d-20" width="160"][easyazon_link identifier="B0096C2LV4" locale="US" tag="astraightar0d-20"]G&G Combat Machine M4 Raider Airsoft Rifle[/easyazon_link]$$$$4.8
[easyazon_image align="right" height="107" identifier="B001KN31HK" locale="US" src="https://nqo.psw.mybluehost.me/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/41RUam8JKOL.SL160.jpg" tag="astraightar0d-20" width="160"][easyazon_link identifier="B001KN31HK" locale="US" tag="astraightar0d-20"]Soft Air Kalishnikov Tactical AK47 Electric Powered Airsoft Rifle[/easyazon_link]$$$4.8

Airsoft 101

Maybe you’re the experienced owner of many airsoft guns, but maybe this is your first purchase. Where do you start?

Airsoft is a recreational sport in which participants shoot plastic bb pellets at one another. The sport is similar to paintball. They were originally created as replica firearms. Now they are seen as a safer alternative to BB guns, which use metal bbs.

People play in airsoft fields and participate in competitions and leagues. Players comprise a much larger community than you might expect. The sport itself varies.

Some play “survival” games similar to paintball, where the goal is simply to take out other opponents and avoid getting shot. There are also variations, where teams might participate in a common goal like capture the flag or Battle Royale:

Not all airsoft gun owners play the sport. People choose airsoft guns to hunt small game like rabbits and squirrels or to address a pest problem.

Others find that airsoft guns are a good option for a younger crowd. They can be used to teach children about weapons safety with less risk. Even some adults find that it can be a cheaper alternative to practice with firearms.


Airsoft guns use plastic ammunition, part of the reason they can be cheaper and considered safer for use. The bb pellets, which stand for “Ball Bearing,” are about 6mm wide. Weight varies, but the weights most typically in use are.20g, .25g, .28g, .30g, .36g, and .43g. Other weights exist but are usually off-brands. For beginners, 20g bb’s are fine, but more serious players will want to go with .25g or higher.

Types of Airsoft

Before you purchase an airsoft gun, you should be aware that there are three different types: spring-powered, gas, and automatic electric guns (AEGs).

Spring-powered or “springer”

The cheapest type airsoft guns are powered by a spring. They will be present at your local sporting goods stores and at the cheapest end of the spectrum, in the toy section of any retail supercenters.

To fire, you need to pull back the spring, cock it, and then pull the trigger. Pulling the trigger releases a spring, which pushes a piston that forces the bb out of your gun’s cylinder at a high speed.

Typically spring-powered guns can propel a bb at 280fps, or feet per second.

A major disadvantage is that you need to do this every time you fire a shot, which greatly slows you down. This type of gun is well-suited for those looking for something similar to a shotgun or sniper rifle.

Springers are usually made almost entirely of plastic and are lower quality than the other two types of airsoft guns. While they work for beginners, serious players shy away from the spring-powered variety.


Gas powered guns use a compressed gas to propel bb pellets. There are three types of gas used in airsoft guns: propane, CO2, and green gas.


Propane is more reliable and has more shots per cartridge. It’s also cheaper and more accessible. When you run out, you can go to a nearby refill station to fill up. You only need an [easyazon_link identifier=”B000VVJ4T6″ locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]airsoft adapter[/easyazon_link] in addition to your propane tank.

The one inconvenience is that propane requires you to lubricate your gun. Since propane is a dry gas, your gun needs to be lubricated with [easyazon_link identifier=”B0059VAKYQ” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]silicone[/easyazon_link] after firing. While propane doesn’t have as much power as CO2, it is still the most common gas used in airsoft.


Carbon dioxide will give your gun the most power. If your gun is a lower grade, this power might be too much for your gun and cause it to break.

As the most powerful, CO2 is the most expensive type of gas, but it gives you fewer shots per cartridge compared to propane. It also requires a special converter. CO2 is less accessible as well; you have to buy it from a specialty store or online.

Green gas

[easyazon_link identifier=”B01DO110WS” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]Green gas[/easyazon_link] is propane mixed with silicone. This solves the inconvenience of lubricating after each use when you’re using propane. Green gas will give you about 1,000 shots per can, however, it is much more expensive than propane.

With gas guns you’ll feel some recoil, imitating the feel of a real gun. You can find the highest quality gun you’ll ever need in a gas-powered gun.

Automatic Electronic Guns (AEGs)

Automatic Electronic Guns are the most common type of airsoft gun. They operate with a spring-piston system that automatically cocks the piston using gears.

The system is powered by batteries. The cheaper ones typically use AA, while better quality guns use rechargeable, specialized batteries. Not all guns come with their own battery and charger, particularly higher-end guns. Even if your gun does, you may want an extra pack to use as a back-up.

