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Before the Bow – Pursuing Archery as a Beginner

Bowman aiming arrow at target, image with selective focus

Are you looking to taking up a new hobby or sport? Perhaps you’ve read up about archery or have seen it on television. Archery is an addictive form of exercise that can gift you with a wide range of health and social benefits. One of the fantastic things about archery is that regardless of your experience, strength or fitness, anyone can become an excellent archer with consistent practice. In this article, we have a look at how you can pursue archery as a beginner, so read on to find out more! 

1. Consider Your Budget 

One of the first things to consider when thinking of taking up archery is the budget you are willing to work with.  We aren’t going to beat around the bush here – archery isn’t the cheapest of sports to pursue. In fact, a decent bow setup can cost you anywhere between $300 to $1000, depending on the variety you choose. Of course, as a beginner, there is no need for you to purchase high end archery gear – but do note that the better the quality of your bow and arrow, the higher the quality of your game. We always advise that you choose a budget you are comfortable with and stick to it. 

      2.    Traditional, Compound or Crossbow?

Now, when it comes to purchasing the ideal bow, we suggest heading to your local archery shop to find out which is the best option for you. There are three main types of bows – traditional, compound and crossbow. Heading to an archery shop is wise as you will be able to test these bows out hands on and decide on which you feel most comfortable using. Shop assistants will also be able to advise you on what bow is best suited to you, so don’t hesitate to ask for their opinion or advice. 

      3.    Find Out Your Draw Length and Weight 

Another factor to look into when you’re at your local archery shop is draw length and weight. All bows are usually setup for specific draw lengths and weights and have a small leeway for adjustment. This is why you need to get a bow that has a draw length/weight that is personally suited to you. Getting the proper draw length is extremely important for anyone who is pursuing archery. 

      4.    Let’s Look At Arrows

Next up, no bow is complete without its arrow. Many people get a little confused about the numbers they see on arrows and what they mean. Simply put, the numbers on the arrows indicate which is suitable for a certain draw length and weight. Every brand has a variety of arrows that are suited for a range of lengths and weights. Most brands will also offer you a chart to look at which will help you decide which arrow best suits your needs. The most important thing to note is that it is crucial for you to get a bow that can withstand your length/weight to prevent it from shattering, so always make sure you’ve purchased the correct arrow for your individual needs. 

      5.    Time To Accessorise

Once you’ve got your perfect bow and arrow, it’s time to accessorise. Some of the main things you’ll need are a release, finger guard, arm guard, stabiliser and arrow rest. Depending on what kind of bow you purchase, these accessories may vary. Your local bow shop will be able to assist you in what particular accessories you will need. Some bows will come with accessories included, whilst others will not. Always remember to check with the store assistant before purchasing any accessories. 

      6.    Sign Up For A Class

Now that you’ve got all your gear that is perfectly suited to you, it’s time to sign up to an archery class. We highly recommend signing up for classes as we believe that you’ll never get a true understanding until you take a hands on class. Instructors will show you exactly what you need to do and in the safest way possible, ensuring that you learn efficiently and are equipped with all the right knowledge. Classes are also a fantastic way to meet others who are interested in archery. It is also handy for you to set up a target in your home if you have enough space in your backyard so that you can practice when you’re not at class. 


We hope that this article has given you some quality insight into exactly what you need to know to pursue archery as a beginner. Archery can be a very fulfilling hobby and with enough practice and know-how, you’ll be a top archer in no time! 

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