Axe Guides Archives - A Straight Arrow Everything on Archery, Hunting, Outdoors Thu, 24 Feb 2022 05:07:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Axe Guides Archives - A Straight Arrow 32 32 How to Replace an Axe Handle Tue, 25 Jul 2017 13:10:12 +0000 The worst mistake you can ever do if you have a broken, cracked or split axe handle, or shaft is to wrap it with tape or fix it with epoxy as some people erroneously do. The best and safest way is to replace such faulty handle with a new one. Some little experience or skill […]

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The worst mistake you can ever do if you have a broken, cracked or split axe handle, or shaft is to wrap it with tape or fix it with epoxy as some people erroneously do. The best and safest way is to replace such faulty handle with a new one. Some little experience or skill in woodworking may be good but not necessary for you to succeed in replacing an axe handle.

The process is quite straightforward. All you need is the right information to offer you guidance and the right woodworking tools to help you execute the job. This does not mean you will find the process easy. You need to create time for hard work loose do a good job. Here are helpful tips and steps on how to replace an axe handle.

What You Will Need

  • Broken axe
  • Replacement axe handle
  • Wood rasp
  • Wood finish
  • 1/2-inch and 1/4-inch diameter mild steel rods
  • 2 wood handle wedges and 4 steel handle wedges
  • Bucket and water
  • Hammer and Saw
  • Cold chisel
  • File
  • Bench vise
  • Sandpaper
  • Mineral oil
  • Hand cloth

Replacement of the Axe Handle


This first part includes removing the old axe-handle, cleaning the axe socket, hole or eye and test fitting a new handle. Follow the following instructional steps.

Step 1: Purchase a replacement handle

Axe handles are standardized meaning you should find it easy to find the handle that will fit your blade. Since such handles are made from different wood types, your concern should be that you get a new handle made from strong and durable wood. A good practice would be to bring with you the old axe handle for comparison. Seize this opportunity to buy as many wood and steel handle wedges as you can afford. You can find these materials in your local hardware store.

Step 2: Detach the old handle

Removing the old handle is not a difficult undertaking. Since the old handle is useless, you can use any variety of methods to remove it. You can clamp the axe blade into a vise and then hammer the handle outright by the use of a wood chisel or drill into the handle via a hole, insert a metal wedge and force by hitting it with a hammer. Another alternative is to saw off the handle at the neck of the axe blade and hammer out the remaining bit.

To ease the process of removing the old handle, you can soak the head with a bit of handle in a bucket of water all through the night. This will swell the wood but when the wood dries up, it will be smaller than before soaking making it extremely easy to remove.

Step 3: Remove Dirt and Debris from the Eye of the Axe

For those who do not know, the eye’ refers to the hole existing in the axe blade that the handle fits into. You can be meticulous in the process of removing the old handle to believe that you have cleaned everything off the eye’ of the axe but this is not always the case. Ensure you remove all the dirt and debris that might be remaining in the eyes by using sandpaper.

Step 4: Pencil Mark the Kerf on the Replacement handle

If you buy a new handle from a hardware store, chances are that it will come with a pre-made kerf. The term kerf denotes the saw wedge at the top of the handle. The Kerf helps the helps the handle to fit into the eye of the axe. Locate the place where the kerf ends and mark a pencil line around the circumference of the handle. The aim of pencil marking offers you a visual reference on the right depth the handle should go.

Step 5: Try Fitting the New Handle

While some people may get it right on the first try, the majority report that they have to test the fitting the new handle a couple of times before the fits perfectly. Push the axe blade in manually first. If the handle gets in easily then it could be a wrong one for your axe. If it fits with some difficulty then try tapping it lightly with a piece of wood.

As you push the head into the handle, try to see how far it gets considering the position of the Kerf. Once the head reaches the level of the kerf then you should remove any part of the kerf still sticking out on top. If that is the case then you need to shave down that part of the handle. In trying to force the handle into the head, avoid hitting it with a metal hammer as this may risk damaging the handle made from wood.

Securing the New Handle

This second and last part involves shortening the handle if necessary, filling the kerf with wedges (metal and wood), cutting off the protruding wedge, tightening any loose handle and applying a protective coat on the handle. Here is how to go about it:

Step 1: Shorten the Handle as Necessary

The test fitting you did earlier should have given you an idea of the length of the axe’s top handle that needs shortening. If the handle refuses to fit then you can narrow it down as appropriate to see that it fits the axe eye perfectly.

Step 2: Use Wedges to Fill In the Kerf

Filling on the other side of the axe socket will prevent it from moving around when being used. You can fill the axe socket in by lightly tapping a slender wood wedge into the kerf and securing it with layers of carpenter’s glue. You may also hammer metal wedges into the eye to provide the axe head with further support and stability. Hammering the wedges diagonally will provide better results.

