Hiking Tips Archives - A Straight Arrow Everything on Archery, Hunting, Outdoors Thu, 23 Mar 2023 04:05:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://astraightarrow.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/cropped-favicon-arrow-jpeg-32x32.jpg Hiking Tips Archives - A Straight Arrow 32 32 Why You Should Go On a Hiking Vacation https://astraightarrow.net/why-you-should-go-on-a-hiking-vacation/ Wed, 06 Jul 2022 07:15:53 +0000 https://nqo.psw.mybluehost.me/?p=79587 When most people hear the word holiday, they consider the fact that they are going to look at far-flung beaches on beautiful resorts with all inclusive menus and infinity pools as far as the eye can see. The thing is, there are many definitions of what makes a holiday, and there are a lot of […]

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When most people hear the word holiday, they consider the fact that they are going to look at far-flung beaches on beautiful resorts with all inclusive menus and infinity pools as far as the eye can see. The thing is, there are many definitions of what makes a holiday, and there are a lot of great reasons that you should consider a hiking vacation rather than just going to lay on the beach for two weeks. 

Hut trips, walking tours, hiking holidays – most people swear by them. It’s not just because of blogs such as those by Jerome Clavel, but because there is always something for everybody on a hiking tour holiday. Below, we got some of the best reasons that you need to go on a hiking vacation this time.

  • You get your body moving. Laying down and sunbaking for two weeks is such a cliche way to spend your time, don’t you think? There’s nothing wrong with wanting to bathe and relax on holiday, but you can relax just as well with a walking vacation than with a resort vacation. Moving your body can help you to work out all of the pent-up adrenaline and tension you have from your day-to-day routines. All of the stress that you’ve been hanging onto with an iron fist so that you don’t let it go at the wrong time is still within your body. Vacations that involve a lot of movement can actually really help and your body is designed to move to feel good. You’re simply honoring that.
  • Nature is spectacular. If you’re choosing to go on a hiking holiday, the chances are you’re going to see so many amazing natural scenes that it will take your breath away. Nature is fantastic and sometimes just being in the thick of all of that greenery can help you to breathe better, think better, and it’s going to make you feel like a success because you’ve conquered a new trail.
  • It’s a great way to fill those endorphins. Burning all of that energy is going to really help you to feel that you’re at your happiest. Consider the way that you feel post workout – you know that euphoria that comes with finishing the routine? You’re going to feel that a consistent pace on your walking holiday. While some people want to get the most out of the holiday by visiting all of the places they can fit onto the list, that can cause a lot of stress and organization and trying to get everything done. Instead, you can choose a trail and head to it and you know that you’re going to be able to complete the trail and feel good about it at the end. It’s a great way to spend your time.
  • You will come home so rested. All of that burnt off adrenaline, all of that time spent thinking and being at peace and nature, and simply choosing something more active to do with your holiday time, it’s going to make you come home feeling restful and happy.

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What to Buy When Starting Hiking https://astraightarrow.net/what-to-buy-when-starting-hiking/ Mon, 06 Jun 2022 01:42:20 +0000 https://nqo.psw.mybluehost.me/?p=79564 Hiking entails more than simply walking. It can be a type of exercise that can be employed in a variety of ways. You can begin by trekking in nearby wooded areas, and then progress as you gain confidence. To begin, all you need to do is get your heart rate up and keep moving. When […]

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Hiking entails more than simply walking. It can be a type of exercise that can be employed in a variety of ways. You can begin by trekking in nearby wooded areas, and then progress as you gain confidence. To begin, all you need to do is get your heart rate up and keep moving. When you first start hiking, there are a few items you should consider investing in to make it simpler and more comfortable for you to appreciate the lovely surroundings. Hiking is a terrific way to start a healthy lifestyle and spend more time outside. You may find yourself in unfamiliar places and it is important to make sure you stay safe however it can be enjoyable and help with stress so it is worth pursuing. 

Monitor Your Progress 

One thing you should keep an eye out for is how you are progressing. Getting a pedometer or a smartwatch that records your steps, heart rate, and other fancy things is a terrific way to check how far you’re walking and how long it takes. Make sure it’s pleasant to wear so it doesn’t rub; you might want to consider investing in leather apple watch bands, which are much comfier. Then, by recording your efforts, you will observe development and improvement over time, which will motivate you even more.

Hiking Boots Are Required 

Hiking requires specific hiking shoes because you will be climbing rocks and hills, walking through mud, and so on. You’ll want to ensure they’re waterproof, cushioned, and have a strong drip. This will keep your feet dry and prevent you from slipping when climbing rough terrain. 

Stay Warm 

Along with the shoes, you’ll need something to wear when you go out, such as a windbreaker or a warm, waterproof jacket. You don’t want to get soaked in the rain, and when trekking in different regions, it’s common to be chilly, so you want to be prepared in all situations. It’s usually a good idea to bring it with you. It is preferable to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. 

Keeping Your Hands Warm as Well 

Not your everyday gloves, yet they are useful to have on hand. But you can go the additional mile. You may acquire heat-producing hand warmers that you can carry with you and keep your hands pleasant and toasty the entire time. There are several varieties available, including one-use hand warmers, but choosing a rechargeable one is better for the environment, less wasteful, and will usually save you money in the long run. 

Keep Your Items Safe 

Bringing a bag with you will make things simpler because you won’t be carrying drinks or keys and can ensure the safety of your items from your thermal mug to your heavy duty resistance bands. You don’t need much more than a comfortable backpack to carry the necessities, some snacks, and sometimes a flask of soup or hot liquids to take a break and restore your energy.

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Hiking and Trekking Have a Tremendous Impact on Your Mental Health https://astraightarrow.net/hiking-and-trekking-have-a-tremendous-impact-on-your-mental-health/ Fri, 13 May 2022 08:48:20 +0000 https://nqo.psw.mybluehost.me/?p=79504 As a person in love with nature, you probably spend a lot of time in the great outdoors, and you’re happy with it. If you’re not really fond of outdoor walks, you most likely love spending time on the couch in your living room watching movies. If you’re more of the second type, you probably […]

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As a person in love with nature, you probably spend a lot of time in the great outdoors, and you’re happy with it. If you’re not really fond of outdoor walks, you most likely love spending time on the couch in your living room watching movies.

If you’re more of the second type, you probably noticed how people who constantly go in nature are happier than others. There’s a great reason for this, and it’s not the fact that they fit perfectly in their women hiking pants and tight shirts, but because they love the activity of walking through the raw wilderness.

Hiking, trekking, mountaineering, biking, and other outdoor activities greatly impact our mental health. This is why all nature lovers are happier than the rest. In this article, we explain why and how walking in nature affects our mental health. Read on and learn more about this.

