Lifestyle Archives - A Straight Arrow Everything on Archery, Hunting, Outdoors Tue, 07 Nov 2023 10:19:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Lifestyle Archives - A Straight Arrow 32 32 3 Great Pieces Of Kit For Winter Vacations Tue, 07 Nov 2023 10:19:13 +0000 Outdoor survivalist skills aren’t solely useful for when you’re headed out, stranded in a local forest, or when you’re going on long hiking or camping expeditions. They can also work wonders for vacations too, perhaps with a partner, friend or set of relatives. These skills are also tremendously useful in the midst of intensive weather […]

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Outdoor survivalist skills aren’t solely useful for when you’re headed out, stranded in a local forest, or when you’re going on long hiking or camping expeditions. They can also work wonders for vacations too, perhaps with a partner, friend or set of relatives. These skills are also tremendously useful in the midst of intensive weather experiences.

Now, most people won’t head into the middle of an Amazon rainforest for a laid back vacation, so it’s worth considering – what are the most common adverse weather conditions to be found in a general vacation? Well, winter is usually a perfect example. Not only does it come around once a year, but depending on where you’re staying, it can be pretty rough to deal with.

You may also be seeking out winter vacations explicitly, as snowshoeing and cross country skiing season is coming. As such, learning a few helpful survival tips and bringing a few pieces of kit with you can be general-purpose and helpful for a broad range of scenarios.

Let’s consider what those may look like in practice:

Insulated Clothing

Insulated clothing, especially undergarments like vests, long johns or socks can be a great investment. While you should also wear waterproof coats, jackets and thick, robust trousers like cargo pants in the colder weather, these insulated undergarments provide layers of warmth and retain the heat, which is essential when outside in a freezing climate. As obvious as this sounds, it’s easy to neglect thermals if you wake up in a warm bedroom or feel as though they’re not needed, but having a fresh and clean set with you every morning can help you avoid discomfort, or even real issues like frostbite.

Cold Weather Sleeping Bag

While it’s true you might not be sleeping out on a frozen mountain for fun despite your proximity to it on a skiing or camping trip, a cold weather sleeping bag gives you the kind of comfort and relaxation you need. For example, let’s say you’re staying in an older hotel where the heating might not be as capable as it once was, or perhaps you feel the bite on a cold chilly night. Having a bag you can bring out easily, internally or externally, allows you to rest in relaxation while retaining the heat no matter how (reasonably) cold your exterior could be.

A Rugged, Waterproof Backpack

A backpack is essential when enjoying any kind of survivalist vacation, but even winter vacations can benefit from a large rucksack with multiple compartments and solid waterproofing. If you pack with your heaviest items in proximity to your back, you can then pack out and maintain balance. Moreover, winter backpacks are designed for keeping items internally as opposed to external water bottle holders which could freeze up in exposure to the cold. Many even have straps and buckles to easily attack the bag to your body, helping you avoid the need for continual adjustment, especially when having your hands free is an essential requirement.

With this advice, you’re sure to prepare your kit for a wonderful winter getaway.

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The 3 Reasons You Should Own Some Body Armor Mon, 06 Jun 2022 16:16:58 +0000 As a hunter, you likely take protection very seriously. Safety is a major factor when it comes to a successful hunting outing. Whether you choose to take along some tactical gear or you practice a lot of safety maneuvers, you aren’t likely to take your safety for granted. This is why it makes sense for […]

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As a hunter, you likely take protection very seriously. Safety is a major factor when it comes to a successful hunting outing. Whether you choose to take along some tactical gear or you practice a lot of safety maneuvers, you aren’t likely to take your safety for granted. This is why it makes sense for you to own some body armor.

There are a lot of instances where it makes sense to wear some form of body armor. Whether it is something simple or some level III body armor to take on high caliber ballistics, there are plenty of times you will want to wear it. In this article, we will go over some of those times. 

1 – Hunting

Hunting can be a very peaceful activity that gets you out in nature where you are far from the crowds. However, there are times when the season is just starting and there are a lot of hunters out there trying to take advantage of a short period of time to bag some prey. This means that the fields and forests can be downright crowded. 

When this is the case, the risk of a hunting accident is very high. You will need to be extra cautious and wear brightly colored clothing to make sure that you aren’t mistaken for prey. It’s also the ideal time to wear some body armor. The type all depends on the kind of caliber that is being used. 

For instance, if many people are using crossbows or shotguns then a level I type of body armor is going to suffice and be lightweight enough for you to not have to sacrifice mobility. 

Whatever you opt for, it is a good idea to have some when you are faced with crowded conditions. 

2 – Home defense

If your home is being broken into, your first reaction is usually to grab a firearm. Instead, it should be to throw on some body armor. If you are seen first by the intruder, it won’t matter if you are armed since he will have the upper hand. If he gets off a well-centered shot then you are now incapacitated and can’t protect your family. 

Having body armor will give you an advantage and be able to respond to fire without as much risk as being exposed.

3 – For child protection

Body armor doesn’t just come in the form of a bulletproof vest. There are even ways to protect your children when they go to school. A bulletproof backpack is an ideal way to make sure that they have some form of protection when they are out of the house. 

Since stray bullets can end up getting them, a bulletproof backpack will give them passive protection. In case of an active shooter situation, they can use the backpack as a shield so they can protect their vital areas. In a perfect world, this wouldn’t be necessary but the world we live in today has a lot of dangerous situations to be mindful of. 

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How to Host a Successful Outdoor Event Mon, 06 Jun 2022 16:13:47 +0000 Outdoor events are the perfect way to bring people together and have fun. Whether you’re hosting a corporate event, local games day, or outdoor family gathering, you can get outside in nature and socialize with a variety of people. While you might have hosted an indoor event at some point in the past, it takes […]

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Outdoor events are the perfect way to bring people together and have fun. Whether you’re hosting a corporate event, local games day, or outdoor family gathering, you can get outside in nature and socialize with a variety of people.

While you might have hosted an indoor event at some point in the past, it takes a little extra planning to take things outside. You have to account for the weather conditions, noise levels, and public access to the area.

Below, we’ve covered some of the most important things that you need to do when hosting an outdoor event to ensure a successful and enjoyable day for you and all of your guests.

Consider Your Equipment

There is some general equipment that you will need for any outdoor event, such as a radio or TV for audio and visual entertainment equipment, or tables and chairs for your guests to relax during the day.

