Bowfishing Archives - A Straight Arrow Everything on Archery, Hunting, Outdoors Thu, 09 Apr 2020 15:43:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Bowfishing Archives - A Straight Arrow 32 32 The Best Bowfishing Reels Sun, 29 Jul 2018 11:39:48 +0000 If you’re reading this, then you’re no longer asking yourself whether bowfishing is your new sport of choice. Instead, you’re probably more in the range of “how am I going to solidify my position as the apex predator in my neighborhood?” If you’ve already chosen the best bowfishing bow, then choosing the best bowfishing reel […]

The post The Best Bowfishing Reels appeared first on A Straight Arrow.

If you’re reading this, then you’re no longer asking yourself whether bowfishing is your new sport of choice. Instead, you’re probably more in the range of “how am I going to solidify my position as the apex predator in my neighborhood?”

If you’ve already chosen the best bowfishing bow, then choosing the best bowfishing reel to upgrade your fish-hunting platform is a great next step on your journey.

Like reels for traditional rod fishing, there are several different types or styles of bowfishing. Understanding their strengths of each is key is a first step in making your selection.

Considerations such as your own bowfishing skill level, the body of water you’re fishing, the style or styles of fishing, and the budget at play will all factor in your reel selection.

Bowfishing Reel Types

By now you hopefully have a basic understanding of how to bowfish, so there should be no surprises on the mechanics between the bow, arrow, and reel.

When it comes to different reels used in bowfishing, there are basically three different kinds—although to be fair one of them isn’t technically a “reel” as much as just a spool.

Hand-Wrap/Drum Bowfishing Reels

The first is the hand-wrap or drum reel, the one that’s technically not a reel. These modified yo-yos are decidedly low-tech and as a result are budget-friendly. They consist essentially of a line run around a spool with an integrated bar to help with spooling and release.

The line is literally in your hands with this type of reel. Many bowfishers believe that their price tag is their only redeeming quality. But for others, they’re decidedly old school cool.

And, we should note from years of experience, simpler pieces of gear featuring fewer moving parts have just fewer points of failure. In other words, KISS. And fewer points of failure in the field mean fewer breakdowns, which is always a benefit in the field.

Spincast Bowfishing Reels

The next variety of reel is essentially the same sort of spinner or spincast reel you’d attach to a rod and use in traditional casting. These reels move you up a price point from the drum reels, but, oh boy, do they move you down in terms of time and energy spent reeling in.

Another bonus is that they’ll likely include a drag system to more effectively fight your fish. For that reason, many bowfishers select these reels when going after prey that are up for a good fight.

While many bowfishing spinners could technically work ok on a rod, we don’t recommend a general, rod-mounted spinner with a bow for a couple reasons. First, bow reels have modified casing so that the line can leave the reel more easily and reel in with less tangling. That means a different shape of the dome in the casing and a larger hole.

Retriever Bowfishing Reels

The third device bowfishers use is known as a retriever. These store the line loosely in a protected, enclosed bottle and release with little resistance.

Chances of snagging as you retrieve are pretty much zero. That’s a huge plus for many anglers. As you might expect, retrievers are considered the best of the best technology for most types of bowfishing. Their price tag also happens to reflect that.

For some time, certain anglers criticized these retrievers because if you hit a fish in a non fatal area, they made it difficult to fight and reel in. Switching the action between letting the line free and then beginning to start reeling in wasn’t incredibly user-friendly.

Recently, however, companies have solved the issue by implementing a trigger-like device accessible via the grip. This trigger activates a brake on the line bale so you can instantly apply friction to the line the without needing to change your hand positioning.

Top 5 Bowfishing Reels

The following represent some of the best options for bowfishing reels around.

[easyazon_link identifier=”B00TP859NQ” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]Fin-Finder Heavy Duty Drum Reel[/easyazon_link]

[easyazon_image align=”center” height=”500″ identifier=”B00TP859NQ” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”astraightar0d-20″ width=”451″]

Style: Hand-Wrap/Drum

For those just getting into bowfishing or others going for style points, Fin-Finder has put together a solid, simple, well-constructed drum reel. This product has no frills and works with just about any budget.