Step 3: Cut Off Any Protruding Wedge

Once you have successfully secured the handle from the protruding part, you should saw down any protruding wedges. This process will optimize the force of your swing as you use the axe. You can leave a few millimeters from the end of the handle to make the axe look neat.

Step 4: Tighten Loose Handle Further With Glue

This step is necessary only if you have followed through with all the support and stability measures yet the handle still refuse to hold firmly. Fill any cracks or crevices remaining with glue. A good option when it comes to glue is Chair Doctor due to its thin viscosity allowing it to slip into thin gaps.

Step 5: Add Mineral Protection to the New Handle

When you are sure all is well, then you should protect your new handle with a coat of mineral oil. Drop a handful of mineral oil on to the handle and apply it consistently with a soft hand cloth. Allow it to sit for a few minutes while the mineral oil soaks into the wood. The oil is necessary if you will store the axe in an environment heavy with moisture.


As you have learned, replacing an axe handle is not a difficult thing if you have the right tools and information. It will take you several minutes but this what to expect if you want to have your axe for wood splitting serve you months or even years to come. How long the axe will serve you after replacement also depends on how well you take care of your ask. Employ the right technique when using the axe and you will not need to replace the handle frequently.

Author Bio:

My name is Angela Williams, I adore gardening and I really enjoy to invest almost all of my time in gardening. So, I dedicated to establishing my blog “” to become the best assistance when one thinks of taking care of gardens. I’m seeking my best to become quite experienced with plants and gardening.

The post How to Replace an Axe Handle appeared first on A Straight Arrow.

Best Tomahawks: Reviews and Guide for 2019 Mon, 10 Apr 2017 06:51:14 +0000 If you love outdoor adventures, you’ll need the best tomahawk as this will bring huge help and convenience for you in the wilderness. While various kinds of knives are available and can perform some of the functions of a tomahawk, nothing can beat tomahawk’s strength when it brute force is required. Tomahawks were highly popular […]

The post Best Tomahawks: Reviews and Guide for 2019 appeared first on A Straight Arrow.

If you love outdoor adventures, you’ll need the best tomahawk as this will bring huge help and convenience for you in the wilderness. While various kinds of knives are available and can perform some of the functions of a tomahawk, nothing can beat tomahawk’s strength when it brute force is required. Tomahawks were highly popular among hunters back in the days. Those who used tomahawks did better in setting up camps and fires in comparison with other hunters who used knives instead. If you are still unsure which tool to use on you next wilderness adventure – you can’t go wrong with a good, proven tomahawk. It will give you more confidence to thrive in the challenging environment you will be in.

Check The Best Tomahawk

Summary: Top 5 Highest Rated Tomahawks

ModelWeightEditor's Rating
[easyazon_link identifier="B00I04Q7LO" locale="US" tag="astraightar0d-20"]1. Columbia River Knife and Tool 2730 RMJ Woods Chogan T-Hawk[/easyazon_link]8 ounces4.8/5.0
[easyazon_link identifier="B00AYLKQ6S" locale="US" tag="astraightar0d-20"]2. Estwing E6-TA Black Eagle Tomahawk Axe[/easyazon_link]1.9 pounds4.7/5.0
[easyazon_link identifier="B004PQNBKG" locale="US" tag="astraightar0d-20"]3. Smith and Wesson SW671 Extraction and Evasion Tomahawk[/easyazon_link]2.11 pounds4.7/5.0
[easyazon_link identifier="B00904SCDO" locale="US" tag="astraightar0d-20"]4. Browning Shock N' Awe Tomahawk[/easyazon_link]2.4 pounds4.5/5.0
[easyazon_link identifier="B0061G5BRY" locale="US" tag="astraightar0d-20"]5. United Cutlery UC2836 M48 Ranger Hawk Axe[/easyazon_link]2.3 pounds4.4/5.0

Tomahawk Reviews

[easyazon_link identifier=”B00I04Q7LO” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]1. Columbia River Knife and Tool 2730 RMJ Woods Chogan T-Hawk[/easyazon_link]

[easyazon_image align=”right” height=”160″ identifier=”B00I04Q7LO” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”astraightar0d-20″ width=”160″]This tomahawk from Columbia River Knife & Tool is your perfect buddy for your great outdoor adventure. The material used for creating one is solid 1055 carbon steel, making it a durable choice. Aside from its sharpened edge that is typically used for cutting and chopping, the other end of this product has a solid hammerhead making it an ideal equipment for pounding various things like nails.