Depending on the type of event that you are hosting, you might also need extra equipment. If you’re hosting a sports day, you’re going to need goal posts, cones, balls, and racquets. If you’re planning a corporate event, you might need Projector Screen Outdoor equipment for digital presentations. 

Find a Great Venue

Before you can plan the logistics of your event, you need to find a place to host it. Are you going to hire a popular outdoor venue? Do you plan to use an open field for your event?

If you decide to hire somewhere, the venue owner might be able to help you out with the planning and preparation of the event. You will need to consider the number of guests that are coming and any special features that you’d like to have, such as lighting or decorations.

Another important, but often overlooked aspect to consider is whether the venue has good restrooms. Make sure to check both their quality and quantity. But don’t despair if you think there are not enough restrooms for your event needs. You can always find affordable restroom trailers for sale and use them as a backup. When it comes to bathroom lines, fewer is always better!

Check Whether You Need a Permit

Depending on where you are hosting your event, you might need a permit. Some cities and towns require you to get permission to legally hold an event outdoors because they can be seen as disruptive to the public or a safety hazard.

You might need to provide the details of your event to the local authorities, such as the number of attendees, the potential noise levels, the time and date, and the food or drink that you plan on serving. If you want to have alcoholic beverages available at your event, you might need a specific permit for this.

Consider Accessibility

Having an easily accessible venue is important to ensure every one of your guests is comfortable and content. You might have disabled individuals attending the event so your venue must be wheelchair-accessible and should have parking nearby.

Your venue must also have lots of signage (including ADA signs) and clear lighting to help those with limited vision or blindness. Before your event begins, take a walk around to check for any signs of inaccessibility and address them before your guests arrive.

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How To Fall In Love With Exercise Tue, 31 May 2022 04:29:38 +0000 Whether you are looking for an overall health boost or looking to enhance your endurance levels, it is good to know how to maximize your fitness efforts for maximum results. You might dislike exercise or sports at all. If so, don’t worry as these tips can work for everyone.  Here are some top tips for […]

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Whether you are looking for an overall health boost or looking to enhance your endurance levels, it is good to know how to maximize your fitness efforts for maximum results. You might dislike exercise or sports at all. If so, don’t worry as these tips can work for everyone. 

Here are some top tips for how to fall in love with exercise again, or for the first time ever.

Get tips from the experts

With exercise, you don’t have to be in it alone. You can get a friend or even advice from an expert to help you love a particular exercise or sport. 

For instance, you might have a keen passion for hockey. Listening to hockey podcasts might help you attain great hockey knowledge and opinions from longtime lovers of the sport. Likewise, it might help to motivate you to participate in the sports themselves. 

Hence, getting tips and advice from the experts can ensure that you get the most out of the movements and your time/efforts. You may opt to consult them about organic medicinal mushroom capsules and other supplements. These could aid you in your fitness journey and help you achieve your health goals.

Go outside or inside

You might dislike exercise because you are getting bored of staring at your wall doing situps. Or, you might get bored of the same running route. Either way, you should change up where you exercise to seek a newfound motivation. 

When you change where, when, and how you exercise, you won’t find it as boring or dull. Hence, you will enjoy it more and notice when you are falling out of love again so that you can switch things up to rekindle that love. 

Get a buddy

If you dislike working out alone, then it can help to get a buddy. This doesn’t mean that you have to ask around to persuade someone to exercise with you. You should find someone that is motivated and excited. Otherwise, you might not be as inspired to exercise. 

If you are both as motivated as one another, then you can push each other to keep going. You will no longer quit or fall behind as you will have someone pushing you forward. 

Find an exercise that you love

Like trying new places to exercise, it can be just as effective to try new exercises. You might dislike the idea of working out because you hate the idea of HIIT circuits or cycling. With there being so many types of sports and exercise, you could try something new every day. 

Trying new exercises will result in finding one or more that you absolutely love. Hence, you will somewhat look forward to exercising

Set a routine

A routine is important and very beneficial when it comes to working out. A lack of routine can soon knock you out of the cycle of fitness. 

Dedicating an hour every few days (on the same days each week) will help you be prepared and know that you have time to fit in your exercise. Working out 3 or 4 days a week is more than enough to achieve and maintain great health and fitness. 

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Sports To Get Involved In For A Fitness And Overall Health Boost Thu, 26 May 2022 15:44:57 +0000 It is no secret that staying active and participating in physical activity is essential to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. However, many people do not know which sports are the best for improving their fitness and overall health. The following blog will discuss several different sports that you can get involved in to improve your overall […]

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It is no secret that staying active and participating in physical activity is essential to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. However, many people do not know which sports are the best for improving their fitness and overall health. The following blog will discuss several different sports that you can get involved in to improve your overall well-being!

1) Swimming

Swimming is a great way to get your heart rate up and is a low-impact activity, making it ideal for those with joint pain or other physical limitations.

Swimming is a great cardiovascular workout and can help tone muscles all over your body. In addition, because it is a low-impact activity, it puts minimal stress on your joints, making it an ideal choice for people with joint pain or other physical limitations.

If you are looking for a challenging swim workout, try swimming laps in a pool or taking on the open water (if you are feeling adventurous). Whatever you choose, make sure to start slowly and build up your endurance over time.

2) Tennis

Tennis is a fantastic cardiovascular workout that can also help improve your coordination. If you have never played before, start by taking some lessons from a local pro or joining a recreational league. Once you get the hang of it, you will be hooked!

If you are looking for a more competitive tennis environment, there are plenty of tournaments and leagues that you can join. Whatever your level of interest, there is sure to be a tennis group out there for you.

3) Golf

Golf is often thought of as a leisurely activity, but it can actually be quite the workout. Walking 18 holes can burn upwards of 500 calories, making it a great way to get your heart rate up.

In addition to being a great cardio workout, golf can also help improve your flexibility and balance. If you have never played before, consider taking some lessons from a local pro or joining a weekend league.

In addition, you should make sure that you have the right equipment before you start playing, so take the time and look for information on golf bags and other equipment needed.

4) Cycling

Cycling is a great way to get some fresh air and vitamin D while also getting your heart rate up. If you are new to cycling, start by renting a bike from a local shop or taking some classes at a nearby indoor cycling studio. Once you get the hang of it, you can start exploring different trails in your area.