The Fin-Finder attaches to standard stabilizer bushings, meaning some users have even attached it to a slingbow. Also included is 80 feet of line, which at a few feet over the others is a nice bonus

While it’s a generally well-liked product, some users have found issue with the metal line retainer, recommending instead that the metal line retainer be replaced with a less brittle plastic version.

[easyazon_cta align=”center” identifier=”B00TP859NQ” key=”small-light” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]

[easyazon_link identifier=”B00LDYLBHS” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]Muzzy Bowfishing 1069 XD Pro[/easyazon_link]

[easyazon_image align=”center” height=”469″ identifier=”B00LDYLBHS” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”astraightar0d-20″ width=”500″]

Style: Spincast

Moving up a notch, Muzzy is a trusted Made-in-the-USA brand and their bowfishing reel is a favorite among many anglers.

The retrieve, aka the thing you crank to reel in the line, can attach to either side, meaning there are no hang-ups with left and right handedness. An integrated reel seat mounts the reel to the bow with a single bolt.

One feature that jumps out is the Muzzy’s switch activation system allows to be locked into shooting mode. Replacing the traditional depressed switch with a left-right lever, this gives the bowhunter a positive visual confirmation that the reel is ready to shoot vs. ready to reel. Like a gun safety, this helps minimize dry firing.

The 1069 XD Pro also comes with 150 feet of 150 lb test tournament line. This is roughly double the length of any of the other offerings. As such, many reviewers have halved the line to save

[easyazon_cta align=”center” identifier=”B00LDYLBHS” key=”small-light” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]

[easyazon_link identifier=”B07BMFDYJJ” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]Cajun Spin Doctor[/easyazon_link]

[easyazon_image align=”center” height=”500″ identifier=”B07BMFDYJJ” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”astraightar0d-20″ width=”500″]

Style: Spincast

Another big name in fishing reels, Cajun has put together a nice bowfishing product with the Spin Doctor.

Optimized for bowfishing, it has a larger hole and an extended casing covering the to allow for a nice, fast release. Some reviewers also appreciated the reel’s oversized button.

The real secret sauce behind this real is it’s sturdiness. Bowfishing gear tends to take a harder beating compared to, say, dock fishing. The Spin Doctor is completely aluminum, compared to products from other manufacturers that have some plastic body components. Not so with the spin doctor.

This reel has two metal pickups (the devices that ‘pick up’ the line after it’s released to reel it back in). Most spin casters have just one, meaning the second one on the Spin Doctor can act as a failsafe if the other breaks.

The Spin Doctor also sports 150 feet of fast flight line, although some reviewers questioned the quality of the included line. If you go for the Spin Doctor, think hard about replacing the line.

[easyazon_cta align=”center” identifier=”B07BMFDYJJ” key=”small-light” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]

[easyazon_link identifier=”B001P3PRJA” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]AMS Bowfishing 610 Retriever Pro[/easyazon_link]

[easyazon_image align=”center” height=”500″ identifier=”B001P3PRJA” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”astraightar0d-20″ width=”500″]

Style: Retriever

The AMS founders reportedly invented the retriever reel in 1979 with a used shampoo bottle. They’ve come a long way since then. Today, they remain one of the preeminent brands in bowfishing.

The 610 Retriever Pro is AMS’s entry-level retriever reel, falling below the Retriever TNT and the Retriever Pro Big Game reels. But it’s no slouch compared to the rest of the field.

Once you hit a fish, you engage the reel by pulling in the trigger and start reeling. The device also has a drag system (as opposed to a brake) and comes with 75 feet of 200 lb line. Reviewers were impressed with the quality of the included line, which is rare.

The only downside of the AMS 610? Price. As one reviewer summarizes, “It’s really the best option I have used thus far but just hurts coughing up the near 100 bucks.”

