best throwing-axes-reviews

Best Throwing Axes: Reviews and Guide

Throwing axes have a long history of use in combat as a ranged weapon that can cause severe damage, but these days they have found many more uses such as tools for sports and competition as well as breaching to...
Benchmade - Mini Griptilian review

Benchmade Mini Griptilian Knife Review

When you’re looking for a small knife that can fit in practically any space, then you definitely want to consider the Benchmade Mini Griptilian Knife. Let’s take a look and see how much of a difference this cou...

Top Pocket Knives by Spyderco

Spyderco is a company that is well known for their unique knives. They have done everything that they can in order to make pocket knives that are unique and that can stand up to pretty much anything you need it...
unique and cool pocket knives

Top 7 Coolest Pocket Knives

There is nothing quite like the feeling of carrying a pocket knife. For some reason, you feel more in control, ready for everything, ready to take on the world. What’s even better is when you discover a cool po...
what is a lazer knife

What is a “Laser” Knife?

There's been a fair of buzz about “laser” knives in knife making and knife enthusiast forums. What exactly is a laser knife, though? A quick Google search will bring different answers. One is the laser knife us...
what is the smallest knife in the world

The Smallest Knife in The World

The smallest knife in the world is also known as a micro knife. It can be described as being a product of cutting edge technology that combines artistry and carbon technology. The smallest knife in the world i...
virginia state knife laws

Virginia State Knife Laws

A thorough review of the laws which govern knives in the Commonwealth of Virginia needs to start with the state's constitution. The Virginia Constitution guarantees the right to bear arms in section 13 of artic...
vermont state knife laws

Vermont State Knife Laws

Generally, it's not illegal to carry or possess knives in the State of Vermont. However, there is a statute in the state that specifies that carrying dangerous weapons, whether openly or concealed with criminal...
utah state knife laws

Utah State Knife Laws

Under Utah's State Constitution, an individual has the right to keep and bear arms. Their purpose must be for the defense and security of family, self, and others. The Constitution also reads that the state leg...
texas state knife laws

Texas State Knife Laws

You can find more details about regulations regarding knives in article 1, § 23 of the Texas State Constitution. This state recognizes the right to keep and bear arms but there are some laws that exist to help ...
tennessee state knife laws

Tennessee State Knife Laws

The Constitution of the USA state of Tennessee has specific knife laws that need to be acknowledged by all individuals owning or bearing knives. The Constitution within this area states that all citizens of Ten...
South Dakota State Knife Laws

South Dakota State Knife Laws

The state of South Carolina is a knife-friendly jurisdiction. However, there are numerous cities that have restrictive ordinances. In South Carolina, there are no statewide prohibitions in regards to knives. T...
New York State Knife Laws

New York State Knife Laws

CAUTION - We are advising New York State residents and travelers in the state, and especially in New York City, to be very cautious with your knives. In order to protect yourself effectively, it is best to not ...
South carolina State Knife Laws

South Carolina State Knife Laws

The state of South Carolina is a knife-friendly jurisdiction. However, there are numerous cities that have restrictive ordinances. In South Carolina, there are no statewide prohibitions in regards to knives. ...
Rhode Island State Knife Laws

Rhode Island State Knife Laws

The law regarding the use of knives in Rhode Island can be found under Title 11 (Criminal Offenses), as well as some specifics relating to knives under Chapter 47 (Weapons). There is a list of weapons which are...