Intense outdoor activities have been known to offer physical and emotional benefits. Whether you spend time outdoors with your friends and family or engage in solo activities, you can never compare its health benefits to the time you spend watching TV screens all day or a computer.

Several studies show that merely being outside boosts attention and memory. The benefits get even more noticeable if you take part in activities that stimulate the brain. That being said, let’s take a look at the top outdoor activities that can keep you healthy and busy. From swimming to kayaking and outdoor activities in between, we are certain of one of these activities will have you all out and having fun.


Paintball is a fun activity that goes without saying. This type of outdoor activity always stands out, and no matter your background, you will enjoy playing with paintball guns. The game is also fun to play with family and friends.

With the game, you can set goals and achieve them with your friends. In fact, you’ll have a great time anticipating your role in the game and what will happen before you start playing. Besides, you can use Gel blasters instead of paintball. Though the Gel blaster is similar to paintball, the device shots water beads instead of paints, which makes it more fun.


With swimming, you will not only keep yourself busy, but it can also help you cool off on a hot summer afternoon and lose weight. Swimming is one of the best ways to stay fit, and if you want to get strength training or cardio training and strapped for time, you can hit your target with a daily hour of swimming.

Swimming is a fun, easy, and beneficial activity anyone can do. Plus, it is full of beneficial and good things for both young and old, people with disabilities, and healthy people. This activity helps you build endurance, strength, and muscle tone, and you can do this all this year long.

Road tripping

One way to see the incredible places in Australia is road-tripping across the country. If you can drive non-stop for about six hours, you will not only see a lot but also exercise your muscles and legs. There are several significant open views in remote areas in Australia and across the world.

If you are lucky, you’ll be able to view a lot of stunning sights such as mountains, waterfalls, incredible architectural works, hills, try out new cuisines as well. There are several other adventures out there; you just need to know where to look.

Ride a bike

Biking is a fun activity that can be enjoyed by people of all ages, from kids to adults. It is also cheap, fun, and will take you to a more stunning and beautiful outdoor nature than your vehicle will ever take you. And since biking is a low-impact exercise, you can benefit physically and mentally.

Plus, you can replace running with biking if you want to go slow on your feet and knee. Riding to shops and work is one of the most time-efficient ways to sync your everyday routine with exercise.


Ziplining is an outdoor game that can get you the best experience you can ever have. So, next time you feel like doing a fun outdoor activity, sign up for a ziplining challenge in the company of your family or friend. Though this game can be frightening to those that are scared of heights, the tension you feel will reduce significantly if you are with family or friends. So, don’t allow your fear to stop you from experiencing a thrill-seeking adventure.


This is one of the most interesting outdoor activities you have to try, especially if you love nature. Kayaking is a fun and great activity for those who enjoy bloodcurdling thrills and those that enjoy the calmness that nature provides. It is also one of the many outdoor activities that allow you to work out while having fun.

Kayaking is a low-impact high energy game that is perfect for those in different age groups and an incredible way to lose weight. Besides kayaking being an all-inclusive sport, you can also enjoy it almost all year round, with the exception of the extreme winter period.

Scuba Diving

If you are yet to learn how to scuba dive, there is no better way to learn than now. Scuba diving is a fun activity that is great for both young and old. Moreover, it is also a great family bonding activity. With scuba diving, you will also learn new things that can give you positive energy. For instance, you will know more about life underwater, environmental protection, and a lot more.