Turkey hunting season is definitely one of the most exciting times of the year. The sound of a gobbler approaching is a one of kind thrill when you’re all setup and waiting for the perfect moment to take your best shot.

There is more than one way to hunt a turkey, some like to move constantly to spot and stalk the perfect Tom while staying unnoticed by his good eyesight. Some like to confront territorial gobblers with the “Turkey Reaping” method where the hunter would hide behind a turkey decoy and slowly moving towards the turf of a dominant Tom or Jake, who won’t let that stranger in and get closer to a hen without a scratch. Others would favor being concealed in a ground blind, wisely positioned with the ideal decoy setup/turkey call and wait to attract gobblers, irresistibly tempted, to come by and take over the place. While this article will mostly be focusing on the latter, no matter what your method is, the most important thing to keep in mind is to get the right gear to match your own style and plan your strategy accordingly.

As this article will be presenting some of the best ground blinds for turkey hunting available on the market today, let’s first have a look at three different types you may be facing while shopping.

Types of Ground Blinds

Portable Ground Blind

[easyazon_image align=”center” height=”291″ identifier=”B00AZHG1EC” locale=”US” src=”https://nqo.psw.mybluehost.me/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/61TomiFFrrL.jpg” tag=”astraightar0d-20″ width=”500″]

While it may not be the first image that comes to mind when thinking of a ground blind, this type has its own set of advantages that may leave the portable ground blind as the go-to solution by some hunters. For the person who likes to actively chase down turkeys, this would be the type of blind to consider adding to your equipment. Easy to carry, collapsible, often detailed with great realism and quick to set up, the portable ground blind is a nice option to be able to quickly move from one position to another.

Spring Steel Ground Blind

[easyazon_image align=”center” height=”500″ identifier=”B00JA82FV0″ locale=”US” src=”https://nqo.psw.mybluehost.me/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/51jOKSifoSL.jpg” tag=”astraightar0d-20″ width=”500″]This pop-up hunting ground blind is basically a tent with camo material to blend in the background, dark interior to reduce the chances to be seen and of course, openings, so you can hunt from various positions from the inside. This is ideal for firearms and crossbows as the space for bows is quite limited, which would increase the risk of hitting the roof or the walls of the blind when drawing the bow back and scare off turkeys with the noise. Spring steel ground blinds are lightweight, easy to set up, pack and carry.

Hub-Style Ground Blind

[easyazon_image align=”center” height=”500″ identifier=”B00UXB78LA” locale=”US” src=”https://nqo.psw.mybluehost.me/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/61ImnTMPq0L.jpg” tag=”astraightar0d-20″ width=”500″]

Definitely the most popular type of blind, the hub-style have plenty of room and can fit more than one hunter and/or a camera setup if you like to catch some of your best hunting moments on video and share it with others. If you are a bowhunter who likes to set up in a specific spot and wait for those gobblers, the hub-style ground blind is the one you need. It offers plenty of windows to shoot from and it can be tied down to be more solid and resist Mother Nature better than the two previous styles of blinds. Some are even high enough so you can stretch your legs or take a stand up shot. Although quite easy to set up, it is heavier and won’t be as quick to put up or down than a portable or a spring steel blind.

With that being said, let’s have a look at some models you may want to consider for your next turkey hunting journey…

Turkey Hunting Ground Blind Reviews: Top 3

[easyazon_image align=”center” height=”417″ identifier=”B00UXB78LA” locale=”US” src=”https://nqo.psw.mybluehost.me/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/61LKUydNdaL.jpg” tag=”astraightar0d-20″ width=”500″]

[easyazon_link identifier=”B00UXB78LA” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]Barronett Big Cat 350 Ground Blind[/easyazon_link]


This hub-style ground blind offers plenty of room to hang out for long periods of time with 90 inches wide (elbowroom) and 80 inches tall, allowing you to take a stand-up shot even with a compound bow, without the risk of bumping into any part of the blind and spook turkey out. A great choice for recurve and longbows as well, but you may not be able to stand up to take the shot depending on your own physical characteristics. The Big Cat 350 offers great window options for more shooting angles and opportunities. You can fit two hunters in it and the gear for a camera setup with ease. This Barronett is somewhat waterproof up to a certain point but you can expect slight leaks like most other ground blinds. It also offers two different camo patterns (backwoods and blades) and a 360-degree view, except for the door space where you can’t see through. So, if you are thinking about spending a lot of time in the field and in your blind, this model is definitely a must.