1. Outdoor physical activity raises your serotonin levels

Serotonin is the hormone that makes us feel happy and satisfied. It is proven that exercise and physical activity raise your serotonin levels. By exercising, your body will increase tryptophan, an amino acid used to create serotonin in your brain.

That means going for a walk, and especially hitting the trails in the mountains, will make you feel wonderful. Your serotonin levels will jump to the highest levels making you as satisfied, stress-free, and happy as you can be.

2. Trekking also raises dopamine

Another thing that exercise raises is dopamine. Dopamine is the motivational hormone that drives your body and mind forward. When you go on a trekking adventure, you aim to reach a particular goal. It may be climbing the top of the mountain, walking a particular distance through the woods, or something else.

When you achieve your goal, you instantly feel satisfied with your goal, and this raises your dopamine level, making you feel successful. This feeling boosts your energy and gives you the strength to do even more and achieve greater goals in all life’s fields.

3. Walks in nature help you defragment your brain

One of the best things from a walk in nature is the chance to defragment your brain. What does this mean? When you walk to a particular point, or you simply put one foot in front of the other and let your thoughts wander off, your brain goes through the things that happened during the day, week, and the past.

This activity helps your brain reconcile its thoughts. You’ll have the chance to think about what happened to you, how you’re acting, and what would be best to do in the future. It helps you find the right answers to some of the questions you’ve been unsuccessfully trying to answer for a long time.

4. Regular hiking keeps you in shape and boosts self-esteem

If you regularly go in nature and hike or trek, you’re wasting tons of calories. Wasting more calories than you’re consuming means you’re losing weight, which eventually means you’re making a great healthy body.

Although there’s nothing wrong with looking a little chubby, most people prefer to be slim. When you’re fit, you feel more attractive, and this feeling is instantly transferred to the others. People will also look at you as attractive, making you feel wanted, and this is something that we all desire.

5. Helps you see the world from a different perspective and set new goals

When you’re in nature, you look at things in a different way. You understand that city life is somewhat an illusion of what the world really is. In nature, there are no obligations, work meetings, deadlines, or social rules. There’s only the law of nature in which no one is above.

You understand that your social skills and positions in society aren’t going to help you in the case of an emergency. You’re alone in the wilderness where plants and animals can be both your friends and foes. You realize that there’s no greater force than nature, and all humanity’s attempts to be on top of it mean nothing.

After going through numerous situations, some of them surely dangerous, you start seeing the world from a different perspective. These walks in nature are essential for finding out who we truly are, our most important goals, and where we want to go in life.


These few points explain how trekking and hiking can be valuable for your mental health. Going through nature heals your thoughts. Your brain gets rewired, and you’re alone with yourself only to raise the happiness hormones and think about the value in life. Everyone who spends more time in the great outdoors returns with a smile, so don’t hesitate to take a walk in nature and experience this yourself.

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Simple Ways to Rocket your Hiking Stamina https://astraightarrow.net/simple-ways-to-rocket-your-hiking-stamina/ Thu, 16 Dec 2021 15:35:06 +0000 https://nqo.psw.mybluehost.me/?p=79215 Getting out and involved with nature is one of the things that helps to make hiking such a compelling thing to do. If you feel as though your hikes are always being cut short because you are getting too tired or fatigued, then this is the guide for you. Run or Walk When you are […]

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Getting out and involved with nature is one of the things that helps to make hiking such a compelling thing to do. If you feel as though your hikes are always being cut short because you are getting too tired or fatigued, then this is the guide for you.

Run or Walk

When you are not on the trail, why not explore other activities that could help you to rocket your endurance? Running and walking are both fantastic workouts and you can do them almost anywhere if you want to rocket your endurance. If you are not an experienced runner then why not start with a program so you can ease yourself into it? Aim to do around two runs a week to start with and when you have more time, add some more activities in. If you can do this, then you will soon find that things end up working really in your favour and that your fitness increases. If you are struggling to get motivated, then why not consider asking a friend to workout with you? They can then push you to achieve bigger and better results.

Play Sport

Another thing that you can do is play sports. When you play sports, you will be working out completely different muscles in your body and this can help you to increase your overall level of fitness. If you don’t know where to start, then football is always a very good option. If you want, you can even watch sports online to see which ones you like the most. Remember, you can also bet on the MLB online too.

Weight Train

You should never underestimate how much strength will play a part when it comes to your overall endurance for long hikes. Sure, you will want to focus on boosting your cardiovascular health but building up strength in your legs or even your core will also help. It will also increase your fitness when the gradient steepens near the top of the hike. Yoga, deadlifts, push-ups and even yoga are all very good options that focus on the more functional patterns of movement, and they are the way to go if you want to increase your fitness level.

Hill Intervals

If you find that you are short on time when it comes to the midweek slump, then you can still get a quality workout in. You can schedule in some high-intensity training with ease. It may be that you find a road that is in your neighbourhood with a nice steep gradient or that you simply head to a local trail that has a couple of short inclines. Either way, you would be surprised at how easy it is for you to reap the benefits when you train this way.

Do a Trial Hike

When you have a nice spot picked out, you will have to put on a pack that is very similar to what you will be wearing when you go out on your hike. You need to push yourself to get to the top and you need to do it as fast as possible. Walk down the same trail and then repeat. How many runs you can do will depend on your level of fitness, but either way, it is very easy for you to increase your fitness when you take this approach.

Increase the Frequency

One mistake that so many hikers make is that they only hit the trail when they have the time to train. While you do want to include some long hikes to try and build your fitness, you do want to make sure that you build endurance through frequency. Just like athletes do, you have to remember that you have to build your exercise regimes around your goals. You may want to try and cross-train and you also need to remember that not all of your workouts need to be three hours or more. Sometimes it is okay for you to workout for an hour. Shorter workouts are better than not working out at all, so ensure that you take this approach if you can. It’ll help you to rocket your results.

So, if you follow this guide, then you will soon find that it is easier than ever for you to get fitter and also make more time for hiking as well, which is huge if you happen to work full time or if you are struggling with the schedule you have now. Why not see how much fitter you could get today by making some simple changes?

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6 Important Things To Add To Your Hiking Checklist https://astraightarrow.net/6-important-things-to-add-to-your-hiking-checklist/ Thu, 18 Nov 2021 15:30:42 +0000 https://nqo.psw.mybluehost.me/?p=79180 Hiking in nature, inhaling oxygen from the fresh, crisp air, and having a flushed glow on your skin is exhilarating. Hiking trips with your friends or family are instant serotonin boosters that wash away all your stress. Though, you can’t hike without preparations. Mountains and green life can pose dangers. To have a memorable and […]

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Hiking in nature, inhaling oxygen from the fresh, crisp air, and having a flushed glow on your skin is exhilarating. Hiking trips with your friends or family are instant serotonin boosters that wash away all your stress.

