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Camping: Planning the Right Trip for Your Needs

Camping has skyrocketed in popularity recently. There are a number of reasons for this, but for many, the coronavirus and Covid-19 pandemic has played a major role. Over the past year and a half or so, international travel has been put on hold, as governments around the world have limited access across their borders in a bid to slow the spread of the virus. On top of this, people are more wary of their personal space, and may not want to spend time in enclosed environments, such as planes, with others. Camping, as you can imagine, offers a great getaway, free of these problems. You can drive to your chosen destination, set up your tent, and enjoy your time outdoors in beautiful locations – not having to worry about contact with others. Of course, if you haven’t been camping before, you have a lot to learn before heading away. Here’s how you can plan the right camping trip to meet your needs.

Do You Need Home Comforts?

Camping can vary in extremes. You can visit a nice campsite with all sorts of amenities, such as electrical outlets, hot showers, working toilets and more. Here, you can feel safe, in an enclosed and monitored environment, while still enjoying the camping experience. At the other end of the scale, you can head out into the wilderness and set up camp in the woods. This, of course, will be more intense and more dangerous, as you can face threats such as getting lost, encountering wild animals and having to create your own warmth and shelter. Neither option is right or better. They will just suit individuals who are looking for different experiences. Remember, if you are choosing the second option, to prioritise your safety at all times. Read up on different areas, choose somewhere appropriate and ensure you always have your iPhone 13 on you for useful tools like a flash, maps and being able to call others.

Preparing for Your Trip

You need a fair few belongings for a camping trip. See these as an investment, as they can be used year after year, as long as you look after them properly. Some items that you need to invest in, or that can improve your trip, include:

Build Your Basic Knowledge

Successful camping needs knowledge on camping – especially if you’re going for a more wild approach. Basic camping safety knowledge can literally save your life, so make sure to do some reading beforehand. Some basic tips include:

Hopefully, these tips will help you to plan a camping trip that ticks all of your boxes!

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