If you are looking for more of a challenge, consider joining a local cycling club or participating in group rides. You can also find organized century rides (100-mile routes) in many areas, which make for a great day trip with friends.

Whatever level of cyclist you are, there is sure to be a group out there for you. So get on your bike and start exploring!

In conclusion, there are many different sports that you can get involved in to improve your fitness and overall health. Swimming, tennis, golf, and cycling are just a few of the great options available. So get out there and start moving! Your body will thank you for it.

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New VS Used RV: Which Option Is Best For You? Tue, 24 May 2022 16:17:51 +0000 Are you a free spirit, or are you looking for a way to escape daily life? Owning a trendy motorhome is a great way to experience adventures while traveling at your own pace.  Finding an RV for sale is an awe-inspiring way to start your journey. Whether it’s costs or reliability you are looking for, […]

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Are you a free spirit, or are you looking for a way to escape daily life? Owning a trendy motorhome is a great way to experience adventures while traveling at your own pace. 

Finding an RV for sale is an awe-inspiring way to start your journey. Whether it’s costs or reliability you are looking for, we are here to help. Choosing a new or used RV depends on your preferences.

Price Difference

The majority of customers have a budget they need to stick to. Buyers try to stay below their budget threshold and get the most for their money. For that reason, budget-friendly, used units are popular.

New RV’s tend to depreciate faster, by thousands or tens of thousands in the first two years you own them. You will often find great deals on a used RV, Mainly because the current owner is overly ready to sell. 

The Warranty

Should any technical problems arise with a new RV, the warranty generally has it covered for the first year or 2. This can bring peace of mind while traveling. 

While a used camper rarely comes with a warranty, it is usually only a 30 to 60-day warranty. Most of the time, you are on your own. This means that if you have a breakdown, you are stuck with a huge account.

Limited Options

When purchasing a used recreational vehicle, your options are limited to what is available. You might be stuck waiting for a long time before the RV you want comes onto the market. If you are flexible with the model and floor plan you are looking for, this shouldn’t be a problem. 

However, purchasing a new RV will provide you with a more significant number of choices. You even have the option of a custom-built roaming home. Attending RV shows is a beautiful way of gaining some insight into what you are looking for. 

Renovating Your Mobile Home

Previously loved motorhomes are popular amongst enthusiasts. Some individuals prefer to take used models and renovate them to brand new conditions—others like taking old, broken down, cheap RVs to refurbish them to their taste.

If you’ve just parted ways with a small fortune on a new mobile home, gutting your RV does not seem likely. 

Length Of Ownership

When a vehicle’s resale is a factor to consider, buying a unit that will depreciate quickly is not plausible. 

If you hope to keep the RV for many years to come, you might as well spring for new. Newer vehicles are more likely to last longer and require less maintenance from the start. 

Use Of Vehicle

Will you be using your motorhome for camping or daily living? This may be shocking, but some campgrounds have rules on what vehicles are allowed in.

There are some campgrounds with an age limit on the vehicles permitted access. This rule is to keep the area up to a certain standard. 

Whether old or new, adventure awaits you. Take your time in finding your perfect travel motorhome, and you’ll never need to kit out your car for a camping trip again. 

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Preparing Game for Your Next Cookout: 4 Tips Mon, 16 May 2022 14:39:24 +0000 There is no greater pleasure at peak hunting season than sharing your harvest with friends and family. Fewer things pair better than wild game and grilling — when everyone can spend time together outside, eagerly awaiting the story about how dinner was caught.  However, preparing wild game is a process that goes beyond grilling or […]

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There is no greater pleasure at peak hunting season than sharing your harvest with friends and family. Fewer things pair better than wild game and grilling — when everyone can spend time together outside, eagerly awaiting the story about how dinner was caught. 

However, preparing wild game is a process that goes beyond grilling or smoking. It’s an excellent source of protein loaded with natural flavor and tenderness that you won’t get from store-bought cuts.

Before you invite everyone over for dinner, you have to clean and cut your wild game. You can always choose to bring your hunt to a commercial processor, but butchering it yourself allows you to customize your cuts of meat as you prefer and make the most of your catch. Here are four helpful tips for preparing game for a cookout.

  • Gather the Right Tools

Processing wild game is messy — after all, you’re dismembering a once-living animal. Ensure it goes as smoothly as possible by collecting quality tools, such as the following:

  • Sharp knives: Purchase a sharp fillet knife for delicate cuts and trimming and a larger blade for steaks. A camping knife set is also helpful to have on hand outdoors.
  • Bone saw: Regular saws won’t do the trick. A bone saw is designed specifically for cutting through bones.
  • Hanging equipment: You’ll want a sturdy hook to hang larger game you catch, such as venison.
  • Game bags: Game bags come in handy for separating meat cuts, preventing leaks and deterring insects. 

You’ll also need durable latex gloves to protect your hands. Other essential items include a cooler designed for wild game and citric acid for preserving the meat from flies and bacteria.

  • Cool Wild Game

Cooling the animal is the first essential step for preparing game for a cookout. You’ll want to refrigerate or freeze it to prevent spoilage, bacteria and foodborne illnesses.

Set your refrigerator or freezer below 40 F and use a thermometer to verify the correct temperature. This isn’t low enough to kill bacteria, but it will slow its growth, giving you time to make the cuts. 

Cooling the meat is a challenge if you’re outdoors on a hunting trip. Use your camping knife set to remove organs as quickly as possible and begin the cooling stage — also known as “field process.”

  • Keep It Clean and Dry

It’s essential to clean wild game thoroughly and pat it dry, whether you’ve cooled it in the field or indoors. Compared to butchering, this step only entails rinsing and inspection. 

Use water to remove all debris and dirt. Otherwise, you may find residue in your food when you cook it. 

Drying the meat off as much as you can is critical, though. You don’t want your catch to stay wet for too long, especially since moist game is more likely to get contaminated or spoil. 

  • Carefully Tend to Organs and Muscles

There are two important rules for butchering wild game: Avoid internal organs — particularly the stomach and intestines — and preserve the muscles. 

You risk spilling half-digested food over the carcass if you puncture the stomach. Likewise, intestinal punctures could lead to feces contamination. Wash the game immediately and thoroughly if you pierce the stomach for your health and safety. However, toss the entire carcass if you puncture the intestines.  