AEGs can vary so much that it’s worth distinguishing between different tiers. Low Price Electric Guns (LPEGs) and Mid Price Electric Guns (MPEGs) are different from true Automatic Electric Guns (AEGs). All have the same electric powered gear and automatic piston but vary in quality and price.

One of the most popular aspects of AEGs is how much you can customize them. Upgrades are common among serious AEG owners. Almost any kink in a gun can be worked out with some sort of upgrade or adjustment. For those looking to customize, an AEG is an excellent choice.

Why are You Buying?

The last thing you’ll need to consider before buying a gun is its use. Why do you want an airsoft gun? If it’s for pest control or a gift for a child, you won’t need anything too strong. However, if you’re looking to play competitively, you’ll want a higher caliber airsoft to keep up.

Reviews of the Top 5 Airsoft Guns

We’ve reviewed five high-quality airsoft guns that meet our standards for power and quality.

[easyazon_link identifier=”B001KN31HK” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]Soft Air Kalishnikov Tactical AK47 Electric Powered Airsoft Rifle[/easyazon_link]

[easyazon_image align=”right” height=”107″ identifier=”B001KN31HK” locale=”US” src=”https://nqo.psw.mybluehost.me/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/41RUam8JKOL.SL160.jpg” tag=”astraightar0d-20″ width=”160″]Pros

  • Special-edition 60th anniversary AK47 electric-powered airsoft rifle
  • Includes full Kalashnikov trademarks and logo as special edition
  • Integrated tactical rails
  • Folding, removable foregrip
  • Nylon fiber foldable stock
  • Metal upper receiver and barrel
  • Metal gears/gearbox
  • High capacity magazine (550 rounds)
  • Muzzle velocity of 330-380fps with a .20g bb
  • Fires up to 600 rounds per minute
  • Power range of approx. 66 yards
  • Adjustable Spin-Up Shooting System.
  • Premium 8.4v 1200mah small “stick” battery and wall charger included.


  • Battery wires are a tight fit inside the battery compartment, making it difficult to put the cover on at first
  • Stock can be difficult to unfold

The Verdict

The Soft Air Kalishnikov Tactical AK47 is a special edition created for its 60th anniversary. It has a realistic look and feels, with the majority of its parts made from high grade cast aluminum. This gun has high accuracy and reliability. The magazines have a higher capacity, allowing for longer use and its power can reach nearly 400fps.

[easyazon_link identifier=”B001KN31HK” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]>>Check Price on Amazon<<[/easyazon_link]

[easyazon_link identifier=”B0024XEXQS” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]Gamo Whisper Silent Cat Air Rifle[/easyazon_link]

[easyazon_image align=”right” height=”34″ identifier=”B0024XEXQS” locale=”US” src=”https://nqo.psw.mybluehost.me/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/21gKMPxe2B4L.SL160.jpg” tag=”astraightar0d-20″ width=”160″]Pros

  • .177 caliber
  • 1200fps with PBA ammunition or 1000fps with 0.177 caliber match-grade lead bullets
  • Skeleton stock
  • 4×32 air rifle scope with rings
  • Non-removable noise dampener reduces the noise by up to 52%
  • Ventilated rubber pad for recoil absorption
  • Manual trigger safety
  • Automatic cocking safety system
  • Includes base for mounting
  • One year limited warranty


  • Noise dampener is less effective when using PBA ammo (with velocities reaching 1280-1330fps), but it does protect the muzzle
  • Trigger requires a hard pull, which can make accurate shots difficult
  • Bright fiber dots on iron sights are hard to see in bright light

The Verdict

The Gamo Whisper Silent Cat reaches very high power, especially when used with PBA ammo. It can easily do the job when it comes to small game hunting. While we appreciate the noise dampener, it didn’t have much effect when used with PBA. This sniper rifle is made with black synthetic stock and has great durability.

[easyazon_link identifier=”B0024XEXQS” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]>>Check Price on Amazon<<[/easyazon_link]

[easyazon_link identifier=”B005NH9QEG” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]Benjamin Titan GP Nitro Piston Air Rifle[/easyazon_link]

[easyazon_image align=”right” height=”34″ identifier=”B005NH9QEG” locale=”US” src=”https://nqo.psw.mybluehost.me/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/21pwh2Bo9C2L.SL160.jpg” tag=”astraightar0d-20″ width=”160″]Pros

  • Breakbarrel Gas piston 11mm scope dovetail (no open sights)
  • Two sizes: 0.177 caliber at 1,200 fps or 0.22 caliber at 950 fps
  • Includes unmounted CenterPoint Optics 4×32 scope and mount (no open sights)
  • Ergonomic thumbhole stock
  • Ambidextrous
  • Dual raised cheekpieces
  • Muzzlebrake for added leverage
  • 2-stage adjustable trigger
  • Reduced vibration due to the gas piston
  • Much quieter than other break barrels
  • Nitro Piston results in smoother cocking and shooting
  • No spring torque
  • No spring fatigue, even if you leave it cocked for hours
  • Functions well even in cold weather
  • Lasts longer than a metal spring
  • One year limited warranty