Unlike some spincaster systems, the 610 Retriever Pro is handed so make sure you pick the right side.

[easyazon_cta align=”center” identifier=”B001P3PRJA” key=”small-light” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]

[easyazon_link identifier=”B06XJFCPKX” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]Cajun Winch Bowfishing Reel[/easyazon_link]

[easyazon_image align=”center” height=”455″ identifier=”B06XJFCPKX” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”astraightar0d-20″ width=”500″]

Style: Retriever

Cajun’s take on the retriever is in many ways similar to AMS’s, with a few variations. Instead of using a trigger to engage the line and begin to reel in, this device comes with an oversized brake lever that allows you to pinch the line and hold it while reeling in. Some prefer it for this feature because it allows you to more easily win a tough battle.

Cajun also sounds like a company very responsive to user feedback. They beefed up the bracket hardware for the 2017 model year, recognizing that prior units were taking a bit of a beating.

The company also recognized that line feeding issues can crop up as folks change out their lines over time. As a result, Cajun also made the ceramic eyelet feeding the line out into an adjustable solution.

The standard 75 feet of 250 lb line is included, which it should be noted was the heaviest included line among our bowfishing reel finalists.

One downside of the Cajun Winch is that it appears there’s no left-handed model (no surprise there) so lefties should approach the product with caution.

[easyazon_cta align=”center” identifier=”B06XJFCPKX” key=”small-light” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]


At the end of the day, there’s a time and a place for all three kinds of reels mentioned above. Making the right decision is will require some thought regarding where you’re headed and what kind of fish you’re after.

It’s also going to take some time on the water. Some bowfishers take years of experimentation before they land on the reel that suits them best, often with many rounds of DIY customization.

Don’t be afraid to take a gamble on a rig that seems to suit you best, and be prepared to learn as you go!

About the Author

Norm Alioto is the associate editor for, helping fishing enthusiasts discover the best trolling motors, fish finders, and pedal kayaks. Norm grew up fishing halibut, striped bass, and rockfish along the eastern shores of San Francisco bay.

The post The Best Bowfishing Reels appeared first on A Straight Arrow.

Best Bowfishing Bow Guide and Reviews 2019 Wed, 02 Mar 2016 10:06:17 +0000 From the crisp and cool waters of snowmelt reservoirs of the Rocky Mountains, to the Great Lakes, to the coast of Florida, bowfishing has struck hold across the United States and throughout favorite fishing holes from around the world.  By combining elements of both hunting and fishing, bowfishing attracts men and women that enjoy skill-based […]

The post Best Bowfishing Bow Guide and Reviews 2019 appeared first on A Straight Arrow.

From the crisp and cool waters of snowmelt reservoirs of the Rocky Mountains, to the Great Lakes, to the coast of Florida, bowfishing has struck hold across the United States and throughout favorite fishing holes from around the world.  By combining elements of both hunting and fishing, bowfishing attracts men and women that enjoy skill-based and action-oriented activities that are additionally able to yield an adrenaline rush.  Rather than pulling a line from behind a boat while trolling, or casting from ashore and watching a bobber, bowfishing adds enhanced excitement and thrill to fishing and creates a sport.

Before driving to the nearest sporting goods outlet or cruising the internet to purchase a bowfishing bow, it is important to take into consideration the factors that will help make bowfishing a success.  In addition to having a strong overview of bowfishing and tips that will make you successful along the way, current knowledge about bows and related equipment that will help you get the results desired is key.  In the following sections, we will take a look at a guide to bowfishing bows with highlights and tips for beginners as well as a full review of the Top 5 best bowfishing bows for the money.