Though, you can’t hike without preparations. Mountains and green life can pose dangers. To have a memorable and comfortable hiking adventure, you need to go well-prepared and packed up.

It’s also important to research the best hiking near Richmond VA before you go. This will ensure that you choose a trail that suits your level of experience and physical fitness. Some popular hiking destinations near Richmond VA include Pocahontas State Park, the James River Park System, and the Shenandoah National Park. Each of these locations offers a unique hiking experience and stunning views of the natural surroundings.

6 Essentials For Your Next Hiking Trip

Do you need tips for a perfect hiking packing list? Read on to find six vital things for your hiking checklist!

1.      Backpack

Hiking is incomplete without a proper backpack. Your backpack should be lightweight yet spacious to carry all your other hiking essentials. A too large or small bag will cause you discomfort and not fit your necessities. That’s why first think of the things you want to carry for the hike and then buy the hiking bag to fit them all.

2.      Navigation Must-Haves

Hiking without knowing where you’re going sounds like a disaster. That’s why you must put navigation instruments in your hiking essentials. From maps and compasses to GPS devices and their extra batteries, you can’t afford to forget them. Imagine being lost in an unfamiliar topography. That’s why you must try to make your hiking trips as secure as possible.

3.      Emergency Aid Kit

Hiking in mountainous terrains might cause minor or major injuries. You might trip or maybe catch an allergy or rashes. If the temperatures drop at night or it rains, then you might even catch a cold. Situations like these make the first-aid kit a vital thing to keep.

Instead of preparing the kit yourself, you can always buy the ones made especially for hikers. They come in moisture-proof cases and contain all the important gear repair and first aid items you may need. If you’re preparing your kit, you can include things like band-aids, ointments, ibuprofen, whistles, zip ties, and needles and threads.

4.      Hiking Clothes And Footwear

Your hiking checklist is incomplete without hiking apparel. Rigorous physical activities like hiking need specific clothing to offer you breathability, comfortability, and flexibility.

As you pack your things for hiking, be sure to add extra pairs of hiking boots, waterproof jackets, neck warmers, and gloves. A pair of sunglasses and sunscreens also save you from the sunbeams and allow you to hike upwards without burning your skin to crisp!

5.      Food

Even if you’re going for a day-long hike and will be back before sunset, you should still never forget to pack some food. Emergency food and water are your hiking essentials.

Bring some nutritious and energizing snacks like protein bars, energy drinks, and maybe your favourite tea to sip along. You must focus on your hydration because as you hike, it’s easy to lose track and end up feeling sick because of dehydration.

6.      Car

You can’t take just any car for hiking- especially if you plan to hike on hilly terrains. That’s why you need to consider other options when selecting a car for your hiking trip.

Your car must be spacious to store your necessities and drive around on rocky landscapes as well. Cars like Toyota Hilux and Jeep Grand Cherokee are excellent means of transportation for such thrilling outdoor activities.


Now that you know the six hiking essentials, what are you waiting for? Add these items for your next shopping spree, and pack these up when you’re going hiking.

Spend a valuable and relaxing time hiking with your loved ones without worrying about any distractions. A safe and stress-free hiking adventure is the perfect getaway you need to revitalise.

Happy Hiking! 

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How To Keep Hiking Interesting https://astraightarrow.net/how-to-keep-hiking-interesting/ Thu, 10 Jun 2021 08:09:23 +0000 https://nqo.psw.mybluehost.me/?p=78970 Hiking is perhaps one of the most natural activities there is, as our species has been walking around this Earth for hundreds of thousands of years now, seeing all kinds of sights. We’re naturally and genetically predisposed to it, which is why taking a long hike, especially over tough terrain, can feel so rewarding. With […]

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Hiking is perhaps one of the most natural activities there is, as our species has been walking around this Earth for hundreds of thousands of years now, seeing all kinds of sights. We’re naturally and genetically predisposed to it, which is why taking a long hike, especially over tough terrain, can feel so rewarding. With a little planning it’s also a completely adjustable activity, in that you can decide just how much challenge you’re looking for. This means that hiking can be a great way to build general fitness no matter if you’re eighteen or sixty five years old.

Yet it’s also true that if you let yourself fall into the same habits, hiking can feel less engaging than it could otherwise be. That’s no matter, there are plenty of activities you can engage in elsewhere, and perhaps coming back to hiking after a month or so break can help you look at it anew. However, if you want a new experience now, then why not consider some of the following advice:

Switch Up Intensities

If hiking is starting to feel like a little bit too much work for the time being, then go for routes a little less hilly and long. It might be, for instance, that now you wish for hiking to be an activity that helps you bust stress rather than making you feel as if you have to give it your all, especially if life is getting a little bit intense in general. Or, perhaps you feel as though turning over a new leaf and really caring about your health is a focus of yours for this year, and so trying harder routes that challenge you is essential.

No matter what kind of route is important to you, make sure you’re prepared. This means investing in hiking boots that are sturdy, reliable and most importantly fit your feet correctly. Updating your hiking gear such as through purchasing a range of long sleeve performance shirts can be tremendously helpful, too. You may find that trying new trails in your local area, or driving to try famous walks in your region can help you see the sights, rather than looping back around the same walk each and every day as you may have done so far. Little efforts like that can make a tremendous difference going forward.

Meet Or Run A Hiking Group

Hiking is good fun alone, but it’s lovely with other people. It may be that joining a hiking group can get you out, active and integrated with other people, as you try routes that feel confident and comfortable or perhaps take you out of your comfort zone a little bit. If you live in a suburban or urban area (and sometimes even rural) there may be a great hiking group you can join through sites like MeetUp, Hiking Forums, or even Facebook Groups.

Of course, if there’s no hiking group, why not try making your own? You may be surprised at the response you get, and this kind of leadership will surely help hiking feel fun again.

Try Your Hand At Photography

It can’t hurt to try your hand at photography while hiking, too. If you’re regularly heading up hills and walking through woods, why not get a few beautiful snaps? This might involve taking pictures of wildlife, or landmarks you find interesting. Place these pictures on apps like Instagram, and you never know, you might even find like-minded online people to talk to once more. Don’t feel shy, having fun in this way can be tremendously rewarding.

Combine Hiking With Other Activities

Of course, hiking is hardly an activity that you have to do on its own. If you’re the adventurous type, then you might join a group that incorporates abseiling, kayaking, and other excellent sporting activities that keep you on your toes. Little measures like this can be tremendously rewarding, because they help you pay attention and use hiking as a means from traveling from one awesome experience to the other.

For some, hiking might just be a great way to visit their local farm shop every other day in retirement, enjoying a coffee there, and then plodding back. No matter if you prefer listening to music or allowing the calming sounds of nature to wash over you, hiking can be a rewarding experience. Don’t be afraid to try something new, something interesting, and from there you’re sure to love this most nourishing of activities.