Look to preserve muscles in the carcass when processing. In addition to making cleaning more manageable, you could cut them into steaks or roast them whole. 

Keep in mind that cleaning can be strenuous in the summer heat. That’s why you should begin planning your meal before temperatures rise midday. 

The Joy of Cooking Wild Game

Aging and curing your meats, concocting your famous secret rub and turning your harvest into a meal to be shared is the best part of preparing wild game.

There are several ways you may attempt cooking your wild game, or you may already have a technique or recipe passed down in your family for generations. However, grilling is often a popular choice, as is smoking it for a distinct flavor and extra tenderness.

Some people may like roasting wild game over an open campfire. A savvy outdoorsman knows it’s best to wait about 45 minutes for the flames to cool to proper cooking temperatures before putting the meat on. 

Regardless of your cooking method, wild game should never be over- or undercooked. Always use a meat thermometer to ensure the internal temperature is 165 F, as anything under is a potential health risk.

Preparing Game Is Not an Exact Science

Preparing your meat from kill to table is a learned process. However, each experience allows you to develop your skill, make mistakes and find techniques that work best for you

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How to Prepare for the Navy Application Process Fri, 13 May 2022 08:54:26 +0000 If you want to join the Navy, you’re going to need to do some serious preparation. As incredible as joining the Navy is, it’s not for everybody, and in order for your application to be successful, you will need to pass a range of tests. There is an intensive application process when it comes to […]

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If you want to join the Navy, you’re going to need to do some serious preparation. As incredible as joining the Navy is, it’s not for everybody, and in order for your application to be successful, you will need to pass a range of tests.

There is an intensive application process when it comes to getting any role in the Navy. Testing includes meeting a range of basic requirements and academic achievements and passing a series of physical fitness tests and a medical examination.

Failing just one aspect of the process can result in your Navy application being rejected. Not only is this disheartening, but it also means that you aren’t able to apply until at least six months later, in most cases.

Preparing for your Navy application and interview process is vital if you want to maximize your obtaining your dream role in the Navy. You will need to be physically fit, mentally tough, and knowledgeable about handgun shooting, large weapons, AMTAC suppressors, and other Navy machinery.

You might have already started preparing for your interviews and tests to join the Navy but want some extra guidance. In this article, we’ve got some top tips to help you prepare for the extensive and challenging Navy application process.

Give Yourself Plenty of Time to Prepare

The Navy application process is extensive and complex. It’s a long process that requires a lot of preparation to pass. To avoid feeling overwhelmed or failing some aspects of the application process, make sure to give yourself plenty of time to prepare.

The amount of time needed to prepare for the physical and mental tests differs from person to person but, ideally, you should give yourself at least two months.

While it’s important to get your physical fitness levels up to a high standard, it’s important not to overdo your physical training in the weeks leading up to your physical tests. Doing so might negatively impact your performance on the day.

Follow a Training Program

Being part of the Navy is physically demanding. To check that you are healthy and fit enough to keep up with the ongoing demands of the Navy, the application process involves completing a range of physical tests.

Create a training program for the weeks leading up to your physical fitness tests. Your training program should include elements that reflect the tests themselves, such as running, swimming, and push ups.

The more you prepare your body and mind for the intense physical tests, you easier they will be on the day.

Get Your Diet in Check

Alongside a great exercise program, you will need to make sure you are eating the right foods to support your body through the intensive training. In particular, focus on consuming lots of protein to support muscle growth and repair, and make sure you are fuelling your muscles with complex carbohydrates.

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Use These 11 Pro Tips to Effectively Secure Your Home Wed, 11 May 2022 02:38:07 +0000 From doors to roof security, you must consider several factors. And guess what, you might still miss out on a few aspects if you’re not careful. Fortunately, protecting your home is possible by following basic tips and covering the important bases. Read on; the below tips can be lifesavers.  Get to Know Your Home This […]

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From doors to roof security, you must consider several factors. And guess what, you might still miss out on a few aspects if you’re not careful. Fortunately, protecting your home is possible by following basic tips and covering the important bases. Read on; the below tips can be lifesavers. 

Get to Know Your Home

This means being aware of your home’s layout, possible exits and entrances, and any potential hiding places or “safe rooms.” Once you have a good understanding of your home, you can start identifying any areas that may be unsafe or difficult to escape from in case of an emergency.

Assess the Security Systems

The security systems and features available for your home will vary depending on where you live, your budget, and what type of property you own. Common systems include fire alarms, smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, exterior lighting, surveillance cameras, and window alarms. There are a lot of different manufacturers and sellers of Security Systems, one of which is Verisure, which you can see more of here. Make sure you do your research and settle on the one that works best for your needs and budget.  

Install Fire Extinguishers

Fire is one of the biggest threats to a home’s safety. One way to help protect against it is to install fire extinguishers around your home – especially near the kitchen and any other areas at high risk for fires (such as a workshop or garage). You can also consider installing sprinklers or other fire suppression systems.

Secure Your Doors and Windows

The doors and windows in your home are the primary entrance points for thieves or intruders. This means that it is important to keep them locked at all times, install strong locks on any exterior doors, and make sure that your window screens are secure and firmly attached to their frames.

Keep Important Documents Safe

In a worst-case scenario where you have to evacuate your home quickly, having important documents like insurance papers, passports, birth certificates, bank statements, etc., can be crucial in helping you start over. It’s good to keep these documents safely stored in a fireproof safe somewhere inside your home.

Keep Your Computer Files Safe

In our time keeping your home safe refers not only to the physical, but also to the digital world. It’s not only important to protect your home, but also your identity and all your files. A great achieve that is by installing a VPN for firefox, or any other browser that you use. A VPN will allow you to hide your IP as well as encrypt all your incoming and outgoing data.

Store Valuables Safely

You must keep any valuables or irreplaceable items stored away in a safe place. This could be a fireproof safe or even a hidden location inside your home where burglars wouldn’t think to look.

Protect Your Home Against Flooding

If you live in an area prone to flooding, it’s important to take steps to protect your home against the water damage that can come with it. This includes installing flood barriers and ensuring that your insurance policy covers floods.

Install a Security System

This will not only provide you with peace of mind but can also help reduce or prevent any break-ins or other threats that may occur in the future. You can also consider getting a gun with Holosun Red Dot Sights to help protect yourself and your family with better aiming.