Top 5 Best Bowfishing Bows of 2017 Comparison Table

ImageNameOur Rating (out of 5.0)TypePrice
[easyazon_image align="center" height="160" identifier="B016UP9356" locale="US" src="" tag="astraightar0d-20" width="160"][easyazon_link identifier="B016UP9356" locale="US" tag="astraightar0d-20"]PSE Discovery Bowfishing Package[/easyazon_link]4.9Compound$$$$$
[easyazon_image align="center" height="160" identifier="B006ZJVMQ6" locale="US" src="" tag="astraightar0d-20" width="36"][easyazon_link identifier="B006ZJVMQ6" locale="US" tag="astraightar0d-20"]PSE Kingfisher Bowfishing Kit[/easyazon_link]4.3Recurve$$$
[easyazon_image align="center" height="160" identifier="B00IA4BC3W" locale="US" src="" tag="astraightar0d-20" width="90"][easyazon_link identifier="B00IA4BC3W" locale="US" tag="astraightar0d-20"]Cajun Bowfishing Sucker Punch[/easyazon_link]4.0Compound$$$$$
[easyazon_image align="center" height="160" identifier="B00JRHVWLI" locale="US" src="" tag="astraightar0d-20" width="107"][easyazon_link identifier="B00JRHVWLI" locale="US" tag="astraightar0d-20"]Muzzy 7505[/easyazon_link]5Recurve$$
[easyazon_image align="center" height="160" identifier="B00QMMOZTW" locale="US" src="" tag="astraightar0d-20" width="80"][easyazon_link identifier="B00QMMOZTW" locale="US" tag="astraightar0d-20"]Martin Archery Water Wolf[/easyazon_link]4.5Compound$$$$

Guide to Choosing Bowfishing Bows

The adrenaline is already pumping and you are ready to head out with your best group of friends for a weekend on the lake to bowfish.  Now, let’s take a look at some of the key points of bowfishing and help get you ready for a fun and successful experience, not only this weekend but for many years to come.

Overview of Bowfishing

Bowfishing is a centuries-old activity that has been used in all parts of the globe as a way to provide for nourishment and has gained enhanced popularity in recent years among outdoor enthusiasts and those who particularly enjoy hunting and fishing.  By utilizing a specialized set of equipment that includes a bow, barbed arrow, line, and a mounted reel, bowfishers set out to shoot several species of fish.  Most commonly, carp, gar, paddlefish and stingray are pursued in bowfishing; however, it is important to check with your State’s Division of Wildlife to determine the approved species of bowfishing in your area and additional regulations that may be in place.

cheap bowfishing bows

Utilizing a fiberglass arrow, attached with specialized line via a reel that is attached to the front of a bow, bowfishers shoot from boats, kayaks or shoreline, aiming at fish located near to, or breaking, the surface.  After shooting an arrow through the surface of the water, and into the targeted fish, a bowfisher then utilizes the attached reel to bring the prize back and is able to rewind the line into the reel and continue shooting.  The excitement and challenge of bowfishing have “hooked” countless of enthusiasts in recent years and keeps them coming back for more.

Aiming! Here’s a Tip!

Just as practice is needed for other types of archery and hunting, bowfishing is no different.  It is most likely going to take more than one attempt to hit your first fish, but don’t get discouraged as being able to adjust viewing angles that break through the surface of water can be challenging to begin with and takes some practice.  To help make the process easier when starting out, try and remember the “6-inch Rule.”  For every 1-foot the fish appears to be under the surface, aim 6 inches below the body of the fish as light deflection causes an optical illusion to the actual depth of the target.  Remember, do not get discouraged after several shots- even those with years of experience miss when bowfishing.