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How Much Toe Room you Need in Hiking Boots https://astraightarrow.net/how-much-toe-room-you-need-in-hiking-boots/ Sat, 22 May 2021 11:05:30 +0000 https://nqo.psw.mybluehost.me/?p=78948 If you are into hiking or friends with some hikers, you must have come across people who have lost their toenails or has some horribly blue/purple bruised toes. Today, we are here to save you from those painful-looking toes and toenails with some of our major boot fit tricks. In the first place, you should […]

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If you are into hiking or friends with some hikers, you must have come across people who have lost their toenails or has some horribly blue/purple bruised toes. Today, we are here to save you from those painful-looking toes and toenails with some of our major boot fit tricks. In the first place, you should be aware that not everyone has the same-sized toes. While some of us own sets of unbelievably big toes, the others may have extremely tiny toes as well. Therefore, the very first step is knowing your feet well.

Besides, hiking boots are made specially to serve only one purpose; making your hiking trip worthwhile. Also, you must keep in mind that people from all over the world are manufacturing hundreds if not thousands of different types of hiking shoes to serve this cause. As a result, we suggest you research very well before you make that purchase to hike comfortably and in style. Let’s not delay any further and let’s get into all the hiking boot fit tricks before you go to your next hiking adventure!

Tips and Tricks to Get That Perfect Fit

While choosing a pair of hiking boots, never settle for the regular fit that you usually choose for your street shoes. We always suggest hikers start trying on boots when buying physically from shops at least a half size larger. No matter if you have larger toes or some smaller ones, you will always need enough room around your toes. 

As mentioned before, manufacturers keep track of a whole lot of things for the comfort of a hiker. Now, it is your responsibility to select the comfiest one for maintaining those healthy feet. We hope the next tips will come in handy for you and you will get a pair of perfect fitting boots for that hiking trip if you follow these easy tricks. Get more info about the best hiking boots for plantar fasciitis from menfashionhost.com to learn some valuable insight about it.

Perfect Time to Go Shoe Shopping

There have been several pieces of research and the final conviction many researchers agreed on is that: your feet get swollen naturally at the end of the day than how it was when you wake up. So, it is better if you go shopping in the evening rather than going in the morning. As weird as this might sound but you are meant to get a more perfect fit this way.

Why Going Bigger With the Size is the Way to Go?

One more thing before we move into the next step. At this point, you might think ‘why are they preaching all about taking larger boots than my feet?”. Let us make this clear to you, you will not have the same shoe size after being on the trail for 10 hours. You will most likely have a half size bigger feet at the end of the day. After a week on the trail, this might stand out to be a full size bigger. However, it is very natural to have swollen feet and that is why it is extremely important that you keep this in mind.

Try Them on with Your Hiking Socks

Always bring a pair of socks to the shop to put it on before trying. It is better if you bring the pair of thickest trail socks from your closet to avoid getting the wrong size. When you are hiking, you are definitely going to put your pair of hiking socks be it a pair of wool socks, synthetic socks, or any other of your choice. Hence, keeping them around while trying your pair of boots on is the wisest way of all. 

This is the only hiking gear that you must bring along while making the purchase. First, put on your socks and boots, then see if you are feeling any big gaps or some tight squeezes between the boot and your foot. If you are getting a snug fit and can wiggle your toes on the inside freely, it is most likely that you are wearing the perfect size now. You should also walk around a little to see if you are sensing any kind of discomfort or hot spots. By any chance, if there is a feeling of discomfort at this very point, you are going to end up with ugly blisters and very unhappy feet at the end of your hiking trail. 

The Famous Toe-Tap Test

This test is one of the most reliable ones among hikers to win at choosing the right size. Remember sizing also depends on different brands and different styles of boots. So, it is not necessarily the case that you will always have the same size for all your hiking boots from all the brands. Hence, you should better try on the pair before purchasing and try doing this test. You will be happy to know that many boot fit experts also suggest taking this test after you have put on your hiking socks and boots.

To begin with, stand still and tap your toe against the front of your boots allowing as much as space to clear up around your heel area. This step works well when you tap your toes against the heel of your other feet. At this point, it should be very easy for you to slide down two fingers at the back of your boots. If your fingers are comfortably placed there, congratulations! You already got that perfect and surprising boot fit. If that is not the case then feel free to go a size/ half a size up or down to get that desired fit.


Finally, along with all the tips and tricks be sure to walk on a downward slope as well which can be found in the apparel stores. On the other hand, please keep in mind that you must give the utmost priority to your own comfort and liking rather than abiding by the rules all the time. So now, put your clean socks and newly bought boots on and hit that trail!

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How to Choose Hiking Footwear https://astraightarrow.net/how-to-choose-hiking-footwear/ Fri, 11 Sep 2020 15:29:19 +0000 https://nqo.psw.mybluehost.me/?p=78531 Hiking boots are not just boots but tools that will help you in your journey. There is always a perfect attire for a particular place, and it does not matter if it is a wedding or just a hangout with friends, looking great is something we all want with comfort and flexibility. The highlight of […]

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Hiking boots are not just boots but tools that will help you in your journey. There is always a perfect attire for a particular place, and it does not matter if it is a wedding or just a hangout with friends, looking great is something we all want with comfort and flexibility. The highlight of any attire is shoes, probably because everyone’s eyes get focused there first. Shoes are foremost not just for the looks but for comfort and ease to move around, and every shoe designed is built for different use. As for hikers, there are boots designed in a lot of varieties to suit what is in your best interest.

Boots for hiking or camping are more important than people realize it since it can get pretty rough fast when you are in the mountains or the forest. Uneasiness caused in your feet due to the overcast conditions and surroundings can ruin the entire plan of hiking, and to stop that from happening, so we bring you a list of what you should be choosing when you are out in the wilds.

Choosing the right boots can be very challenging, but depending on where you are going to, you can choose what would be the best for the situation. A lot of things need to be taken into account when selecting boots starting from durability to how waterproof a boot is, so here is a list of what you should consider before buying a boot.

  • Ankle support 
  • Waterproofing
  • Grip and traction
  • Breathability
  • Weight and build 

Ankle support

It is common for people to get strains while going hiking, and this is something you should keep in mind when you are buying since different hiking locations demand different kinds of ankle support. Not all shoes have ankle support, so when you are going for rough terrain for a hike, you should buy something with ankle support.


Hiking boots with waterproof features is helpful when you are going for places that have mud, snow, or rain, but on a sunny day, the inner layer of protection will cause your feet to be sweaty with no flow of air. Leather boots are waterproof because of how compact they are built to be, and on the other hand, synthetic boots are not waterproof, and they need an extra membrane attached to them to be waterproof. Wet feet can lead to a lot of problems for, example it can cause trench foot, so you should always wear boots that help keep your feet dry.