Have an Emergency Plan

Your emergency plan should include things like what to do if there is a fire, an intruder, a natural disaster, etc., so that everyone knows how to respond and get to safety as quickly as possible.

Get Professional Help

If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed by all of the safety measures listed above – don’t worry! There are professional companies that can help you assess the risks to your home and develop a comprehensive safety plan that meets your unique needs.

Keep an Eye on Your Home’s Water Heater

Did you know that your home’s water heater could be a fire hazard? This is especially true if you don’t regularly check its temperature setting, filter, and any other maintenance issues that could come up. Make sure you don’t overuse it and monitor it at regular intervals.

Final Word

Remember to take things slowly, do your research, and consult with experts when needed. By taking these precautions, you can help ensure that your home is safe and secure in the years to come.

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5 Practical Boat Upgrades Worth Considering Thu, 05 May 2022 09:26:31 +0000 Did you know that you can fit your boat with a boat subwoofer? Or that you could install bespoke onboard lighting systems. There is an entire industry dedicated to boat modification and upgrades, and why not? After all, in these uncertain times, your boat is one of the small joys, and you should invest in […]

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Did you know that you can fit your boat with a boat subwoofer? Or that you could install bespoke onboard lighting systems. There is an entire industry dedicated to boat modification and upgrades, and why not? After all, in these uncertain times, your boat is one of the small joys, and you should invest in making it as comfortable as possible. 

Hey, Alexa!

Did you know that you can bring all the convenience of smart tech to your boat? Just as you can automate many things in your home, you can use similar tech to kit your boat. The biggest problem is noise, and there is a solution. 

Instead of shouting over the sounds of the engine, you can install a directional microphone in the captain’s seat. By doing that, the system will detect only your voice. This tech can then change the lighting, turn devices on and off, and do more at your command. 

Sound Solutions

Speaking of the noise, you may want to entertain without your guests screaming their lungs out to hear each other. To that end, we recommend soundproofing your boat’s cabin. But, again, it is a much less expensive upgrade than one might think.

Using simple noise-canceling padding, which you would use in a hame studio, you can render the cabin soundproof. Nevertheless, you can also upgrade the sound system on your boat.

Light The Way

LED strip lighting is cheap as nails, and when used tastefully, it can bring your boat to life. You can combine vivid colors, such as blue or red, with traditional white LED lights to create a lighting setup that inspires the imagination without looking like a tacky race car.

In the same way, you can use LED strip lighting on your boat’s hull, just above the water, to create an incredible lighting effect that highlights the ocean around you. Just make sure that you don’t take your boat out in an area where lighting is prohibited. 

Harman Who?

You might find something missing from your boating experience if you enjoy music, but it need not be. There are a couple of types of audio technology that allow one to bring a quality sound system to the high seas. First, we mentioned adding a subwoofer to your boat. Most boats have a lot of hollow chambers.

And wouldn’t you guess it? That is what you need to get the most from a subwoofer. In addition to the sub, quality speaker systems that use directional sound can turn your boat into a media and entertainment hotspot that rivals your home theatre.

Comfortable Seating

Many boats are purpose-built. That is perhaps because the engineers who design them are, well, engineers. Function often trumps form, or in this case, comfort. But fret not. You can easily modify any existing seating to make it more comfortable.

Whether you’re getting into boat fishing or recreational sailing, comfortable seating can make a massive difference to your experience. 

You can also purchase bespoke boat seating. Unfortunately, these comfortable seats often look like padded bar stools or race car bucket seats. However, some companies make more tasteful options. 

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What To Know Before Buying An RV Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:24:09 +0000 Buying an RV is exciting and more fun than using your car for camping, but remember that it is a large investment that will depreciate in value quickly, and comes with a big list of things that can go wrong. From where and when to buy, to factors that you might not have considered yet, […]

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Buying an RV is exciting and more fun than using your car for camping, but remember that it is a large investment that will depreciate in value quickly, and comes with a big list of things that can go wrong. From where and when to buy, to factors that you might not have considered yet, to what to avoid, you need some tips and tricks to get the RV of your dreams and no buyer’s remorse. 

Start With Research

The process of buying an RV must start with thorough research. A lot of that research can be done from home online. There are lots of RV forums online, packed with information and users that are happy to share their opinions and experiences. If you’re buying used, you can use a site like Edmunds to read reviews on dealers to make sure you’re choosing somewhere you can trust. 

Do Hands-On Research

Do some practical research too. Rent an RV and do a weekend or a longer trip in it to make sure you actually like the RV life. There are lots of different sizes and kinds of RV, including classes A, B, and C, travel trailers, fifth wheels, toy haulers, and more. Your ideal RV will depend on the size of your family, how often and where you will travel, and how comfortable you are driving a large vehicle. The big class As are fantastic for families, but beginners may find them scary to drive. 

Another useful way to get hands-on rental experience would to be stay in an RV park, and ask politely if you can have a look at other people’s set-ups and ask them for their critiques and experiences on different options. RVers are often friendly and happy to chat. Approach politely and explain why you’re asking. 

Consider Private Sellers

You can go to RV Trader and RVT to find private sellers. Some people also find good options on Craigslist, eBay, and even Facebook Marketplace. During your search, join some social media groups and pages with information on RVs and tips to find potential sellers. Facebook groups and RV forums are other good resources for buying an RV, especially if you want to buy a used one. 

The Benefits Of Buying Used

If you are buying an RV from a private seller, it’s likely that you won’t the first owner of the RV you buy. This can actually be a good thing. It’s not uncommon to hear stories of people who bought new RVs, only to find that the RV had issue after issue, and spent months in the repair shop, instead of out on the road. When you buy a used RV, the previous owner will usually have worked out any kinks from the factory. Owners will also have sometimes paid for upgrades to their RV after buying it new and will have made changes based on their experience. This means that new models are often better equipped than brand new ones. 

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20 Home Bar Ideas You’ll Love Thu, 14 Apr 2022 15:19:31 +0000 Thinking of setting up a home bar? Or perhaps you already have a home bar and you’re looking for new ways to decorate it? From dart boards to bar optics, there are all kinds of fun features you can add to a home bar. Below are just a few fantastic home bar ideas to consider. […]

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Thinking of setting up a home bar? Or perhaps you already have a home bar and you’re looking for new ways to decorate it? From dart boards to bar optics, there are all kinds of fun features you can add to a home bar. Below are just a few fantastic home bar ideas to consider.