  • Scope rail grooves do not hold scope rings tightly and cause sliding
  • Trigger pull is stiff and takes force to release

The Verdict

This gas airsoft gun boasts additional benefits that not all AEGs can. The Nitro Piston system allows it to shoot and cock more smoothly. It is also more resistant to temperature changes. The Benjamin Titan GP is more adjustable and allows for comfort with its cheek pieces, thumbhole stock, and ambidextrous capability. It even runs cheaper than other guns on our list.

[easyazon_link identifier=”B005NH9QEG” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]>>Check Price on Amazon<<[/easyazon_link]

[easyazon_link identifier=”B002E6RD6C” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]Umarex Diana RWS 34 Breakbarrel Rifle, T06 Trigger Air Rifle[/easyazon_link]

[easyazon_image align=”right” height=”35″ identifier=”B002E6RD6C” locale=”US” src=”https://nqo.psw.mybluehost.me/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/21gcapCSfVL.SL160.jpg” tag=”astraightar0d-20″ width=”160″]Pros

  • Two options: .177 (4.5mm) and .22 (5.5mm) cal caliber
  • Maximum velocity1000fps (for the .177) or 800fps (for .22)
  • Capacity is 1-shot
  • Cocking Effort is 33lbs
  • Break barrel action
  • Spring power
  • Two-stage adjustable TO6 trigger is smooth and good for this price range
  • Fiber optic sights for easy shooting even without a scope
  • Fully adjustable rear
  • Classic wood design and high-quality finish
  • Well-balanced hardwood stock is easy to hold and shoot
  • Not too loud of a shooter


  • Price, being the most expensive of our picks
  • Safety can be difficult to put on and off and grinds against metal
  • Scope mount recoil screws fit loose

 The Verdict

The Diana RWS has a clean, well-crafted design with two different caliber options. It’s a great choice for paper targets and spinners, as well as small game and pests. There are a few minor kinks, but otherwise, our main hesitation is the price. It now comes with the T06 trigger, which one of the finest.

[easyazon_link identifier=”B002E6RD6C” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]>>Check Price on Amazon<<[/easyazon_link]

[easyazon_link identifier=”B0096C2LV4″ locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]G&G Combat Machine M4 Raider Airsoft Rifle[/easyazon_link]

[easyazon_image align=”right” height=”120″ identifier=”B0096C2LV4″ locale=”US” src=”https://nqo.psw.mybluehost.me/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/31WMTTAFM1L.SL160.jpg” tag=”astraightar0d-20″ width=”160″]Pros

  • AEG Airsoft Rifle
  • Polymer Body
  • Lightweight
  • 8mm oil-less metal bushing
  • Metal Gearbox
  • Torque Motor
  • Adjustable Rear sight
  • Close replica of an M4
  • 350 fps
  • Lightweight


  • Battery or charger bought separately
  • Collapsing the stock can be difficult with battery location

 The Verdict

The Combat Machine M4 Raider is a quality piece of work, very closely replicating a real M4. It’s an excellent gun for beginners, being lightweight and easy to handle. For experienced users, it is easy to add optics or sites.

[easyazon_link identifier=”B0096C2LV4″ locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]>>Check Price on Amazon<<[/easyazon_link]


Our Choice: [easyazon_link identifier=”B0024XEXQS” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]Gamo Whisperer Silent Cat[/easyazon_link]

The Silent Cat has very high fps, ranging from 1000 to 1200 depending on the type of ammo you use. It has some great features like the skeleton stock and a noise dampener, although as we mentioned, the gun can still be pretty loud.

The [easyazon_link identifier=”B005NH9QEG” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]Titan GP[/easyazon_link] was a good gas option, but more often had issues with the scope and trigger pull. We wouldn’t completely discount the Titan since these issues can be fixed with modification or upgrades.

The [easyazon_link identifier=”B001KN31HK” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]Kalishnikov Tactical AK47[/easyazon_link] and [easyazon_link identifier=”B0096C2LV4” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]Combat Machine M4[/easyazon_link] both had significantly lower fps. Not everyone needs an extremely high fps, but the Silent Cat’s velocity makes it more competitive than these two. Although they were highly rated and had some other great features.

We loved the [easyazon_link identifier=”B002E6RD6C” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]Diana RWS[/easyazon_link] too, but not its price. Overall, we’d go with the Silent Cat for its high velocity, quality features, and reasonable price.

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