Grip and traction

On Rocky Mountains, regular boots won’t make do, and that is why you will need something with a stronger grip on the ground to help improve your experience in a lot of ways. Not only on rocky terrains but on snowy and muddy conditions too. Grip and tractions can affect your journey in a lot of ways, and a perfect grip is always needed to help you travel better and faster.


Keeping your feet in shape is decisive because when you are traveling, no flow air in the feet can cause it to be wet and sweaty, not to mention they will smell terrible too. You must buy boots that provide enough space for air to pass through your feet. Of course, breathability varies on the weather since when you are traveling in a muddy, snowy, or rainy condition choosing a waterproof boot over breathable boots is more important.

Weight and build

The most significant issue when buying boots can be the weight, which further digs the question using what material was it made. Hiking boots can be made from synthetic to full leather parts, each having its pros and cons. While the synthetic will offer light and comfort, the leather build gives more weight and extra traction and stability. Materials used to make boots can change the game of using them because different materials act differently under distinct situations. Leather boots can be really heavy but will help you last longer in rigid, snowy conditions, whereas synthetic boots in the same environment will fail. Again synthetic boots will shine in hot and humid conditions keeping your feet dry with enough breathable air.

List of some types of hiking boots-

  • Hiking shoes

These are recommended for short trips on flat trails mostly. They are soft, durable, and have enough space to help your feet stay dry. They can be used to trips no more than 500 miles with 25-30 miles per day. Hiking shoes are most very comfortable, lightweight with wholes on top to help keep air flowing through your leg, they are the best for short trips, but they are not the best when it comes to big trips.

  • Lightweight Hiking boots

These offer more protection, flexibility, and support with its design and built. The main motive of it is to help hiking in rough terrains providing grip, and all of this with a lightweight for your comfort. Some lightweight Hiking boots can also be seen to have waterproof features, with an extra layer of membrane that helps in keeping water out. These boots are great for people going on rugged terrains looking for some comfort and durability.

  • Medium weight Hiking Boots

These are great because of how secure they can keep your feet on for the price of how heavy they can be, which can be a problem when you take on long journeys. They can provide excellent traction and grip and ankle support because of how well built they are. They can be expensive and unwieldy, but these boots pack a punch for long and rough hiking journeys.

  • Heavy hiking boots

The big bad boys or called the heavy hiking boots are the ones built for hikers that live for thrill and excitement. These are designed to last long, even in the toughest of situations. If you are someone that does not care about boot weight and wants support and grip above all, this is the one for you. They are made using leather and can weight more than any other boots, but they are architected in a way to give your feet full support and grip on any type of surface. They can handle all kinds of weather and situation, let it be a muddy, snowy, or the Rocky Mountains with these boots you have nothing to worry about with these.

Summary- Each boot here discussed is made for distinct places and situations. In all deciding which boots you should go with can be very tough, but you should consider the location you are going to, the situation you are going to be in, and how this all will affect your feet.

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Go Take a Hike With These Funding Tips https://astraightarrow.net/go-take-a-hike-with-these-funding-tips/ Thu, 06 Sep 2018 07:32:54 +0000 https://nqo.psw.mybluehost.me/?p=6226 Hiking is a rewarding outdoor activity and one hiking trip per year is definitely worth it but if you haven’t booked a hiking trip yet because of your finances, you’re not alone. Nearly 78% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck and it is only logical for hikers from this population to forego the trail of their dreams. The […]

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Hiking is a rewarding outdoor activity and one hiking trip per year is definitely worth it but if you haven’t booked a hiking trip yet because of your finances, you’re not alone. Nearly 78% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck and it is only logical for hikers from this population to forego the trail of their dreams. The good news is, there are ways for you to finally go hiking without breaking the bank.

The Magic of Crowdfunding

Anyone can start a crowdfunding campaign and you can do this online through platforms the likes of Indiegogo and GoFundMe. According to Janel Healy, a hiker who raised $10,000 for her trip to the Appalachian Trail, crowdfunding your dream hike is possible. However, you would need to put in a lot of work before you launch the campaign to ensure that your community knows how important this hiking trip is to you.

If it doesn’t work out or you only raise a small portion of the amount you need, you can always look for other ways to help augment your budget. While taking out a personal loan is a big decision, borrowing money for travel is actually good for your finances, according to Jean Kim. M.D., a cultural psychology expert, because it will make you more productive after the trip. Dr. Kim adds that hiking and travel in general count as relevant experience as well which means that you can put your next hiking trip on your resume.

Look for Grants

If you have big hiking plans that involve going to exotic parts of the world, you can opt for climber or hiker grants. The Mountain Hardwear McNeill-Nott Award, for example, gives a grant of $5,000 each year to remember Karen McNeill’s and Susan Nott’s adventurous spirit. Another option is the Mazamas Alpine Adventure Grant. A grant for experienced climbers or hikers, it awards a whopping $20,000 to fund six to eight climbs a year. Television channels such as the BBC and National Geographic also have their own grants. BBC Journey of a Lifetime offers a yearly grant to storytellers while National Geographic has a Young Explorer Grant that targets applicants ages 18 to 25.

Exploring the great outdoors by going to different hiking trails around the world is an experience of a lifetime. Hiking offers scenic views but it offers more than that because the excitement that goes with it is unparalleled. For hikers, these alone should be reason enough for you to get the funding you need for your next hike.

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How to Improve Your Balance for Hiking https://astraightarrow.net/how-to-improve-your-balance-for-hiking/ Wed, 05 Sep 2018 08:44:35 +0000 https://nqo.psw.mybluehost.me/?p=6209 When you decide to take on hiking, it is important that you stay safe. While you might have a basic level of fitness and stamina, you might want to improve your balance, so you can tackle the less than friendly terrains, too. Apart from investing in quality hiking shoes, you might also want to improve […]

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When you decide to take on hiking, it is important that you stay safe. While you might have a basic level of fitness and stamina, you might want to improve your balance, so you can tackle the less than friendly terrains, too. Apart from investing in quality hiking shoes, you might also want to improve your balance and make sure that you are able to keep yourself safe with the backpack and hiking gear on your back. Below you will read about a few spots that can help you balance better on the rocks and on rough terrain, avoiding accidents.

Tai Chi

In case you would like to improve your flexibility, joint health, strength, and balance, you will find the right techniques in Tai Chi. This ancient form of exercise and martial arts form will help you make the most out of your moves and use the momentum when you are changing position. Further, by improving your breathing through Tai Chi, you will be able to go on longer hiking trips, too.