Wall mounted TV

If you’re aiming for a sports bar theme, a wall mounted TV is a must-have feature for allowing you to watch all your favorite games. Alternatively, a TV could be used for simply playing music videos, watching movies or even playing video games. TV can be placed inside or outside (although outdoor TVs will generally need to have a cover).


If you love playing darts, why not hang up a dartboard in your home bar? You could buy some special darts such as these Kyle Anderson darts and even install a digital scorer. Darts requires at least 7ft 9.25 inches of space when played properly, so make sure you have this space.

Pool table

If you’ve got a relatively large home bar, you could even consider adding a pool table. You’ll be able to practice your pool skills and challenge friends. You can even convert it into a dining table when not in use. Most pool tables are designed to be used indoors, although you can buy outdoor-friendly pool tables for outdoor bars.

Pinball machine

A pinball machine could be another fun feature to add to your home bar if you’ve got enough room. This could be a vintage machine to match a vintage home bar, or something new. Pinball machines are best placed indoors. 

Home karaoke

If you and your friends love singing karaoke, why not enjoy some home karaoke with a microphone and karaoke machine? This could be plugged into your TV so that you can sing along to the words on the screen. Karaoke video games may be able to achieve the same thing.

Custom bar mats

Don’t just opt for generic bar mats. There are companies that can help you to produce custom bar mats that could allow you to personalize your home bar. This includes drinks coasters and bar runners. 

Custom signage

Another way to personalize your home bar could be to add some custom signage. Consider naming your bar and adding a sign over the bar. You can also add small extra signs around the bar containing custom funny messages and notices. 

Barrel seats/tables

For a cool rustic touch, look into stools and tables made from old wine and whisky barrels. You can buy converted wooden barrel seats and tables on sites like Etsy. You could even try making your own barrel seats and tables if you’re DIY savvy. 

Wine rack

If you’re a wine lover and you’ve got a collection of bottles (or would like a collection), then it’s worth adding a wine rack to your bar. This could be a large floor-to-ceiling wine rack or something small and modest depending on how many bottles you plan to collect. 

Novelty bottle openers

There are all kinds of silly bottle openers that you can buy nowadays. Have fun shopping for unique bottle openers to give to your guests. These could be wall-mounted bottle openers or handheld ones. Check out a few wacky bottle openers here

Bar optics

Wall-mounted liquor optics can give your home bar that authentic bar feel. They can also help to pour measured shots (to prevent you going too crazy when pouring). Grab a selection of your most favorite spirits and mount these to optics on the wall behind the bar. 

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Tiki bar mugs

If you’re going for a tiki bar theme, make sure to buy some tiki bar mugs. Even if you’re aiming for a different theme, they’re still a fun form of glassware for serving cocktails in. You can find all kinds of unusual tiki mugs online.

Beer stein glasses

Give your home bar a German beer hall touch by also considering some stein glasses. These large tankard-like glasses are another fun form of glassware to add to your collection.


Chalkboards are a fun feature for writing practically anything on. You can list a menu of drinks available, write out cocktail recipes, scrawl reminders, use it for scoring darts or simply add funny messages.

Edison bulb chandelier

Edison bulbs are large oversized bulbs that can give any space a vintage feel. They typically hang without any kind of lampshade and are usually positioned quite low for a pendant-light look. Wrapping multiple Edison bulbs around an overhead wooden beam can make for a particularly cool rustic chandelier. 

Custom neon lights

For a modern lighting solution, you could consider adding some neon lights. Better still, you could try looking for a company that offers custom neon lights, allowing you to create signs.

Repurposed bottles

Empty bottles can be put to use in all kinds of creative ways for a quirky rustic touch. You can turn them into candle holders, add fairy lights inside to create fun lanterns or even grow plants in them. 

Bottle cap collage

You can also get creative with bottle caps. Every time you drink a new beer, keep the bottle cap. You could stick it on a wall and make it a challenge to collect as many different bottle caps as possible. If you’re feeling ambitious, you could even create a bottle cap collage

Electric heating

Outdoor bars can get quite cold at night (especially if you’re using them in the winter). An electric heater could help to keep your outdoor bar warm and cozy. Outdoor electric heaters come in all different styles including wall-mounted heaters, tabletop heaters and floor-standing heaters. Work out which is the best style for your bar.

Tip jar

Finally, why not add a tip jar to your bar? While drinks for guests are likely to be on the house, you can still give guests the option to pay you some money as a thank you. This could be money to put towards new bar features that you and your guests can enjoy in the future. 

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Common Types of Phobias Tue, 12 Apr 2022 15:25:57 +0000 This post was developed via a partnership with BetterHelp. Most everyone is scared of something, whether real or imagined, even if they won’t admit to it. From snakes to sharks and disease to being alone, there are plenty of things humans can get worked up over. Some of these fears are understandable while others can […]

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This post was developed via a partnership with BetterHelp.

Most everyone is scared of something, whether real or imagined, even if they won’t admit to it. From snakes to sharks and disease to being alone, there are plenty of things humans can get worked up over. Some of these fears are understandable while others can get farfetched and unrealistic. Still, every fear feels very real to the person experiencing it, and this is especially true when it comes to phobias. When someone has a phobia, other people might not understand it; however, it’s important to understand it from a mental health perspective. You can learn more about phobias here: Having more awareness of common types of phobias can help you empathize with those who have them but can also help you recognize if you might be experiencing one yourself.

What Is a Phobia?

A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder characterized by an uncontrollable, excessive, and irrational fear of something specific. This could be an object, place, activity, or certain situation. It’s important to note that the threat the person thinks they’re under is either exaggerated or nonexistent. In reality, the source of the person’s fear poses no danger to them.

When someone with a phobia encounters the thing that they’re afraid of, they may experience a panic attack or other feelings of dread. So, to avoid those negative feelings, people often do whatever they can to avoid whatever they’re afraid of. In many cases, people will go to extreme measures to keep their distance from that thing, place, or situation. Their lives are usually impacted as a result in more than one area, and it can be hard for them to live normally.

A mental health professional can diagnosis someone with a phobia, which millions of people live with on a daily basis. Once a person is accurately diagnosed with a phobia, they can begin treatment to get their life back on track.