Let’s take a look at the equipment that will help make bowfishing adventures a success! 

bowfishing bow reviews

Equipment in Bowfishing

Experience gained through practice in shooting during bowfishing is vital to sustaining success in the sport of bowfishing.  In addition to the valuable experience gained while out on the water, having the right equipment will help you achieve victory.  Beyond a bow, accessories such as line, reels, and arrows each add to the formula of success during bowfishing and can either make the experience memorable or heartbreaking.  To help make every experience in bowfishing a success, let’s take a look at some of the main elements to focus on when choosing equipment for bowfishing:

Reel – There are essentially three main types of bowfishing reels that attach to the front of a bow- Hand-wind reels, Spin-cast reels, and Retriever Bowfishing Reels.  Hand-wind reels have the least impact on the wallet and require a bowfisher to manually retrieve line that is fired with the arrow toward the target, which can be time-consuming and may limit the target opportunities.  Second, a spin-cast reel is essentially very similar to a normal hand-crank reel that one would see on a standard fishing pole.  A spin-cast reel on a bow allows for a crank to pull in the line and arrow shot into the water and can help speed up the process; however, if not released properly, snags and line breaks can occur causing missed opportunities and lost resources.  The third and most effective type of reel, a Retriever Bowfishing Reel, allows for a bowfisher to have automatic line feed and release when shooting.  Although a Retriever reel is more expensive than the other options, the value of efficiency and usability helps yield optimal results for bowfishers of all skill levels.

Line- Similar to standard fishing, there are different weights of bowfishing line that can be utilized.  Depending on the type of bow and reel being used as well as the variance in species of fish being pursued, different line weights may be warranted.  Always verify with the owner manual of your equipment to determine the best weight of line to use in your bow, ranging from 80lbs line for hand-wind reels to 200lbs line for Retriever reels.

Additional Accessories- There are many additional pieces of equipment that help to make outings on the water more productive and efficient.  Ranging from specially-developed bowfishing gloves to bow-mounted and non-mounted lights for night bowfishing, to enhanced arrow points, there is a wealth of equipment available to make each hunt more successful.

Equipment and additional resources are plentiful when starting out in bowfishing and it can be easy for some to become overwhelmed when starting out.  To make it easier on a beginner bowfisher, one of the best things to consider is purchasing a bowfishing package that often includes the prime necessities to begin having a great time on the water.  Next, we will take a closer look at the best bows on the market that also encompass packages to help get you up and running on your adventure in bowfishing.

Bowfishing Bow Reviews

From variations in draw weight to consumer ratings, we will take a closer look at the best bows that are on the market today, encompassing high quality and convenience through package options that lend potential for both beginner and experienced bowfishers.

#1 PSE Discovery Bowfishing Package Review

[easyazon_image align=”right” height=”160″ identifier=”B016UP9356″ locale=”US” src=”” tag=”astraightar0d-20″ width=”160″]The [easyazon_link identifier=”B016UP9356″ locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]PSE Discovery[/easyazon_link] is recognized for receiving one of the highest consumer ratings and delivers performance in a light and compact design structure.  With a constant draw weight of 40lbs, the PSE Discovery allows for enhanced snap shooting that is considered to allow for a smooth motion.  Although higher in the spectrum of cost, the PSE Discovery package provides the additional equipment necessary for beginner bowhunters to begin having a great time in the sport with additional items, including AMS Bow Fishing reel with 200lb line, arrows, rest and additional fishing points.

[easyazon_link identifier=”B016UP9356″ locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]>>Click here to see price and more  reviews<<[/easyazon_link]

#2 PSE Kingfisher Bowfishing Bow Review

[easyazon_image align=”right” height=”160″ identifier=”B006ZJVMQ6″ locale=”US” src=”” tag=”astraightar0d-20″ width=”36″]The mid-priced [easyazon_link identifier=”B006ZJVMQ6″ locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]PSE Kingfisher Bowfishing Kit[/easyazon_link] provides the resources for beginner bowfishers to be successful from the first to thousandth outing.  Included in the bowfishing kit is a front mounting reel with 50 feet of 80lb line, bowfishing arrow, and rest.  The front mounting reel as a part of the kit can be easily upgraded with Retriever Reel options to add enhanced action and more target opportunities while bowfishing.  With a solid build and sharp finish, the PSE Kingfisher is able to stand up to the test of outdoor elements and provides a strong foundation for bowfishers of all skillsets.

