Would anyone commit to bringing a handgun for a hunt in the wild? Despite all the rage of long-range hunting, the answer is a yes.

Why handgun hunting? Well, it demands more of the hunter, so it’s a bit more challenging. Hunting using a handgun offers a thrill of its own. It’s perfect for anyone willing to exert more time and effort in practicing with their firearm. Unlike rifles and muzzleloaders, handguns don’t offer the best accuracy at greater distances, so you have to close the gap between you and the game.

There are several things you need to prepare to start your handgun hunting journey. This article can help you get started the right way with the beginner’s guide below.

  • Choosing Your Handgun 

The first step is to choose your handgun if you still don’t have one. Make sure you’re rational about selecting a firearm. Look for something that’ll give you a straightforward introduction to the world of guns.  

The good news is that there are various handgun configurations available to suit different needs. Your options for handguns only include semi-automatics, bolt-actions, single-shots, and revolvers because they’re the ones suitable for hunting. Note that each of them comes with pros and cons based on their design.  

Bolt-action handguns provide users with access to additional ammo rounds.

Then, you have single-shot handguns that provide you with access to only one round. With that said, it’s the type of handgun with which you wouldn’t want to miss a shot.

Next are the semi-automatic handguns. Although they’re versatile, it’s hard to add optics to this type of firearm. However, even without a rest or stand, semi-automatics are easy to shoot. Common examples of semi-automatic handguns are 380s and 9-mms. It’s best to check a review of the best 380 pistols if you’re going for this option. 

Lastly, you have revolvers. They come in two configurations: single- and double-action. Double-action revolvers are fire and cocked with the help of a trigger, while single-actions require manual cocking with a hammer.

  • Type Of Ammunition 

The next step is to choose the best ammunition type to use. Do this after you’ve already selected a hunting handgun.  

Note that different hunting zones and states have hunting regulations that cover minimum caliber and muzzle energy. Before choosing your ammo, it’s best to check those out. You wouldn’t want to purchase ammunition you won’t be allowed to use in the field. 

There’s a suitable caliber for the type of game you’ll be hunting. For example, deer hunting will have .357 Magnum as its minimum requirement. Of course, more effective and larger calibers are ideal for hunting bigger game. However, experienced hunters are mostly the ones who use them, such as the .41 Rem. Mag.

  • Selecting Optics 

It’s time to choose the best optics to use now that you have your handgun and ammunition ready. You need the best optics for sighting and targeting your game.  

Depending on the game and range, several choices for optics are available. Most of the hunting you’ll do is mid-range since you’re using a handgun. Therefore, you need a quality handgun red dot. An illuminated red dot on your target will be formed by this non-magnifying reflector. It will provide you with a point of aim.

Becoming A Better Handgun Hunter: Tips To Ponder 

If it’s your first time to hunt or you’re new to using a handgun for hunting, then you’ll benefit from the following tips on how to improve your performance. 

  • Practice Your Trigger Control 

You may encounter trigger control problems because of the handgun’s shorter barrel. Work on your trigger squeeze to achieve a nice, clean break. Make sure that your sights will stay on target by spending plenty of time dry firing.

  • Avoid Gripping Too Tight 

Accuracy reduction results from gripping the gun too tightly as doing so causes the muzzle to shake. Instead of that, establish a firm grip in a way that your arm and hand muscles won’t feel strained.  

  • Use A Steady Rest 

A steady rest will result in more accurate handgun shooting in the field. With that said, take advantage of natural rests or take a tripod or bipod with you during the hunt.  

  • Lower The Power Of Your Magnification 

If possible, leave the magnification of the optic at its lowest. That’s because finding your target fast will be difficult with high magnification.

Final Thoughts 

It’s never easy to prepare for a first-ever handgun hunting trip. However, the incomparable experience that hunting brings makes everything worth it. Before going for a hunt, see to it that you understand all the firearm safety rules and regulations in your area. Don’t forget that ensuring your and other people’s safety is crucial to achieving a successful hunt.