Types of Phobias

There are many different types of phobias a person can have, many of which you might not be aware of at all. Some of these include:

  • Aerophobia: The fear of flying.
  • Atychiphobia: The irrational fear of falling.
  • Thanatophobia: A fear of death or dying. Most people are afraid of no longer being alive to an extent, but this fear affects a person’s life deeply.
  • Acrophobia: The fear of heights, even when one isn’t high up.
  • Nosophobia: Also known as illness anxiety disorder or hypochondria, nosophobia makes a person worried about any changes in their body. They worry about having a serious medical condition.
  • Claustrophobia: The fear of tight or confined spaces.
  • Vehophobia: The fear of driving; it often begins after someone is involved in a serious auto collision or accident and can be very common.
  • Arachnophobia: The fear of spiders.
  • Astraphobia: The fear of thunder and/ or lightning. It typically affects children and can be very common.
  • Social Phobia: Also known as social anxiety disorder, it is marked by withdrawal or avoidance of other people. It’s a type of anxiety disorder which causes extreme terror in any type of social situation. People with social phobia are afraid of meeting new people and fear being criticized or judged.
  • Cynophobia: The fear of dogs.
  • Ophidiophobia: A fear of snakes.
  • Nyctophobia: It’s common for kids to be afraid of the dark, but this phobia is characterized by an age-inappropriate fear of the darkness.
  • Trypanophobia: Having an aversion to blood or needles.

There are an endless number of phobias, some of which are much rarer than others. It’s possible for anyone to have a phobia to anything. Even if a fear seems irrational to you, know that it feels very real to the other person. The best thing you can do is encourage that individual to seek help.

Treatment for Phobias

The type of treatment pursued for a phobia depends on the individual experiencing it, how intense their symptoms are, and how strong the fear is. It also can depend on the specific type of phobia that needs to be treated. A mental health professional will ask questions about your experiences, symptoms, and medical history. They will also use the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) to make an accurate diagnosis, especially if they believe your symptoms are the result of something other than a phobia.

Most phobias are treated using what is called exposure therapy. It’s a type of psychotherapy that focuses on changing the stress response someone has to whatever they’re afraid of. If, for example, you have a fear of escalators, your therapist would likely start by showing you pictures of escalators, talking about them, and then eventually you’d go near one. You might ride up one floor the first time and then two floors the next time. Over time, the panic response you have to escalators would likely go down.

Exposure therapy might be combined with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) as well. CBT focuses on challenging negative thought patterns and replacing them with more positive ways of thinking. Some people will need medication to aid in their recovery, but psychotherapy is often successful in treating most phobias. As always, it depends on the person and the severity of the phobia being treated.

Finding Help for A Phobia

If you believe you have a phobia, it’s essential to reach out to someone who can help as soon as possible. Talking with a mental health professional can reduce symptoms and help you start to get your life back on track. Aside from therapy, you should also focus on developing healthy habits and doing things for yourself that you enjoy. Make sure you’re getting enough exercise, eating healthy meals, and getting enough sleep each night. Picking up a hobby like basketball, jogging, or archery can also help reduce stress and keep your mind occupied. Everyone has fears in life, but phobias can significantly impact the way you live on a daily basis. Still, a phobia-free life is possible with the right support, guidance, and commitment.

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What Do Psychologists Do? Tue, 12 Apr 2022 15:03:06 +0000 This article was developed via a partnership with BetterHelp. The field of psychology is filled with a variety of careers for professionals to choose from. Certain fields are better suited for certain individuals depending on their goals, personality, preferred income, skills, interests, and talents. One potential career path one might pick is that of a […]

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This article was developed via a partnership with BetterHelp.

The field of psychology is filled with a variety of careers for professionals to choose from. Certain fields are better suited for certain individuals depending on their goals, personality, preferred income, skills, interests, and talents. One potential career path one might pick is that of a psychologist. Psychologists are trained to assist their clients with a variety of mental health concerns, and there are many benefits to seeing one. Whether you are seeking help for a problem in your life or are thinking about becoming a psychologist yourself, it can be helpful to learn about what they do. You can learn more at this link: With this information in mind, you can make a decision regarding your own mental health or career.

What is a Psychologist?

Psychologists are scientists who study how the human brain works and how humans think and behave. Many of them perform research on a variety of topics like memory, development, personality, and cognition. In most cases, they have an area they specialize in. Some of these might include learning disabilities, speech pathology, developmental disorders, or counseling. While some psychologists research all day, others spend their time talking with clients and helping them sort out different problems in their life.

Types of Psychologists

There are many different kinds of psychologists one can be. One’s area of specialty normally determines their title. Some of the possible titles a psychologist could have include:

  • Forensic psychologist: Deal with criminal, civil, or legal matters.
  • Social psychologist: Study group dynamics like implicit bias, bullying, and prejudice.
  • Clinical psychologist: Treat emotional, behavioral, and mental disorders.
  • Educational psychologist: Work to understand the learning and instructional process.
  • Organizational psychologist: Focus on employee behavior in the workplace.
  • Child psychologist: Study the development of children.
  • Military psychologist: Concentrates on military personnel and their families.
  • Evolutionary psychologist: Study human behavior through an evolutionary lens.
  • Cognitive psychologist: Concerned with mental processes like memory and attention.
  • Neuropsychologist: Study the relationship between human behavior and brain function.
  • Aviation psychologist: Work with employees in the aviation industry.
  • Occupational psychologist: Study human behavior in work-related settings.
  • And more

Psychologists can be very specialized in their work, such as an aviation psychologist, or they might have a broader skillset. If someone is very interested in a certain area of research, they’re more likely to have a narrower skillset. Certain problems require a specialist’s help, so these psychologists come in handy when someone has nowhere else to turn.

What Do Psychologists Do?

A typical day in the life of a psychologist will primarily depend on what type of psychologist they are. Work settings can vary greatly, as an example. Some people work in schools or offices, while others work in hospitals or even outdoors. In general, psychologists who meet with clients spend much of their time assessing, diagnosing, and then coming up with treatment plans for different people.

Different mental health conditions require unique approaches to treatment and psychologists are responsible for deciding what would be best for the clients they’re seeing. Some people will need medication, in which case they’d be referred to a psychiatrist. Others will need specific therapies to manage their symptoms. Psychologists can get certified in a variety of therapies such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) that may help their clients heal.