[easyazon_link identifier=”B006ZJVMQ6″ locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]>>Click here to see price and more  reviews<<[/easyazon_link]

#3 Cajun Bowfishing Sucker Punch Review

[easyazon_image align=”right” height=”160″ identifier=”B00IA4BC3W” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”astraightar0d-20″ width=”90″]At the higher end of the price spectrum, the [easyazon_link identifier=”B00IA4BC3W” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]Cajun Bowfishing Sucker Punch[/easyazon_link] package received very high scores in customer satisfaction, with the biggest opportunity for enhancement being found with the included Cajun Hybrid Bow Fishing Reel that sometimes causes snags in the line.  Easily interchangeable with improved reels, the Cajun Bowfishing Sucker Punch package is another great option for beginner bowfishers that want to get the most value per dollar when making an initial purchase that includes accessories such as fiberglass arrows, points, finger pads, and an arrow rest.  With 50lbs of draw weight capability, the force behind the Cajun Bowfishing Sucker Punch is more than ready-to-fish, it is ready for success.

[easyazon_link identifier=”B00IA4BC3W” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]>>Click here to see price and more  reviews<<[/easyazon_link]

#4 Muzzy 7505 Bowfishing Bow Review

[easyazon_image align=”right” height=”160″ identifier=”B00JRHVWLI” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”astraightar0d-20″ width=”107″]Of the Top 5 bowfishing bows for the money, the [easyazon_link identifier=”B00JRHVWLI” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]Muzzy 7505[/easyazon_link] is the most cost-effective at the lower-end of the price range, making this a great option for those thinking to give bowfishing a shot for the first time.  The simplistic recurve design of the Muzzy 7505 yields optimal results for novice archers or fisher-turned-archers that want to add the excitement of bowfishing to their list of hobbies.  Simplicity continues in the package for the Muzzy 7505 with a hand-crank reel and fiberglass arrow with a point to help get a beginner out the door quickly and starting to take aim.

[easyazon_link identifier=”B00JRHVWLI” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]>>Click here to see price and more  reviews<<[/easyazon_link]

#5 Martin Archery Water Wolf Review

[easyazon_image align=”right” height=”160″ identifier=”B00QMMOZTW” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”astraightar0d-20″ width=”80″]Another mid-ranged priced package option, the [easyazon_link identifier=”B00QMMOZTW” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]Martin Archery Water Wolf[/easyazon_link] receives a compellingly high rating from consumers, highlighting the exceptional quality of the compound bow that provides up to 50lbs of draw.  The Water Wolf provides additional customizability that allows bowfishers to utilize either full draw-length or snap shooting and can be adjusted anywhere from 20 to 50lbs of draw weight, making this a great option for bowfishers of all strength levels or age groups.  In addition to a high-quality compound bow, the Water Wolf provides a Zebco 808 bowfishing reel with reel seat, arrow set, and rest.

[easyazon_link identifier=”B00QMMOZTW” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]>>Click here to see price and more  reviews<<[/easyazon_link]

Have Fun!

The top 5 bowfishing bow options, ranging from cost-efficiency to high quality in production, provide an exceptional base for beginners and experienced bowfishers to have successful outings on the water.  By combining skills gained through experience and practice, along with optimized accessories that provide enhanced efficiency in bowfishing, outdoor enthusiasts can become successful in the sport and activity that is sweeping across the globe in excitement. So, the next time that you head out the door for a weekend fishing trip, leave the bobber and worms at home and grab the bow instead to have an actively exciting experience on the water as a bowfisher and remember to have fun along the way to success.

More Guides:

The post Best Bowfishing Bow Guide and Reviews 2019 appeared first on A Straight Arrow.

What is Bowfishing and What Do You Need To Get Started? Sat, 19 Apr 2014 08:24:10 +0000 Bowfishing is exactly what it sounds like – fishing with a bow or a crossbow.  This sport is becoming more and more popular these days among men and women.  A barbed arrow is used to shoot the fish.  The arrow is attached to a special line to a reel that is mounted on a bow. Freshwater […]

The post What is Bowfishing and What Do You Need To Get Started? appeared first on A Straight Arrow.