The handle is also made of sturdy material, which is USA Tennessee hickory, so you can be sure that it’s also durable. It’s a popular choice for many outdoor and camping enthusiasts. This is true especially for individuals that have lodges around the forests or lakes. It’s a fantastic tool for doing various things, such as chopping, cutting, scraping, and firewood picking. Moreover, it’s also a great tool to keep yourself safe while in the wilderness. It has a total dimension of 19.1 inches by 8.2 inches by 1.5 inches. At only 8 ounces, it’s one of the tomahawks with the lightest weight. Considering its features and cost, it’s an excellent option, especially for those who love camping.

[easyazon_cta align=”center” identifier=”B00I04Q7LO” key=”wide-light” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]

[easyazon_link identifier=”B00AYLKQ6S” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]2. Estwing E6-TA Black Eagle Tomahawk Axe[/easyazon_link]

[easyazon_image align=”right” height=”129″ identifier=”B00AYLKQ6S” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”astraightar0d-20″ width=”160″]Estwing’s tomahawk is on the cheaper end when it comes to price. However, the makers still ensured its durability. The heating of its blade enhanced its sturdiness, preventing it from breaking easily, so you can expect to use it for a long time. It is ideal for people who have a career in the rescue industry or are into sports that make use of tomahawk. This tool has the following dimension: 16.2 inches by 7.4 inches by 1.2 inches and it’s lightweight at 1.9 pounds.

[easyazon_cta align=”center” identifier=”B00AYLKQ6S” key=”wide-light” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]

[easyazon_link identifier=”B004PQNBKG” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]3. Smith and Wesson SW671 Extraction and Evasion Tomahawk[/easyazon_link]

[easyazon_image align=”right” height=”87″ identifier=”B004PQNBKG” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”astraightar0d-20″ width=”160″]Many outdoor, camping, and hiking enthusiasts love tomahawk because it can be used in various tasks. If you check out different reviews, one thing that reviewers give focus on to prove that it’s the finest tomahawk choice is its different uses.

This SW671 Extraction and Evasion Tomahawk from Smith and Wesson is known for that. The way it was created makes it not just an amazing chopping or cutting tool, but one that is perfect for extracting tasks too. It has a total dimension of 15.9 inches by 8 inches x 0.5 inches and it weighs 2.11 pounds, making it a great choice for those who play tomahawk throwing. It’s considered as the real deal for tough men and not something to play like a toy.

Another great thing about this product is that its handle can be removed and placed back. It also comes with a head cover, as well as a belt loop that you can use to secure it, making it convenient to carry it around.

[easyazon_cta align=”center” identifier=”B004PQNBKG” key=”wide-light” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]

[easyazon_link identifier=”B00904SCDO” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]4. Browning Shock N’ Awe Tomahawk[/easyazon_link]

[easyazon_image align=”right” height=”160″ identifier=”B00904SCDO” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”astraightar0d-20″ width=”160″]This is a bit on the pricier side but you can be sure that it’s a topnotch choice as it’s made of superb quality materials. Shock N’ Awe Tomahawk Knife from Browning, as the term suggests, is a mix of a knife and a tomahawk. Even at first glance, you will know immediately that this is a durable equipment that will last for years. Very sturdy High Carbon 1055 Tool Steel is used in this product so you can expect that this will be tough to break. Its spike end comes with a lock to ensure its safety. This handy tool is your all-around tool for household, vehicle, or outdoor activities.

[easyazon_cta align=”center” identifier=”B00904SCDO” key=”wide-light” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]

[easyazon_link identifier=”B0061G5BRY” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]5. United Cutlery UC2836 M48 Ranger Hawk Axe[/easyazon_link]

[easyazon_image align=”right” height=”160″ identifier=”B0061G5BRY” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”astraightar0d-20″ width=”160″]UC2836 M48 Ranger Hawk Axe is one of the products of United Cutlery, which is looked up to as a trusted seller of tomahawks and this tomahawk is one of their finest models. What’s unique about this product is that it comes with a compass making it a great outdoor companion as it can tell you the right direction. A paracord that’s 10 feet in length is also included in the kit.

This tomahawk is made from 2Cr13 stainless steel with reinforced nylon steel for the handle making it a sturdy option. If the bolts that secure the axe head loosen; lubricate and tighten them and you’re good to go. The UC2836 M48 Ranger Hawk Axe has a total dimension of 15.5 inches by 3.5 inches by 2.4 inches, while its blade length is 8 inches. This product is 2.3 pounds in weight.

[easyazon_cta align=”center” identifier=”B0061G5BRY” key=”wide-light” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]


One of the factors that can help you determine the best tomahawk to choose is its dependability and the tomahawk from [easyazon_link identifier=”B00I04Q7LO” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]Columbia River Knife and Tool Tomahawk[/easyazon_link] is one of them. It’s been tried and tested in various harsh environments and never disappointed. Give it try, you will be satisfied.

More Guides: Best Camping Axe

The post Best Tomahawks: Reviews and Guide for 2019 appeared first on A Straight Arrow.