Many psychologists perform counseling or therapy on a regular basis. If you’re looking for a psychologist to counsel you, consider asking these questions during your search:

  • How long have you been practicing?
  • Are there any areas you specialize in?
  • Which therapies are you qualified to perform?
  • How often do you think we would need to meet?
  • How long do you feel we’d need to meet?
  • Do you give your clients homework or reading outside of sessions?
  • When was the last time you worked with someone like me?
  • How much do you charge per session?
  • How should I prepare for my first session with you?
  • What does success mean to you concerning my treatment and healing?

Everyone needs something different in counseling or therapy, so you shouldn’t compare your situation to anyone else’s. Therapy is all about you, so make sure your needs are coming first. How well you get along with your psychologist can make or break your experience, so you want to make sure you’re choosing wisely. If you start with one psychologist and discover they aren’t a great fit for you, you can always make a switch.


Becoming a psychologist can be a very exciting and rewarding career, although it can have its challenges. You should explore all your options before picking a specialty and deciding to pursue this career. This is especially true since it can be very expensive to go into psychology because of the education requirements.

In addition, seeking the help of a mental health professional such as a psychologist can greatly benefit anyone needing assistance. If you’ve never sought support for your mental health before, it can be intimidating. However, it could be the difference between living happier and healthier or continuing to have troublesome symptoms.

On top of seeing a psychologist, you should have other hobbies and habits that promote healthy living. This might mean picking up a sport like tennis, practicing a new skill like archery, or writing in a journal in your spare time. Anything that stimulates your mind, allows you to relax, and is enjoyable can benefit you for the long run. Sometimes lifestyle changes can put you back on the right track, but there are other times you’ll need a professional’s help, and that’s okay. Everyone moves at different speeds and has unique needs, so don’t hesitate to do what’s best for you and alter your plans as necessary. A healthy mindset is possible; it just takes some patience and work to get there.

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How to Beat a Procrastination Habit Tue, 12 Apr 2022 14:58:21 +0000 Presented by BetterHelp. Life often gets busy when you most need a break and then slows down as you’re finally starting to catch up. Sometimes you can’t think of anything fun to do in your free time, while other times you have too many things you’d like to do but not enough time to do […]

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Presented by BetterHelp.

Life often gets busy when you most need a break and then slows down as you’re finally starting to catch up. Sometimes you can’t think of anything fun to do in your free time, while other times you have too many things you’d like to do but not enough time to do them. If you’re like most people, you probably have a tendency to put off the less-appealing activities and chores for later. Instead, you prioritize the fun activities and decide you’ll get to the other stuff some other day. Eventually, though, all those things you’ve put off for so long start to pile up and you find yourself getting overwhelmed. Procrastination is a common habit and can be hard to break. However, with the right determination, you can learn how to use your time more effectively. Below are some tips for beating procrastination once and for all. You can also visit for extra advice and assistance in breaking your habit.

Practice Accountability

It’s usually a lot harder to put something off if others are depending on you. Whenever possible, commit to tasks publicly. You might tell your boss that you’ll have a report to them by the end of the business day or promise a colleague you’ll deliver a draft by the morning. If you fail to complete the task, you’re not only letting yourself down, but others. In many cases, you won’t want to appear lazy to other people, so the social pressure will be an added incentive not to procrastinate.

Break It Down

Do you have a big task ahead of you that feels overwhelming? One solution is to break it down into smaller, easier tasks. You’ll feel more accomplished checking multiple things off of a list instead of just one big thing.

Reward Yourself

You may have an easier time accomplishing something if there’s a reward tied to it. As an example, you might allow yourself to watch an episode of your favorite TV show each time you finish a paper. Or you might decide to go to a nice coffee shop to give yourself a better atmosphere to study in. Sipping on your favorite drink can be great motivation.

Switch Up Your Environment

Believe it or not, your environment could be limiting your productivity. For example, if you find yourself always falling asleep halfway through studying, consider where you’re choosing to study at. Are you sitting in bed or at a café? Your workspace should promote productivity and be somewhere you feel at peace. Of course, everyone needs a different work environment. Some people will need noise and movement around them while others will need complete silence. Try out a few different places and find what works best for you.

Work On Your Perfectionism

Are you a perfectionist at heart? If so, you may struggle more than others with procrastination. Perfectionists often come up with constant excuses as to why they can’t do something. They may argue that it’s too early in the day, that they’re too tired to focus properly, or that they want to wait until there are zero distractions. Once you eliminate your perfectionistic tendencies, you can begin to get rid of the excuses that hold you back from doing what needs to be done. If you can’t ever work on something until everything is perfect, it’s going to be very hard to get anything done at all.

Have A Goal Buddy

It’s one thing to have someone to hold you accountable, and another to have someone to work alongside you. If you don’t have one already, try finding a friend you can rely on to motivate you to get stuff done. This might look like going to study with one another, calling each other once a week to discuss goals, or something else. Involving someone else in your life can make it harder to procrastinate because they can hold you accountable.

Assess Your Goals

Sometimes struggling with procrastination serves as a great reality check. You may have outgrown your goals or dreams without even realizing it over the years. In some cases, there may be a disconnect between what you’re currently doing and what you truly want to be doing. It’s never a bad idea to take a break, such as a vacation, and reassess what you’re aiming toward. You may find that you’ve experienced personal or professional growth over time that doesn’t quite match up with where you’d like to go anymore. Recognizing those changes in yourself is the first step to moving forward into something better suited to your needs.

Just Do It

If all else fails, there’s nothing wrong with forcing yourself into action. Without taking that first step, nothing will get done, and now is as good as time as ever. Once you see that your actions produce results, it may motivate you to keep going until you are no longer forcing yourself to get to work.

If you’re struggling with procrastination, know that’s it’s a habit that can be fixed. You might have to try several different things to solve the issue, but it’ll be worth it in the end. Remember that it’s important to have hobbies so that your free time is filled with things you enjoy doing. If you neglect to have hobbies that you love, it’s likely that everyday tasks will feel even harder to complete. Hobbies like archery, yoga, or tennis can help you release pent up energy and make it easier to focus on the things you need to get done. Should all else fail, you can always reach out to a mental health professional to address any problems you’re having with procrastination. Left to fester, procrastination can begin to interfere with multiple areas of your life, so getting help when you need it is vital.

The post How to Beat a Procrastination Habit appeared first on A Straight Arrow.