  • Lots of space
  • Great shooting options
  • Optimal concealment
  • Extremely durable
  • Zipper-less door
  • Easy to set up


  • With lots of space comes bulkiness

[easyazon_cta align=”center” identifier=”B00UXB78LA” key=”wide-orange” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]

[easyazon_image align=”center” height=”500″ identifier=”B007R4QI1C” locale=”US” src=”https://nqo.psw.mybluehost.me/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/61V8RuE4GwL.jpg” tag=”astraightar0d-20″ width=”500″]

[easyazon_link identifier=”B007R4QI1C” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]GhostBlind Predator Hunting Blind[/easyazon_link]


The American made GhostBlind is quite unique and can hardly get better on the realism standpoint. This Hunting Blind works with mirrors and reflects the pattern of the environment where you are, without reflecting the sun or the animals in front of you. This blind weighs 12 pounds and is composed of 4 panels for a total dimension of 102 inches wide by 46 inches high. This is a perfect option for hunters who like to be on the move and adapt themselves to the surroundings. The hunter has the ability to sit in a chair whether hunting with a gun, a crossbow or any bow for that matter. Do not fear that it will bring you 7 years of bad luck if you break it since the GhostBlind is not made of out glass but with highly durable waterproof plastic, though the hunter would definitely get wet if the rain is pouring down. The user has the option to increase the height of the blind by 7 inches with the Predator Extenders. The blind can be anchored with the included stakes and tie downs so it can resist strong winds. A hunter can also carry it quite easily with the 1.5” strap.


  • Very adaptive with unmatched realism
  • Durable and waterproof
  • Quick and easy to set up and relocate
  • Easy to maintain


  • Does not protect the hunter from bad weather
  • Fits one hunter behind one GhostBlind

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[easyazon_image align=”center” height=”333″ identifier=”B01BE8GF0A” locale=”US” src=”https://nqo.psw.mybluehost.me/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/5132qLNxOrL.jpg” tag=”astraightar0d-20″ width=”500″]

[easyazon_link identifier=”B01BE8GF0A” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]Ameristep Sanctuary Five-Hub Ground Blind[/easyazon_link]

Price: 249.99$ MSRP


If you want something big, I mean very big, then you can’t disregard the Ameristep Sanctuary as being one of the best options you can get with this feature in mind. The shooting width is the same size than the Big Cat 350 at 90 inches but you got an extra 4 inches in height for a total of 84 inches high. It goes without saying that it can easily hold up two to three hunters inside. So, unless you are over 7 feet tall you won’t get any problem to stretch your legs inside this Ameristep. If you are a traditional bowhunter, this model makes even more sense. The Sanctuary offers good movement concealment and shoot-through mesh windows which can be configured in order to be able to sit or stand when taking bow shots. This Five-Hub can be fixed solidly to the ground with the included stakes and tie-down rope to resist the elements.


  • Great for bowhunters
  • Strong and durable
  • Good resistance to the elements
  • Good concealment
  • Many shooting options/angles



  • Bulky without surprises

 [easyazon_cta align=”center” identifier=”B01BE8GF0A” key=”wide-orange” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]


All in all, you got three great models that are my absolute favorites but it goes without saying that it all comes down to personal preferences according to your style of turkey hunting. When it comes to hub-style ground blinds, I like them with lots of space where I can spend my whole day in it without feeling stuck and get maximum room to take a bow shot. Turkeys are quite different than deer and do not care as much about camouflage and will come walk across your blind as long as they don’t see movement or a silhouette. If I had to tell my number one ground blind, I would say the [easyazon_link identifier=”B00UXB78LA” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]Barronett Big Cat 350[/easyazon_link]. There is plenty of space and since I am not that tall, I don’t need to get the increased height of the [easyazon_link identifier=”B01BE8GF0A” locale=”US” tag=”astraightar0d-20″]Ameristep Sanctuary[/easyazon_link]that would only add to the bulkiness.

Hope this post was helpful to you and that it made your mind clearer about what type and model suit you best.

About the author: 

Marc B: When it comes to archery and bowhunting, Marc is a passionate who likes to share his knowledge and thoughts about the sport. He is one of the proud owners of Hunting-Bow.com with his equally passionate friend, where the goal is the help other archers and bowhunters fulfill their equipment needs.