Of course, Judo i another martial arts that has mental health and physical benefits alike, You will be able to use the energy from the ground and turn it to your advantage. You can improve your posture while walking, as well as your overall stamina if you take on judo. To find out more about this sport, visit https://judoinfo.com/obiknot so you can decide yourself whether or not this form of exercise is for you.


There are plenty of balancing poses in yoga that can help you stay safe on rough terrain and make the most out of your flexibility when trying to squeeze through tight passages. From the Eagle to the Triangle pose to the more advanced flying crow and flying eagle, you can practice how to hold your body weight in any position. As a result, you will be able to stay grounded and balanced in the trickiest of situations.


Of course, there are fun ways of improving your balance, too. If you have never tried surfing yet, chances are that it will take you a couple of days to stand up on the board, but once you have got the technique, you can have loads of fun and practice holding yourself up in rough waves. If you can do it on the water, you are more likely to be able to stay focused on the ground.


When you are hiking, one of the things you don’t want to do is pulling a muscle and having to wait for the mountain rescue team. Fencing will improve your reflexes, as well as your balance, so you can deal with the various unexpected situations and stay grounded, even if the ground under your feet is loose.

Hiking takes a lot of energy, and you need to make sure that you are safe on your trips. To improve your balance, you might want to take additional sports, so you can feel secure on every ground.

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4 Things You Don’t Want To Do When Hiking https://astraightarrow.net/4-things-dont-want-hiking/ Tue, 06 Mar 2018 06:31:18 +0000 https://nqo.psw.mybluehost.me/?p=5605 Getting outdoors in the fresh air is one of the most simple pleasures in life, and it can help clear our minds, challenge our bodies, and refresh our souls. However, it can also be risky and dangerous if not done properly. Something you can avoid by following our guide to things you don’t want to […]

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Getting outdoors in the fresh air is one of the most simple pleasures in life, and it can help clear our minds, challenge our bodies, and refresh our souls. However, it can also be risky and dangerous if not done properly. Something you can avoid by following our guide to things you don’t want to do when hiking, below.  

Leave your route unplanned

When hiking, even over a well-known trail, it is always helpful to check and plan your route beforehand. For one, it can help you prepare the types of equipment and supplies you will need, as well as how long the walk will take.

It is also a good idea to check online for any recently updated information about the route that you are taking, as this can alert you to blockages and potential dangers zones ahead of time. Something that can allow you to change your course before you reach the problem area, or make adjustments to your kit or route to allow you to overcome it.

Forget to check the weather

Only newbie hikers would make the silly mistake of not checking the weather. After all, often the enjoyment we get out of walking is dependent on it be fine and sunny.

It can also be pretty dangerous to hike certain trails when the weather is poor, as it can make particular surface like rock and mud more slippery. Also, it can limit visibility, which increases our chances of getting lost.

To that end make sure that you check the weather and temperature in New York, or wherever it is you are heading, online, or on your phone before you begin, and throughout the hike if it is a particularly long route. Then you know you can progress to each stage safely.

Dress inappropriately

You also really don’t want to dress in an inappropriate way when hiking either. At best can make the whole experience miserable, and at worst leave you exposed to the danger of the elements.

Of course, the weather and temperature on the day is a massive element of choosing the right clothes to wear. Hot desert-like environments such as those in Nevada and Utah can often be hiked in more casual gear like track uniforms, and shorts and t-shirts. However, locations that have a greater range of variable weather like Washington State may call for layered clothing and waterproofs to keep you comfortable on your trek.

The proper footwear is also vital too, whether you pick hiking shoes, boots, or sandals. Just remember that you want something with a good grip on the sole and that is comfortable enough to cover many kilometers without causing you nasty blisters.

Leave your supplies at home

Last, of all, something you don’t want to do on your hike is to leave your supplies at home. In fact, you need to make sure that you have enough water with your to stay hydrated during your trek. Although, and if you can’t possibly carry that amount you can take something like a Lifestraw instead, that will allow you to safely drink from a natural, running water source.

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Hiking Tips for Beginners https://astraightarrow.net/hiking-tips-beginners/ Mon, 05 Mar 2018 05:05:03 +0000 https://nqo.psw.mybluehost.me/?p=5590 If you are looking for one of the most intense and a low-impact workout, Hiking will surely come into the limelight. Be it with your loved ones or with your friends, hiking can be the best ever sport, you can enjoy with an immense exhilarating spirit. Studies too have shown certain marvelous benefits of this […]

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If you are looking for one of the most intense and a low-impact workout, Hiking will surely come into the limelight. Be it with your loved ones or with your friends, hiking can be the best ever sport, you can enjoy with an immense exhilarating spirit.

Studies too have shown certain marvelous benefits of this sport and have given you the freedom to get indulged in this sport to a great extent. Unlike taking a treadmill and just walking on it, hiking sometimes will need certain tips if you are a beginner and looking to start your hiking experience.

With an intention to shed some amount of light, here are certain hiking & backpacking tips for beginners which will surely make you a master at your class. So, let’s get started.

  1. Start from the smallest level and select the perfect trail for the fitness level

At first, you should select the hiking distance a little shorter than you would have normally expected. For estimation of the time required for your run, you can keep the pace roughly as in 2-miles per hour. Up next, review your elevation changes and add one hour extra to your daily hiking experience. After both the changes being added, you will surely get an idea of the elevation changes which work for you to an absolute level of perfection.

  1. Check Weather

Weather changes can be the most crucial things if you are going out for a hiking experience. If you are a beginner and want to out for a hike, checking weather, a few hours before can be beneficial for you in several ways. This will keep you signaling on what to wear and which are the essentials you should carry while out on a hiking experience.

  1. Pack the 7 Most Wanted Essentials

The 7 Most wanted essentials have shifted their gears from items to a pack of systems. These are the things which should be with you, regardless of the condition and especially in cases when you are dealing with a potential overnight:

  • Navigation ( Compass and a Map)
  • Sun Protection ( Sunglasses and sunscreen)
  • First Aid Kit
  • A Source of Fire ( Lighter, Matches, Candle)
  • Nutrition ( Some essential healthy Foods)
  • Hydration Stuff
  • Emergency Shelter
  1. Wear the Right Kind of Shoes and Socks

If you are a beginner and want the best shoes upfront, you can choose from Merrell which offers some great shoe lists and the ones which will give you that extra edge to make your hiking experience, even more, better and joyful. In terms of the socks, don’t run after socks which can become stinky after a minimal usage. Despite cotton, prefer a woolen socks which can last for a longer period of time.

Final Words

Trust me, Hiking can be one of the most stunning and wonderful experience you could ever have in your entire lifetime. As a person who has a thirst for adventures, choose hiking, follow the above tips with great perfection and get lost in this never-ending hiking experience all over.