Bowfishing is exactly what it sounds like – fishing with a bow or a crossbow.  This sport is becoming more and more popular these days among men and women.  A barbed arrow is used to shoot the fish.  The arrow is attached to a special line to a reel that is mounted on a bow. Freshwater fish like paddlefish, grass carp, bighead carp, and alligator gar are most commonly sought after when bow fishing.  Sharks and rays are often chased in saltwater.

Bowfishing Equipment

Specialized equipment is needed for bow fishing, but that does not mean a big expense. This is what you will need to get started:


bowfishingBows for bow fishing range from very simple to technologically advanced.  A traditional bow can work just fine and it is inexpensive.  However, if you want to fully enjoy the experience, it is better to go for specialized bows. Bowfishing bows are designed to take care of all the little nuances that you may not consider when you just begin with bow fishing. They are lightweight so that you don’t get tired too fast when you stalk your prey, they also often come equipped with reels so that you don’t have to buy them separately.

Lines and Arrows

Bowfishing lines are frequently made out of braided nylon, Spectra or Dacron with bright colors like neon orange, white and lime green.  Arrows for this recreational sport are stronger and heavier than the arrows used for other types of archery.  Carbon fiber, carbon fiber reinforced fiberglass and solid aluminum is used to make these arrows.


There are three types of bowfishing reels that can be used – spin cast, retriever, or hand-wrap which is the simplest reel.  With the hand-wrap reel, a line is wrapped around a circular spool by hand and then placed into a line holding slot. The line pulls free from the line holder and feeds off the spool when the arrow is shot.  The bow fisher catches the fish by pulling the line in with a hand over hand motion.  A “bottle” holds the line in place on a retriever reel.  When the arrow is shot the line goes out until the line runs out or until the bow fisher pushes a stopping device.  This helps keep the fish from traveling out too far.  Retriever reels are used for larger game like alligators and sharks.  The spin cast reel tries to fix the problem of backlash in bait cast designs – it lessens snares and line twists.


One of the most important things in bow fishing is a good visual.  Polarized sunglasses are extremely useful for spotting fish in the water, especially on a sunny day.  These glasses help lessen the glare on top of the water so that you can see what is below the surface. Polarized glasses come in different lenses, colors, and tints, and they also come as clip-ons.


The type of boat you use for bow fishing is also important.  Some people prefer to fish from the shore but most people bow fish in a boat.  Boats that are flat bottom like canoes should be used in low water areas because they have less draw and are not good in open water.  The larger boats can fit a number of hunters so these boats are often customized just for bow fishing.  Features on some of the larger boats include generators for fishing at night, raised shooting platforms, and fan propulsion for shallow water.


Bowfishing Tactics

Some basic steps for bow fishing are to draw your bow, wait until the fish is in a favorable position, adjust your line of sight, and let the arrow go smoothly.  But, like any other sport, this takes practice, practice, and more practice. Some professionals suggest “trash fishing” which is aiming for targets like old aluminum cans and plastic bottles underwater.  This is also a way to clean up the environment!

One of the easiest shots to take is when a fish is swimming away from you or directly underneath you.  If you stand on a large rock in shallow water you are higher up and can see better.  Moving from rock to rock makes the fish move if they are not active.  You can also wade in the water if you don’t mind getting wet and that will get you closer to the fish.

Aiming is the key to catching fish.  It is often difficult to aim in the water because the movement of the water distorts the target and creates an illusion.  It is suggested that you always aim much lower to make up for the illusion.

Extreme Bowfishing

In ancient times bow fishing was used for survival, but it has now become a growing sport which is now being promoted on social media. There is also a Bowfishing Association of America if you would like to become a member of a larger community and exchange ideas and experiences.

image source:

The post What is Bowfishing and What Do You Need To Get Started? appeared first on A Straight Arrow.