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How You Can Be More Active This Year: Activities Are The Answer https://astraightarrow.net/can-active-year-activities-answer/ Sat, 20 Jan 2018 13:58:06 +0000 https://nqo.psw.mybluehost.me/?p=5530 January isa time of year where we can feel one of two things. We are either extremely motivated to kick start a new regime and being more active. Enjoying our hobbies more or even starting new ones like archery or hiking. However, there are some people that feel like winter is just a challenge they […]

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January isa time of year where we can feel one of two things. We are either extremely motivated to kick start a new regime and being more active. Enjoying our hobbies more or even starting new ones like archery or hiking. However, there are some people that feel like winter is just a challenge they would rather not overcome, and instead of indulging in outside activities or being more active, they choose to stay in doors and ride out the grey and miserable days. But, it doesn’t need to be this way. Even if you don’t feel motivated to get outside, once you actually break the chain, you can start to feel better about yourself once more. The answer isn’t going to a gym or just going for a run, it’s actually taking on fresh challenges and new activities to not only help you exercise and be active, but to also challenge you mentally. I wanted to share with you some of the ways you can get into different activities that could help you reignite the motivation for this time of year. Starting your year as you mean to go on.

Join a club so you can meet like-minded individuals

One of the first things to do is actually find a club or team that you can be involved in. For some sports and activities you may find that this is easier than with others. But a quick look online should help you identify where to start. Football is one of the easiest activities you can do as part of a team, and websites like https://fcbcanada.com/academy/vancouver/ could inspire you to join in. Being part of a team means that you feel a little more obliged to stick with team practice and arrangements. That being said other activities like hiking and camping can also be done as part of a club. Taking on and exploring new places as well as being active. Once you make friends, then you feel that the activity itself is less strenuous and the fun can begin.

Invest in some of the gear you need to feel like you can do things properly

It’s all well and good having the best intentions, but if you don’t have the necessary gear or equipment, then you will lose interest very quickly as you won’t feel like you can properly complete the activity or task. Investments like this may seem pricey right now, but the right footwear or protection could not only help you progress but it also gives added protection against things like injury. This is especially important for more strenuous activities that could take a toll on your muscles and bodies. Especially if you are a little unfit right now. Websites like https://www.prevention.com/health have a few more tips on what to do.

Don’t overdo it at first

Finally, it may seem tempting to take on big challenges at first, but try and not overdo it at the beginning. You may want to slowly progress into more strenuous activities and building up your levels of fitness means that you are again protecting yourself from injury and fatigue.

I hope that this has inspired you to be more active this year.

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Physiological Benefits of Hiking https://astraightarrow.net/physiological-benefits-hiking/ https://astraightarrow.net/physiological-benefits-hiking/#comments Tue, 25 Jul 2017 13:01:49 +0000 https://nqo.psw.mybluehost.me/?p=4874 Outdoor hiking has lots of benefits for the body and mind. The best part being the ease of start – anyone can start hiking no matter how fit or unfit you think you are. You do need to prepare for hiking. There are two reasons why you should prepare for hiking – either because you […]

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Outdoor hiking has lots of benefits for the body and mind. The best part being the ease of start – anyone can start hiking no matter how fit or unfit you think you are.

You do need to prepare for hiking. There are two reasons why you should prepare for hiking – either because you are starting back into it or you need to train for a big backpacking trek.

You need to work on your lungs, heart, so they are fit enough to supply the body with adequate oxygen during your hike. You also need to prepare the leg muscles as they will be providing core body support for you during the hike. If you want to learn more about hiking and how it affects your body, websites like Rolling Paper offer articles regarding this and other health-related topics.

Arthritis Prevention and Relief

Walking is the best activity for preventing arthritis pain in the knees. While it is true that you can walk around in your neighborhood or around the mall, hiking, on the other hand, helps prevent arthritis as it provides the varied terrain needed for building up your leg muscles.

When you have arthritis, you might think walking long distances will aggravate your joint pain but it is further from the truth. What you need to do when you have this disease is to walk more because the lack of exercise can cause stiffness and pain on your joints. Hiking provides relief for arthritis as well as prevent it by strengthening the muscles around the joints and help maintain your bone strength.

Cardiovascular Disease

Studies have emerged that shows that walking or hiking for an hour can cut your risk of being affected by stroke in half. Walking briskly can lower your risk to high cholesterol and high blood pressure according to a study from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. The researchers analyzed runners and walkers and found out that the same energy used for moderate intensity walking and vigorous intensity running resulted in the same reduction in risk for high blood pressure and diabetes. Even, if you can’t run, walking long distances will help prevent cardiovascular diseases in your body.

Here are some activities that will prepare your body for hiking

1. Treadmills

Exercising on a treadmill will help build your endurance as they are more forgiving on the knees than walking on concrete as long as you walk evenly. Vary your course while working out on the treadmill, go up on inclines and declines to prepare your legs for the trail. Make sure you don’t need to hold on to the grip when going up or down – if you do, then you are going too fast.

2. Elliptical machine

Working out on an elliptical machine helps to bridge the gap between stepping and cross-country skiing. It will contribute to fixing knee or lower back problems due to its low impact as such it doesn’t negatively affect joints, bones or muscles. Elliptical trainers also have lower Perceived Rate of Exertion making it easier for participants to carry on for longer periods.

Psychological Benefits of Hiking

Hiking offers more than just physical benefits to the body. Here are some physiological benefits of hiking and why it is good for your mental health.

1. Creativity

When you’re struggling with work or unable to get free flowing ideas, hiking might be able to help you out. Walking around in nature has been an inexhaustible source of inspiration for musicians, poets and business leaders over the years, it can provide you with much-needed inspiration as well.

Research has shown that spending time outdoors increases problem-solving skills and attention span by 50% and the authors of this research linked this to the absence of technology. As you spend more time with nature, you tend to listen more, observe more and stay alert.

Hikers tend to be more creative than those who don’t hike. Some researchers from Stanford University Graduate School, took it a step further as they found out that walking gets your creativity flowing way better than sitting down at the desk.

2. Increase Happiness Levels

Hiking is like most physical activities that you undertake. It boosts your mood by releasing the feel-good hormone called endorphins that make you feel happier and better about yourself. Hiking promotes mental health by relieving you of the stress and anxiety of your circumstances. Sometimes when we work on a task that doesn’t get successful, we feel less of ourselves than we really should. When we hike, and we complete the hike, there is a sense of accomplishment that comes with it, and this is accompanied by happiness as well.

3. Depression

Regular hikers who spend time reconnecting with nature are simultaneously disconnected from the social drama and the internet. They don’t have the daily worry or problems that most of us face. Spending more time in nature also helps you put things in perspective. It teaches you what’s important in life and what should be forgone and it makes you see that every other thing is a brain filler.

Safe Hiking Tips

When you’re starting out new, there are some safe hiking tips that you should follow as a beginner.

1. Hike in groups

Group hikes are fun and they take the guesswork out of planning for unfamiliar areas. The best way to get better at hiking is to hike with other people and learn from them.

2. Hike once a week

If you want to build you your endurance and get to that level where you can go on strenuous hikes, you need to practice more often. You can start by hiking once a week at your local park – either in a group or by yourself. It doesn’t even matter where you hike as long as you walk.

3. Hydrate properly

you need to carry enough water on your hikes. The average you should plan for is 1 liter for every 2 hours. This depends on a lot of factors such as the time of the year and weather conditions. But learning how much water you need in these situations is a skill you have to learn as well by learning how your body works.

4. Comfortable hiking gear

Get into warm gear. Wear comfortable shoes, get waterproof backpacks that will be easy to strap to your back for long distances. Get the needed essentials as well. Map and compass are often required, sun protection, fleece sweater, headlamps and medical kit. If you are not sure which gear to pick, head to Globo Surf and see their reviews.

The post Physiological Benefits of Hiking appeared first on A Straight Arrow.

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How to Hike in Heat https://astraightarrow.net/how-to-hike-in-heat/ Sun, 25 Jun 2017 12:15:10 +0000 https://nqo.psw.mybluehost.me/?p=4772 Fill your life with experiences, not things. Have stories to tell, not stuff to show. Hiking not only takes you to the beauties of nature, but it’s a great source of pleasure and joy.  Talking about weather, summer is probably the best time to get some good hiking done. Clear and sunny days are perfect […]

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Fill your life with experiences, not things. Have stories to tell, not stuff to show.

Hiking not only takes you to the beauties of nature, but it’s a great source of pleasure and joy.  Talking about weather, summer is probably the best time to get some good hiking done.

Clear and sunny days are perfect for lacing up your boots and heading out for your hiking venture. But, along with the sun can come intense heat, and those same clear and sunny skies can bake the ground you’re walking on. If you don’t manage things properly, your fun day can turn into a painful and potentially dangerous one.

To stay healthy and have a good time in hot weather, keep few things in mind:


  • Weather Forecasts

Before starting your hike, pay attention to the weather forecast. Humidity and heat can result in rain and thunderstorms. So it is better to keep yourself safe and well prepared.

  • When to hike

Avoid the hottest time of day. Begin your hiking at sunrise and walk until 11.30 am – midday. Find yourself a shady spot, ideally by a water source, and rest until 2 or 3 pm.

You can also start your trip in the late afternoon to avoid the midday heat.

  • Where to Hike

Choosing a route carefully can have an impact on your summer hike. It is always better to hike near water and stay in the shade. In this way, you’ll be able to enjoy the cool lake or river breeze. You can dip your hat, shirt or bandana in water and wrap them around your body. It will keep you cool and fresh. The best way to protect yourself from sunlight is multifunctional bandana that protect the back of your neck and face. You can opt for brands like 4inbandana.com for high quality and durable bandanas.

2- Clothing and Gear

When it comes to clothing and gear, remember “The Three L’s:”

  1. Lightweight
  2. Loose-fitting
  3. Light-colored.
  • Light colors reflect the sun’s rays thus keeping you cool. Look for shirts, shorts, and pants in white, tan or khaki.
  • Lightweight, loose-fitting clothing with good airflow will help your body regulate temperature. Nylon and polyester are good choices.

Wear wicking socks that fit well for keeping feet dry and preventing blisters. Choose wool or synthetic. Lightweight, breathable and comfortable hiking boots are important as your hike will greatly depend on your ease of walk and comfort of feet. 

  • Cover up – In order to protect your skin from UV rays, wear a lightweight long-sleeve shirt, sun sleeves, hat and a neck gaiter. Wear UV-blocking sunglasses and apply plenty of sunscreen on your skin for extra protection.

3- Hydration

During hot days, your body can lose large amounts of water through perspiration. Hiking at higher altitudes will also accelerate the loss of body fluids.

Proper hydration is essential to the health of the body’s organs, including the brain. Dehydration can lead to impaired brain functioning, which then results in confusion and impaired judgment. Blood can also thicken, forcing the heart to work harder.

Carry a hydration pack: Hydration packs are a great way to stay consistently hydrated since they allow you to constantly sip while walking, and keep your hands free. Take smaller and more frequent drinks of water. Take a sip tube for this purpose.

4- Take Regular Breaks

Hiking in hot weather can make you feel lethargic, so it’s important to take regular breaks. Keep your energy up. Put your backpack down, lay down, and give your body some much-needed rest.

Drink water and have some snacks with complex carbohydrates. The complex carbs will be easier on your stomach and give you a longer, more sustained energy boost. You can have instant food such as protein bars, nuts, and energy drinks.

5- Health Concerns

Heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke are some of the most common health concerns related to hot-weather hiking.

  • Heat Cramps

Heat cramps are painful muscle contractions that can happen suddenly during exercise in hot weather. To avoid them, make sure you’re properly hydrated. If you get heat cramps, do some gentle stretching to try to relieve the pain.

  • Heat Exhaustion

Your body’s inability to cope with the stress of heat. It can occur after lengthy exposure to high temperatures and is often accompanied by dehydration.

Symptoms of heat exhaustion:

  • Heavy sweating
  • Rapid pulse
  • Faintness
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Headache

Treatment for heat exhaustion:

Do the following steps immediately if you or another hiker is showing symptoms.

  • Get out of the heat, look for a shady spot and lay down. Remove any excess clothing.
  • Rehydrate yourself and if you have electrolytes or salt tablets, use some of those.
  • Cool off by splashing cold water on your face and head. Dunk your head in water if you’re hiking near a lake or stream
  • Heat Stroke

It occurs when your body overheats. It is a serious medical condition that can strike fast and requires immediate medical attention. Following are the symptoms of heat stroke:

  • Throbbing headache
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Confusion
  • Disorientation
  • Anxiety
  • Body temperature of 104-Degrees-Fahrenheit

Treatment for heat stroke:

  • Rapidly cool down yourself and lay down in the shade, remove extra clothing and use cool water and fanning to lower the body temperature. If you’re near a lake or stream, cool off by sitting in the water.
  • Rehydrate yourself
  • Evacuate as soon as possible and head straight to the hospital for further evaluation.

Hiking is all about fun, thrill, adventure, and excitement. It the best way to get closer to nature. So, don’t sit back just because it’s hot outside. You can make yourself more comfortable by improving your gear & following the summer hiking tips.

If you can dream it, you can achieve it!

Author Bio:

Shawn Michaels is a blogger who loves to write about his outdoor experiences. He is also a passionate rock climber and loves traveling. Currently, he is studying and spends his free time reading reviews and gear shopping! He regularly blogs at Thesmartlad.com.



The post How to Hike in Heat appeared first on A Straight Arrow.
